



Nina Græger

Søndre vei 96, 1397 Nesøya,

, mobile: + 47 918 48 675

Marital status: Married, two children (born in 2000 and 2002)

Current academic employment

Senior Research Fellow, 2006- to present

Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) , 1998-to present

Adjunct Associate Professor , 2013- to present

The Norwegian University of Life Sciences

Lecturer, course convenor, supervisor and examiner, MSc-programme in IR

Academic employment record

Head of Section , Security and Defence Group, 2012-2013

(until Oct 2013)

Head of Department , Department of International Politics, 2008-2012

(Acting, July 2008-Aug 2009)

Research Fellow, 2000-06

(Maternity leave 4.5.2000–15.2.2001 and 5.11.2002–15.8.2003)

Researcher 1998-2000

Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI)

Researcher, 1994-98

(on leave in 1996)

The International Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO)

Research Coordinator (50% position) , Programme on National Identity and the EU, 1994-1995

ARENA, University of Oslo

Research assistant 1991-1994

NUPI, June-August 1993

PRIO, 1993-94

The Norwegian Atlantic Committee , 1991-92 (50 % position)

Student intern 1992-1993


Other relevant employment

Political adviser to Jens Stoltenberg, Minister of Industry and Energy (Jan – Nov), 1996

Norwegian Ministry of Industry and Energy

Research assistant/Trainee (50 % position), 1990-1991

IKO Group AS, IKO Public Management

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Secretary General (50% position), 1989-90

Young European Federalists in Norway (Europeisk Ungdom)


Phd [Dr. Polit, doctor rerum politicarum)], University of Oslo, Department of Political Science, 2007

MPhil [Cand.Polit] , University of Oslo, Department of Political science, 1994

Master thesis: European Integration and the Legitimation of Supranational Power: Dilemmas,

Strategies and New Challenges (defended in June)

BA [Cand.Mag] , University of Oslo, 1989

Political Science (foundation + intermediate course), East European Studies (foundation), French

(prep. course + foundation), one term at the Université de Caen, France

Academic project management

International projects:

Project leader, 2011-to present of Work Package 5: European Public Policy: Energy and Environment in GR:EEN - Global Reordering: Evolution through European Networks , EU FP7 funded research project 2011-2015. Coordinated by Uni. of Warwick

Project leader, 2010-2014, EU-NATO research package in EUPERFORM - Measuring the EU’s

Performance in International Institutions , Collaborative Research Project awarded by the

European Science Foundation & funded by the Norwegian Research Council 2010-2014.

Coordinated by Uni. of Aarhus

Research Co-ordinator, 2001-2004 for ‘Military power and security thinking’, section of The Nordic

Research Programme on Security Policy , funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers 2000-

2004. Coordinated by Teija Tiilikainen, FIIA

National projects (some with international partners):

Project Leader, 2015-2017, The Duty of Care: Protecting Citizens Abroad (Doc:Pro) , funded by The

Norwegian Research Council (SAMRISK II programme)

Leader, Work Package 3 (‘Norway and the EU’s foreign, security and defence policy’), 2014-2017, in

Small States in an Age of Global Shifts (EUNOR) , funded by The Norwegian Research

Council (Europe in Change programme – Phase II)

Project Leader, 2013, pre-project under the SAMRISK II programme, funded by The Norwegian

Research Council

Research Co-ordinator, 1998-2000, NUPI’s research on the OSCE and Norway’s chairmanship

Research Co-ordinator, 1994-1995, research group on ‘Nation building and identity’ at the ARENA programme , University of Oslo, 1994-

Research Program Director, 2006-2008, Hegemony and World Order , research programme at NUPI funded by the Norwegian Research Council 2002-2007


Member, Editorial Board of International Peacekeeping (Routledge), Nov 2014-

Co-editor of International Peacekeeping (Routledge), 2005- 2014

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Guest Editor, Special section ( Fokus) on ‘Imperier[Empires], Internasjonal Politikk 1: 85-208 (Oslo

University Press), 2008

Member, Advisory Editorial Board of Internasjonal Politikk (Oslo University Press), 2007-2013

University teaching, lecturing and supervision

Course leader/responsible and lecturer

Norwegian University of Life Sciences, MSc in International Relations, 2010-

-Courses: International Organizations (Fall 2013-), European security and the politics of the

EU (Fall 2014-)

-Modules: The Security and Politics of the EU (Fall 2010, Spring 2013), International

