Checklist to hold a CONNECTED offsite clinic using Panorama

Panorama in Manitoba
Checklist to hold a CONNECTED offsite clinic using Panorama
September 29, 2014
1. Laptop computers available
a. Computers have appropriate security
2. Site has connectivity
3. Site size/volume is appropriate (metrics not currently available but will be developed in
conjunction with RHA experience)
4. Nurses/clerks to be assigned to site:
a. Have Panorama IDs
b. Confident using Panorama
5. Downtime procedures determined and known
6. Public Health Manager/Nurse contacts:
a. Regional IT support and identifies timelines and requirements to obtain support
for the clinic
b. Senior business person at the site where you want to host the clinic(e.g.
Principal, facility manager, etc.) and asks whether site will let public health run a
connected clinic using their internet connections
c. Sets up contact between Regional IT support and Site IT support to determine
whether the site meets requirements.
7. Regional IT support and Site IT support meet:
a. Determine location(s) where the clinic can be held (locations where we can
i. Location is appropriate for clinic?
b. Internet access
i. Meets connectivity requirements
1. Determine if a test is required to verify
ii. Number of connections and location of connects are appropriate
iii. Availability of electrical outlets
iv. Protocols for using the internet
v. What support is available during the clinic to support public health users
if problems arise?
8. Regional IT support reports back to Nurse/Public Health Manager. Nurse/Public Health
Manager determines if site meets requirements.
9. Site is booked for clinic
10. Regional IT support performs test of site (if required)
a. May include local public health staff person travel to site with laptop to
determine performance meets requirements
11. Regional IT support updates laptops to include applets or log on shortcuts (if required)
12. Regional IT support creates support checklist and toolkit for public health users to
access the internet from the offsite clinic location.
a. Checklist includes:
i. Log on protocols including user names and passwords for internet access
at the offsite location
ii. Names and phone numbers of Regional IT support for and Site IT
iii. Troubleshooting advice for solving connectivity issues
b. Toolkit includes:
i. Power bars and extension cords
ii. Network cables
iii. Duct table
13. Nurse/Public Health Manager creates/confirms downtime procedures and conditions
under which they will be used
14. Regional IT Support and Nurse/Public Health Manager brief clinic staff on process and
procedures for clinic
15. Clinic is delivered
16. Lesson learned exercise to update the processes, checklists and supports. Identify
criteria to use to decide when an offsite direct entry clinic should be used.