
AP Computer Science Institute for Local District Superintendent Approval
In the 2004 school year LAUSD conducted a successful Advanced Placement Computer Science
(APCS) Institute. 28 teachers from 22 schools attended the institute. According to data compiled
by the Program Evaluation and Research Branch, the number of schools offering APCS more
than doubled from 11 in 2003 to 24 in fall of 2004. The total number of students taking AP
Computer Science rose from 225 to 395 in the same time period. The number of females doubled
from 47 to 107 and the number of Hispanics tripled from 53 to 169 and African American rose
41% from 17 to 24 taking AP Computer Science.
The 2005 proposal for the AP Computer Science Institute addresses the “Action Plan for
Culturally Relevant Education that Benefits African American Students and all Other Students”
(Tenet 1: Student Opportunity to Learn). It also aligns with federal, state and District initiatives
to “eliminate the achievement gap.” The achievement gap is apparent in the low numbers of
underrepresented students who are prepared to take advanced math courses, and who major in the
math and sciences at postgraduate institutions. African-American and Hispanic students are also
underrepresented in math, science, and computer science career fields.
Presently, there are still too few AP Computer Science courses in LAUSD. Only half of the 58
LAUSD high schools that participated in the 2004 AP Examinations currently offer APCS. Thus,
there is still insufficient access for underrepresented students who have the necessary math skills
to be successful in Advanced Placement computer science. While females outnumber males
19,830 examinations, 59.5% to 13,482 examinations, 40.4 % in the total number of AP
examinations taken in LAUSD, they are underrepresented in APCS courses. The table below
shows that statewide females account for only 15 % of the 2003 and 16% of the 2004 APCS
exams (The College Board).
2003 APCS exams
2004 APCS exams
In 2004, while the overall number of AP Exams taken has increased, the number of APCS exams
taken has decreased. Many schools did not offer APCS course due to the change in programming
language for the exam. The table above shows the downward trend with the exception of females.
One of the key indicators for success in AP computer science is completion of the Algebra II
course. Information contained in Mem-1306, October 1, 2004 shows that while 2,101 AP calculus
examinations were taken by LAUSD students, only 153 students (down from 201 in 2003) took
the AP computer science (A) exam and 15 (down from 18 in 2003) took the AP computer science
(AB) exam. We believe the 2004 and 2005 AP Computer Science Institutes will begin to reverse
this downward trend for the 2005 APCS exams.
Urban school districts across the nation are developing partnerships to improve school capacity
and student performance. Among educational reformers and policy-makers, there is increased
understanding that the problems in education cannot be addressed in isolation. Through
partnerships, school districts are able to move beyond the confines of the districts’ limited
resources to address problems that are too vast to be solved alone.
The 2005 AP Computer Science Institute proposal seeks to continue the collaborative partnership
among the District, and UCLA, and CISCO Systems established in 2004. The APSC institute will
prepare our teachers to teach AP Computer Science using Java and provide our students the best
chance to succeed in fields where they are traditionally underrepresented. The 2005 institute will
focus on increasing teacher proficiency with the Java programming language as well as spot
lighting dynamic pedagogy and student inquiry by integrating the marine biology case study into
the Java course to improve instruction and increase student achievement on the AP computer
science examination.
UCLA will provide teachers and students with access to university professors and student
mentors and the research necessary to ensure success for all students. The partnerships with Cisco
will ensure that the skills students acquire through this program are aligned with skills necessary
for successful completion of the AP course and competition in the world market. The Cisco
Networking Academy has agreed to furnish at no cost a Java course, curriculum, and an online
student management system with grade books and assessments. Cisco has also committed to
holding Girls in IT day with LAUSD to encourage females to pursue technical careers.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the goal of the program?
The goal is for participating schools to offer an AP Computer Science A course with 35 students
2. How will this be evaluated?
The program will be evaluated by UCLA and district staff through teacher interviews and
surveys, student surveys and examination of District course and student enrollment data as well
as AP exam data from The College Board and from the CDE. Teachers will answer pre and post
institute survey questions on recruitment, student selection procedures as well questions on
effective teaching pedagogies.
3. What determines success?
1. Improved teacher readiness to offer AP computer science
2. 20-28 teachers complete the Java certification
3. Review UCLA research on effective and dynamic teaching pedagogy for computer
4. Increasing the number of schools offering the AP computer science AB course by 25%
5. Increase the overall number of student taking the AP computer science AB exam from
18 to 100
6. Increase the number of African Americans taking the course and AP exam by 25-50%
7. Increase the number Latinos taking the course and the AP exam by 25-50%
8. Increase the number of females taking the course and AP exam by 25-50%