Organizations and Global Governance (Fall 2012)

Guest lectures at Bachelor and Master level (see further below) , 1997- to present

Tutor and external examiner

Master theses and exams at Bachelor- and Master level at the University of Oslo, University of

Trondheim (NTNU), the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, the Norwegian Defence University

College, The Norwegian War College,1997-to present


- The Norwegian Research Council (SAMRISK II programme) funding (10 mill. NOK) for ‘the Duty of Care: Protecting Citizens Abroad’, awarded 2014, project period 2015-2017 (I am project leader)

- The Norwegian Research Council (SAMRISK II programme) funding (100 000 NOK) for a Preproject on foreign policy, security and risk society, awarded 2013, project period 2013-2014 (I am project leader)

- European Science Foundation (ESF) Collaborative Research Project grant, national funding (appr.

4,8 mill. NOK to NUPI) from the Norwegian Research Council for EUPERFORM - Measuring the

EU’s Performance in International Institutions , awarded 2010, project period 2010-2014 (Project leadership and personal Post-doc grant for me) (For information on the project


- European Union Framework Programme 7 (EU FP7) grant for GR:EEN - Global Reordering:

Evolution through European Networks.

Funding for research and project management for Work

Package 5 ‘European Public Policy: Energy and Environment’ (5 mill. NOK to NUPI, total project funding: 80 million euros), awarded 2010 (with O. J. Sending), project period 2011-2015 (I am work package leader). For more informationsee

- Nordic Social Science and Humanities (NOS-SH), funding for 3 Exploratory workshops on

European and Nordic security, held in Sweden, Finland and Oslo, awarded 2008 (with W. Carlsnaes), project period 2008-2009

Other research grants (selected):

-MoD research grant for Norway and NATO’s Strategic Concept: Challenges, Concerns and

Conditions of Action , 2010

- MoD research grant for Towards NATO à la carte , 2010 (with J.M. Godzimirski and K.M.


- MoD research grant for The Revivial of Atlanticism in NATO?

, 2008 (with K. M. Haugevik)

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Educational/qualification grants (merit-based):

- Qualification grant (appr.1 mill NOK) funded by The Norwegian Research Council’s Balanse funds , awarded by external evaluation committee (appointed by NUPI), 2014

- PhD scholarship, 2000, from the Norwegian Ministry of Defence (3 years of funding)

- MPhil thesis scholarship, 1992, from PRIO (1 year of funding)

- MPhil thesis scholarship, 1991, from the Norwegian Atlantic Committee (1 year of funding)

Evaluations, academic commissions

Evaluation committees for academic positions [faglig bedømmelseskomité]:

2012 Head of evaluation committee, Senior Research Fellow position at the University of

Copenhagen, Department of Political Science (the Centre for Military Studies).

Included participation in interviews in Copenhagen (Jan 2013)

2011 Head of evaluation committee, Researcher in European studies, the Norwegian

Institute of Defence Studies/Norwegian Defence University

2008-2013 Member of various evaluation committees for academic positions at NUPI:

-Senior Research Fellow, Security and Defence Group, 2013

-Senior Research Fellow, Department of International Politics (in terrorism and international organised crime), 2012

- PhD Scholarship (3+1 year), Department of International Politics, 2011

-Senior Research Fellow, Department of International Politics, 2010

2005-2008 Member of the Appointment Council for academic positions [Tilsettingsråd] at NUPI

Expert committees:

2014- Member of a committee that is evaluating Norway’s future military service and conscription arrangement (Vernepliktsutvalget) in preparation for the next defence plan; consists of politicians, experts and trade union representatives appointed by the


Norwegian Ministry of Defence (on mandate from the government), October-

Member of reference group (by invitation) in the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign

Affairs who advices the Mfa on Emerging secuirty challenges and preparedness (in preparation for a White Paper)

2012 Member of expert committee (by invitation) in the Norwegian Research Council, responsible for writing the Background document for the research programme

‘Europe in transition – Phase II’ ( Europa i endring – fase II, 2014-2017)

2006 Member of Expert Panel (by invitation) in the project ‘Security and Privacy in

Europe’ in The Norwegian Council for Technology, funded by the EU FP7 ( PRISE)

1997-99 Head of the Advisory Board (by invitation) of the research project ‘The role and development of international institutions in a security policy perspective’ at the

Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI)

Appointment committees:

2007 Appointment of director at NUPI and research director at NUPI (as leader of the trade union NTL)

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Peer reviews:

