form 4 – summary of appraisal discussion with

Oxford Deanery Postgraduate School of Paediatrics
Job Description for Paediatric Specialty Training
School of Paediatrics
The School of Paediatrics oversees all aspects of training in Paediatrics in the Oxford Deanery, which
encompasses the northern area of NHS Education South Central. The Oxford Deanery covers Oxfordshire,
Berkshire and Buckinghamshire, and includes paediatric training in a range of Community and Acute Trusts,
providing a varied and interesting training.
The School of Paediatrics offers training for the full 8 years from ST1-ST8 including a number of National Grid
training programmes for those who want to sub-specialise. The OxPaEd training programme for level 1 training
has been developed and all level 1 trainees are expcted to use the RCPCH master course to help them pass the
Membership of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health examination. For levels 2 and 3 training we run
2-monthly regional training days. We have strong links with the University of Oxford and offer encouragement to
those who want to follow on an academic career, with 3 Clinical Lecturer slots. Oxford has a strong tradition of
less than full-time training (LTFTT) and this is encouraged.
For all information about the structure of training and the individual departments, please see the School of
Paediatrics website (
Training Programme
The training programme begins from entry at ST 1 after the first two years of Foundation Training, and
trainees will progress according to acquisition of competencies until the third level of competency is
reached. This will usually be after 8 years, but may in some cases be as short as 5 years. Therefore the
programme is flexible, and various posts within it are multi-potential.
Run-through programmes for levels 1 and 2 training occurs in posts across the region. Programmes for
level 3 training vary according to the career pathway of individual trainees. Based on the current
consultant requirements, two thirds of trainees are expected to follow the general paediatric curriculum
and one third to follow paediatric subspecialty curricula (including neonatology and community
paediatrics). Trainees who wish to train in the smaller subspecialties compete nationally during level 2
training, and some tertiary subspecialty training programmes cross deanery boundaries.
The Paediatric Departments in the Hospitals in the programme are:
Oxford Children’s Hospital, Oxford
Royal Berkshire Hospital, Reading
Wexham Park Hospital, Slough
Wycombe General Hospital, High Wycombe
Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Aylesbury
Milton Keynes General Hospital, Milton Keynes
Level 1 Training (ST1-3)
Years ST1 and ST2 comprise basic specialist training. All trainees spend the first year in one of the
District General Hospitals in posts which provide a mix of neonatal and general paediatric training. The
second year is spent in Oxford, and most trainees will have the opportunity of working in Specialty
posts as well as doing 6-8 months of neonates in the tertiary neonatal unit. Alternatively some trainees
may have the opportunity to work for 6 months in this year in one of the larger regional hospitals. For
some, this is all that is required to move on to level 3 training after obtaining the MRCPCH. Those who
need to do a third year (or 6 months) of further training in ST3, will spend time in posts around the
region. There are generally 12 or 13 posts in each of the first three years.
Training is carried out according to the RCPCH curriculum for level 1 training.
The Job Descriptions for the posts can be found here Milton Keynes, Reading, Wexham Park, Bucks
hospitals, Oxford general and specialty paediatrics and Oxford neonates.
The Training Programme Director for level 1 training is Dr Charlotte Bennett
JAE, January 2010
Level 2 Training (ST4-5)
During these two years the core middle-grade competencies are learned during posts in general
paediatrics, community paediatrics and neonates, each of which is at least 6 months long – generally 1
year in general paediatrics, and 6 months in each of community paediatrics and neonates. The majority
of these posts are provided outside Oxford. Competencies will be assessed and it may be possible to
complete core training in 18 months.
The training will be according to the RCPCH curriculum for level 2 training.
The Job Descriptions for the posts around the Deanery can be found here (click each for the job
Reading general and neonates (not yet available)
Reading core community (not yet available)
Milton Keynes
Bucks Hospitals
Oxford Acute Paediatrics
Oxford Core Neonates
Wexham Park
Level 3 Training
This training would generally last three years although there is the possibility of reaching the
competencies in general paediatrics in two years. Programmes vary according to the career pathway of
individual trainees. Based on the current consultant requirements, two thirds of trainees will be
expected to follow the general paediatric curriculum and one third will be expected to follow paediatric
subspecialty curricula (including neonatology and community paediatrics).
We have four Higher Specialty Training Community Paediatric posts in the Deanery, in which trainees
will spend 2 years in one centre, and the third in either another Commnity post, or in an allied specialty
such as neurology
The job descriptions of these posts can be found here
Reading HST Community Post
Milton Keynes
East Berks (Wexham Park; not yet available )
Oxford HST Community post
Trainees who wish to train in the smaller subspecialties will compete nationally during level 2 training,
and some tertiary subspecialty training programmes will continue to cross deanery boundaries. These
posts will continue to be organised through the National Grid scheme.
National training grid
The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health runs the NTN Grid Scheme to allow trainees to
compete for nationally available subspecialty training programmes. On an annual basis in the autumn,
appropriate trainees (usually for those going into year ST6 or SpR 4) are requested to submit
applications for competitive entry into a NTG post. Almost all pediatric subspecialities participate in
this scheme and there is comprehensive information about the scheme on the RCPCH website..
The Specialty posts available in Oxford include the following :
(click job description for each post)
Oncology (may include National Grid)
Gastroenterology (may include National Grid)
Respiratory Paediatrics (may include National Grid)
Endocrinology and Diabetes
Neurology (may include National Grid)
Intensive Care (includes one post with secondment to Paediatric Cardiology for a year)
Tertiary Neonatology (may include National Grid)
Please note that training is not provided in the Oxford Deanery in nephrology, infectious diseases (apart
from academic posts) or rheumatology
JAE, January 2010
In addition, there is one Specialist Neurodisability post available on the National Grid in which rotates
between the Community Paediatric Department in Reading and the Wolfson Centre in London. For the
job description, click here
Following subspecialty attachments in Oxford, most trainees will then return to the District General
Hospitals to consolidate their acute paediatrics, but also to learn the skills required for the management
of long-term conditions and the further managerial roles of a consultant paediatrician.
The Training Programme Director for level 2 and 3 training is Dr Kate Wheeler
e-portfolio and Assessment
All trainees, both LAT and substantive, will be expected to enrol with the RCPCH and to use the eportfolio to collect evidence of competency. In addition LATs will be expected to complete
workplace-based assessments at the same rate as substantive trainees. Progression will be assessed by
an ARCP at the end of the period of training or annually for those working in the School for longer
than a year.
Educational Supervision
All trainees will be provided with an Educational Supervisor from the School of Paediatrics, who is
appropriately trained and selected for the position. The trainee will be expected to arrange regular
meetings with the educational supervisor, and these will be documented on the e-portfolio.
Research and Audit
No specific opportunities within the training programme for research, but participation in any research
in each individual department is encouraged.
Participation in audit encouraged and is necessary to progress through the training programme.
Contract of Employment
Trainees will be placed in a position in one of the Trusts by the School and Deanery staff. The contract
will be with the Trust, and therefore a trainee will be provided with a specific Job Description once
they have been appointed.
JAE, January 2010