Dear Parents,

January 22, 2013
Dear Mr. Helton’s Parents,
The Cowboy Breakfast and Carnival is right around the corner! Our PTO sponsors this
fun event each year to raise money for our school. The event is scheduled for Saturday,
February 23, 2013 from 9 am – 12 noon, and includes a breakfast, a carnival, and a
silent auction along with a raffle and a variety of entertainment.
Each class is asked to donate a basket(s) for the Silent Auction. The
theme for our class is Children’s Craft Supplies and will include
various items such as paints, paint brushes, clay, fun markers, etc. If
there are enough items, we will create two baskets. In that case, I will
split the items into a young and older child craft basket. Our PTO would
like to have 100% participation from every class. Therefore, each family is
being asked to consider a voluntary monetary or tangible item donation
toward the class basket. A suggested range is $10-$20 per student. Tax
deductible donations can be made payable to FORES PTO.
If you choose to make a monetary donation, please return it to Mr. Helton in an envelope
addressed to Laura Zimmerman. If you prefer to donate a tangible item, please send this in
with your child (There will be a designated box in the classroom). If you have connections
with a craft supply store or a paint your own pottery business, let me know and I can get you a
letter to use to ask a business owner for a donation. Any contribution will be greatly
appreciated and will help our class make a valuable and desirable basket. Donations for
our class are due by next Monday January 28th.
Please note - If you have extra items/services you would be willing to donate that do not fall
within our class theme, please contact Tara Leonard at or by
phone at 830-446-2562.
All baskets are due and will be displayed in the hallways of the school beginning
Wednesday, February 13th. Bidding will begin on Thursday, February 14th and
will end at 11:30 am on Saturday, February 23rd.
With your help, this will be a successful and fun-filled event for all! If you have any questions,
please feel free to contact me.
Laura Zimmerman
214 478-6669