2005for Security Dialogue, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Cooperation and

Conflict, International Political Sociology, Routledge, Internasjonal Politikk

Invited public talks and lectures

(titles on paper presentations at ISA- and ECPR conferences, project- and internal workshops etc. are available upon request)

Universities and Colleges (chronological):

-‘European security in crisis? The Ukraine crisis and the role of Europe’, lecture at the University

College in Oslo and Akershus, international master course in journalism, 10 October 2014

-‘European security arrangements and EU-NATO cooperation’, lecture at the Norwegian Defence

University (‘Sjefskurset’), 18 September 2014

-‘The cooperation between NATO and the EU’s CSDP – partnership on parallel tracs? Presentation at

NATO After the Wales Summit, high level conference organised by University of Cardiff, 2

September 2014

-‘NATO and the EU: facing the future together or apart?, Trends and Threats: NATO in the 21st century, conference, University of Copenhagen, 18 June 2014

-‘Assessing Performance as Practice: The EU at NATO’, Global Europe lecture series, University of

Bath, UK, 10 May 2011

University of Tromsø, in Tromsø, 2010, 2007

University of Agder, Kristiansand, 2010

University of Tromsø, in Bardufoss, 2008

University of Stavanger, 2010, 2007

University of Bodø, 2010, 2007

Norwegian Air Force College, 2010, 2007

Norwegian Naval College, course in international politics, 2010, 2007

University of Oslo, International Summer School:

‘A New Approach to Security’, 2 July 2008

(2007, two lectures)

‘Norwegian security and defence policy: From Invation to International Operations and Multi-

Polarity’, The Officer Candidate School of the Norwegian Armed Forces (

Forsvarets Tekniske

Befalsskole ), Sessvollmoen, 4 May 2009

‘The Norwegian Defence Discourse 1990-2005’, Swedish Defence University, September 2007

‘Studying Power and Politics in Security Policy: Theoretical and ‘Methodological Insights from the

Internationalization of the Norwegian Armed Forces’, trial lecture for the defence of the PhD,

University of Oslo, 16 August 2007

‘Norge som fredsnasjon – myte eller realitet?’, conference / master course lecture, Rena University

College (Høgskolen på Rena), 25 October 2007

‘Resource Scarcity and Conflict: Causal Relations’, Norwegian Defence Staff College (

Sjefskurset) ,

28 September 1999;

Norwegian Defence Staff College ( Sjefskurset) , 2004; 2007

‘Norge mellom Europa og USA’, The NUPI Annual Spring Conference, Hotel Bristol, Oslo, 25 April


‘NATO-ESDP – Challenges for Norway’, Norwegian Defence University College (Forsvarets høgskole), 1 March 2007

‘ESDP – Challenges for Norway’, Norwegian Defence University College (Forsvarets høgskole), 15

March 2006

‘The Role of the OSCE in the European Security Architecture. Regional Instrument for Conflict

Management’, Norwegian Defence University College (Forsvarets høgskole), 27 April 2001

‘Resource Scarcity as a Source of Violent Conflict’, Norwegian Staff College , 29 September 1998

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NATO Defence College (Senior Course), ‘Challenges for the Norweian Defence and Security Policy after the Cold War – an Academic Perspective’, Grand Hotel in Oslo, 11 June 2002

Norwegian Military Academy, ‘European security: NATO, WEU and the EU’ 1999, and in 1998

‘Multi-functional peace operations and the securitization of human rights’, July 1998, University of


‘The EU and Nordic Security and Co-operation’, Oslo Summer University, 31 July 1998

‘Environmental security’, University College of Health, Gothenburg, September 1998

School of Conscientious Objectors (course in violence and conflict prevention), Molde, 1997

‘Europeisk sikkerhet gjennom EU?’

