2007 International Workshop on Graph Theory, Algorithms and Its

2007 International Workshop
on Graph Theory, Algorithms and
Its Applications
in Computer Science
Beijing, China,
May 27-30, 2007
Call For Papers
2007 International Workshop on Graph Theory, Algorithms, and its
Applications in Computer Science (IWGA2007) is a workshop of ICCS 2007(see
http://www.iccs-meeting.org), and aims to bring together researchers and scientists
from Graph Theory, Algorithms and various application areas such as Networks,
Cryptographs, Grid Computing, Computational Biology, Web Technology, Data
Mining and so on, to discuss problems and solutions in the areas, to identify new
issues, exchange ideas, and to shape future directions for research, as well as to help
industrial users apply various advanced graph theory, algorithm techniques. The
accepted papers will be published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS),
Springer, which will be indexed by SCI.
Graph theory has many applications in Computer Science such as Cryptography,
Network, Computational Biology, Grid Computing and so on. It is the important
foundation in Theoretical Computer Science. Many authors are interested in it.
The theme of this workshop is to provide a forum for discussing Graph Theory,
Algorithms and its applications in computational Science so that participants make
use of Graph theory as a basic method to further develop computer science and to
incur new development of computer science technology. It's observed that, over the
past few years, there have been a growing number of critical application areas (such
as cryptography and grid computing). This workshop aims to provide a platform for
researchers to exchange ideas on applied aspects of new Graph theory, and to
stimulate further researches to innovating and/or important applications in Computer
Science and engineering aspects.
Topics of Interests: IWGA2007 invites all original papers on all topics
related to graph theory, algorithms, networks, cryptographs, web search and
technology and so on, including (but not limiting) to the following:
Graph Theory
Graph Theory Algorithms
General Algorithms
Algorithm Complexity and Analysis
Network Theory and its Algorithms
Applications of Graph Theory and Algorithms in Networks
Applications of Graph Theory and Algorithms in Cryptographs
Applications of Graph Theory and Algorithms in Computational Biology
Applications of Graph Theory and Algorithms in Computing Grid
Applications of Graph Theory and Algorithms in Web technology and
Search Engine
Applications of Graph Theory and Algorithms in Data Mining
Applications of Graph Theory and Algorithms in Computational Science
Applications of Graph Theory and Algorithms in Electric Circuits
Applications of Graph Theory and Algorithms in System Science
Applications of Graph Theory and Algorithms in Management Science
Applications of Graph Theory and Algorithms in Society Science
Important Dates:
Full papers submission
December 1, 2006
Notification of acceptance of papers
February 3, 2007
Camera ready papers
February 19, 2007
Early registration opens
February 19, 2007
Early registration closes
March 30, 2007
Paper Submission: The submitted paper must be
formatted according to
the rules of LNCS (for formatting information see Information for LNCS Authors).
Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and
present the paper. PostScript and source versions of your paper must be submitted
electronically through the paper submission system in ICCS 2007 website and email
to: iwga07@yahoo.com. The accepted papers will be a part of ICCS2007 proceeding
and published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer, which will
be indexed by SCI. Please note that you must choose "2007 International Workshop
on Graph Theory, Algorithms and it Applications in Computer Science" as your
workshop while submission,
Please, note that papers must not exceed eight pages in length, when typeset using the
LNCS format while submission.
The conference hotel of IWGA 2007 will be at Beijing Conference
Center with a room rate of $80 to $100.
Program Committee for IWGA2007:
Mingchu Li, Dalian University of Technology, China (Co-Chair)
Dick van Albada, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Co-Chair)
Zhi-Hong Chen, Butler University, USA
Hong-Jian Lai, West Virginia University, USA
Xueliang Li, Nankai University, China
Bosiljka Tadić, Institute of Jožef Stefan, Slovenia
S. Thurner, COSY Medical University of Vienna, Austria
Jun Wang, Dalian University of Technology, China
Jin Xu, Peking University, China
Weimin Zheng, Tsinghua University, China
Conference Organiser:
same as ICCS 2007 (see
Tel: (0411)8757-1522