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Name: ____________________________
Date: ______________________
Game Worksheet
Directions: Fill in the answers to the questions by following the game. Make sure you fill
in the correct answer in the blanks! Click on one of the resource links and add something
you learned from going to that link on the lines provided.
1. The first animal has an exoskeleton, claws and ten legs. It is an invertebrate and
crustacean. Most of these types of this animal live in the ocean but some live on land.
The animal can walk or run sideways, burrow and swim. You may have eaten this animal
before. What is this animal called? __________________________
Fact From Link: __________________________________________________________
2. This animal is a snakelike fish that doesn't have scales. It lives in the shallow waters of
the ocean. It can live in both salt and fresh water. Its body is protected by a layer of
slippery mucus. What is the name of this animal? __________________________
Fact From Link: __________________________________________________________
3. The next animal is found in tropical and warm temperate waters around the world. It
has a soft body with a well-developed brain and has eight arms. Each arm has two rows
of suckers. It can change the color and texture of their skin rapidly. What is this animal
called? __________________________
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Fact From Link: __________________________________________________________
4. This animal is an invertebrate with a soft body. It also can change the color of its skin
to mimic its environment and hide from predators this is called camouflage. It moves by
squirting water from its mantle through its siphon. When in danger, it squirts a cloud of
dark ink in order to confuse their attacker and allow itself time to escape. What is this
animal called? __________________________
Fact From Link: __________________________________________________________
5. This animal has 3,000 teeth at any one time. Its body is torpedo-shaped. It has a
pointed snout, a crescent-shaped tail, 5 gill slits, and 3 main fins. When the animal is near
the surface, the dorsal fin and part of the tail are visible above the water. It lives in
temperate coastlines around the world. What is this animal called?
Fact From Link: __________________________________________________________
6. This animal lives in the sea, only a few live in fresh water. It is 98% water. It has a soft
body and long, stinging, poisonous tentacles that are used to catch their pray. Venom is
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sent out through stinging cells called nematocysts. It is an invertebrate. What is this
animal called? __________________________
Fact From Link: __________________________________________________________
7. This animal is found in temperate and tropical coastal waters around the world. It is
usually found in warm, shallow water in seagrass beds, mangroves, and corals. This
animal avoids being swept away with the current, by wrapping its tail around nearby
vegetation. This is a special adaptation for the animal. The male gives birth to the babies,
not the female. What is this animal called? __________________________
Fact From Link: __________________________________________________________
8. This animal is mostly found in sub-tropical and tropical marine waters including coral
reefs in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. It can sometimes be found in salty and
fresh water. When this animal is threatened, it can become up to about two times its
normal size by gulping water. It can only swim at about half its normal speed when it is
being threatened. What is this animal called? __________________________
Fact From Link: __________________________________________________________
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9. The animal is a spiny, hard-skinned animal that lives on the rocky sea floor. It is an
invertebrate and echinoderm. This animal moves very slowly along the sea bed, using
hundreds of tiny tube feet to move. It has five arms (or a multiple of five) that comes out
from a central part of its body. It doesn't have a brain. What is this animal called?
Fact From Link: __________________________________________________________