, lecture, Forsvarets Forskningsinstitutt (FFI), 7 May 1997

‘Environmental security’, University College of Health, Gothenburg, November 1995

Other institutions (selected):

-‘Going Back to the Roots? New Threats, Old Tensions and The North Atlantic Treaty’, Military

Power Seminar, Oslo, 20 November 2014

-‘EU-NATO relations’, Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM), roundtable, Warsaw, 11 June


-‘Norwegian security policy’, board of the Norwegian Labour Party’s Women Policy Network

(invited by the leader of the Foreign- and Defence Committee), Norwegian Parliament, 20 May 2014

-‘NATO, CSDP and Norway’, The European Movement in Norway (Senior group), Oslo, 2012

-‘Contemporary Security Challenges – Consequences for Norway’, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign

Affairs, Section on security and transatlantic relations, 2010

-‘EU som sikkerhetspolitisk aktør’, Europapolitisk forskerforum, 23 March 2010

-‘Norway between the EU, NATO and the US’, The Norwegian Atlantic Committee, Oslo, 2010

‘NATO "à la carte" og nye konstellasjoner i europeisk sikkerhetspolitikk? Norske sikkerhetspolitiske utfordringer’, Oslo Military Society, Oslo, 9 November 2009 (with the presence of H.M. King Harald of Norway)

‘Utenriksministerenes norske ”konkurrenter”’, NUPI 50 Years Anniversary conference, Hotel Bristol,

Oslo, 17 November 2009

‘Strategisk tenkning, doktrineutvikling og det norske strategiske konseptet’, seminar, Norwegian

Defence University Staff College (Stabsskolen), 2009

‘On the legitimate use of armed force in operations’, Norwegian Student Union seminar, Oslo, 2008

‘Fra invasjon til innsats. Internasjonalisieringen av Forsvaret 1990-2005’, Norwegian Ministry of

Defence staff seminar, 15 December 2007

‘Forsvar uten framtid?’, breakfast meeting organised by Civita (Norwegian think-tank), Oslo, 9

November 2007

‘Norges internasjonale forsvarsforpliktelser’, conference on peace and defence policy perspectives of the future organised by Norwegian MoD, Norwegian Council for Peace, NTL, Oslo, 14 November


‘Europeanization of Norwegian security and defence policy, seminar (book launch), NUPI, 12.

October 2007

Course in international politics, The Norwegian Atlantic Committee, Oslo, 2007

‘Omleggingen av Forsvaret – debatten og legitimeringen’, The Military Power Seminar, Oslo,

November 2005

‘American hegemony in the Norwegian defence discourse’, Theory seminar series, The Norwegian

Institute of International Affairs, Oslo, 2005

‘The government’s platform on Europe’, Europapolitisk forskerforum, Norwegian MFA, 23 April


‘ESDP and the Nordic countries’, Finnish Institute of International Affairs, Helsinki, 2001

‘OSSEs feltaktiviteter og forholdet til andre internasjonale organisasjoner’, lecture, Statskonsult,

Oslo, 29 January 1999

‘European security organizations - lessons learned’, Accord seminar, Durban, October, 1999

‘Legitimacy and integration: The EU's Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP)’, seminar,

PRIO, July 1994

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Invited comments (selected):

‘Defence: And what will Europe do?’, Europe seminar series, NUPI, 9 December 2013

‘The European Union’s External Action. International Security Challenges and Crisis Response?’

Roundtable, GR:EEN (

) Annual Conference, Brussels, 27-28 February 2013

‘The role of military power as a foreign policy tool’, The Military Power Seminar 2011, Oslo, 1

December 2011

‘Norwegian security and defence policy – challenges and opportunities’, Lunch seminar with the

Defence Ministers of Norway (Grete Faremo) and Germany (Dr. Thomas de Maizière) and

Norwegian and German journalists, at the coast guard vessel MV Andenes, Bodø, 13 September 2011

‘The Military Power Seminar 2009’, Oslo, November 2009

International seminar on the EU’s external action, NUPI , October 2011

‘Russian defence reform’, seminar, NUPI, 2009

‘Tar omstillingen aldri slutt? – Om forsvar og økonomi’, seminar on Norwegian defence transformation, organised by FFI, Oslo Military Society, 25 September 2007

‘Unipolarity, Realism and the Bush Doctrine’, conference on International Relations Theory,

Unipolarity and September 11 th : Five Years on, NUPI, 3 February 2006


Numerous comments to and interviews with Norwegian and, occasionally, international media on

Norwegian foreign, security and defence policy, NATO, European and global security issues and interventions; newspapers (e.g. Aftenposten, Bergens tidende, Dagbladet, Dagens Næringsliv,

Dagsavisen, Klassekampen, Ny tid, Stavanger Aftenblad, Universitas), and magazines (e.g. Forsvarets

Forum, Ukeavisen Ledelse, Økonomisk Rapport, UiO), TV (NRK1: Dagsrevyen, Kveldsnytt; TV2,

TV2 Nyhetskanalen), radio (NRK P2: Dagsnytt, Dagsnytt Atten, Søndagsavisa, Her og Nå; NRK P1:

Østlandssendingen; local stations/‘nærradioer’), I have participated in a video on Europe in change and European security aimed at high school pupils in 2000 produced by the Norwegian Broadcast).

