Michael Questier is Professor in History at Queen Mary

(September-December 2008)
Michael Questier
Professor in History at Queen Mary
During this term, I have, in conjunction with Dr Caroline Bowden of Royal Holloway
College, set up and commenced an AHRC major research project (£527,000 FEC
adjusted £659,000) which is being hosted by the QM history department and is entitled?
Who were the Nuns??: a complete prosopography of all English women religious
(estimated at 3750 individuals) between 1558 and 1720. The project aims to recover and
analyse the records and membership of twenty-two religious institutions in exile, and
will reveal, by means of a prosopographically-modelled relational database, the links
between institutions, families and wider international communities, and the extent of
these religious houses? Patronage networks, administrative practices and contributions
to contemporary politics and culture. We hope it will become an important research tool
for scholars concerned with the cultural politics of gender in the early modern period. If
we are successful, the project’s findings will be made available through the internet.
In October, I published "Catholic Loyalism in Early Modern England" in English
Historical Review 123 (October 2008), pp. 1132-1165.
I have also completed and sent in to the Royal Historical Society, the typescript for a
volume entitled "Stuart Dynastic Policy and Religious Politics, 1621-1625". This will be
published early next year by the Royal Historical Society, as part of the Camden Society
fifth series.
I have, with Professor Peter Lake (now of Vanderbilt University) finished a text on the
mid-Elizabethan Catholic martyr Margaret Clitherow. We are currently searching for a
I have continued to convene the Tudor/Stuart seminar at the IHR.
I was delighted to accept the offer of a University of London Fellowship in the School of
Advanced Study and was very grateful for the support it afforded me.