Academic Boards

Centre for Military Studies, University of Copenhagen (Department of Political Science), Board

Member, 2014-to present

Nordic International Studies Association, Board Member, 2008- to present

Advisory Council for Disarmament and Security of the Norwegian Government, Member, 1996-2005

NUPI Board, staff representative,

The Nordic Summer University, Board Member, 1997-1999

Professional Association Memberships

Member of the Norwegian Atlantic Committee, 1995- to present

Member of Oslo Military Society, 2010- to present

Member of ISA, EISA, NISA

Relevant courses

Preventive Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution. A Multi Regional Project 1999, 3.-26. February in

Washington, Los Angeles and New York. Organisor: US Information Agency (the International

Visitor Program) in cooperation with the Meridian International Center, New York.

Conflict Management Workshop: Basic Conflict Management Skills 1998 , 14.-16. December,

Sørmarka, Norway. Organisor: The Centre for Conflict Management, Norway and PRIO.

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Conflict Management Workshop: Advanced Conflict Management Skills 1999, June, Sørmarka,

Norway. Organisor: The Centre for Conflict Management, Norway and PRIO.

Other merits

(selected, chronological)

1998-2012 Member of the Advisory Committee on Defence Policy of the Norwegian Labour

Party defence faction in Parliament (Forsvarspolitisk Kontaktutvalg)

2007-2011 Member (elected by popular vote) of the Local City Council (Bydelsutvalg) of

Grünerløkka in Oslo (40 000 citizens), representing the Oslo Labour Party

2005-2009 NUPI Board Member (employees representative)

1998-2010 Member of the Board of the International Forum of Oslo Labour Party

(Vice Chairman 1998-1999)

2006-2008 Head of the Civil Servants Association (NTL), NUPI

1997-1998 Head of the Civil Servants Association (NTL), PRIO

1997-1998 President of the Union of European Federalists (UEF) in Norway

1995-1999 Member of the International Committee of the Norwegian Labour Party

1991-1994 Member of the International Committee of the Oslo Labour Party

Publication list

Monographs and books

(2007) Norsk forsvarsdiskurs 1990-2005: Internasjonaliseringen av Forsvaret. Dr. Polit dissertation

(Ph D), Department of Political Science, University of Oslo. Oslo: Unipub, 365 pages.

(2002) The ESDP and the Nordic Countries: Four Variations on a Theme.

Helsinki: Finnish Institute of International Affairs / Berlin: Institut für Europäische Politik, 236 pages. (with Larsen, H

& Ojanen, H)

(1994) Kan EU være demokratisk? Politisk identitet og legitimering i en ny tid . Oslo: Ad Notam

Gyldendal. (with Hylland Eriksen, T.; J. H. Matlary and T. Myhre)

Articles (chronological)

(2011) “The EU’s performance with and within NATO: Assessing Objectives, Outcomes and

Organisational Practices”, European Journal of Integration 33(6): 743-757 (Special Issue)

(with K. M. Haugevik)

(2011) “‘Home and Away’? Internationalism and Territory in the Post-1990 Norwegian Defence

Discourse”, Cooperation and Conflict 44(1): 1-18.

(2011) ”Offisersprofesjon i endring: Internasjonaliseringen av norsk forsvarspolitikk etter 1990”

[Officer Profession in Transformation: The Internationalisation of Norwegian Defence Policy post 1990], Sosiologi i dag 41(1): 76-101

(2010) ”Utenriksministerens norske ’konkurrenter’ – Utenriksdepartementets ’funksjonstap’ på hjemmebane”, Internasjonal Politikk 68(1): 31-37 (Universitetsforlaget)

(2009) ”Norsk forsvarsdiskurs post-1990: Internasjonalisering og nasjonalt forsvar i nytt samspill”,

Internasjonal Politikk 67 (3): 351-380 (Universitetsforlaget)

(2008) ”Det franske imperium gjennom 400 år”, Internasjonal Politikk 66(1): 157-171.

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(2008) ”Konklusjon” om Imperier,

Internasjonal Politikk 66(1): 201-208 (with Erlend Grøner


(2007) ”Internasjonal politikk og Forsvaret: Internasjonalisering og akademisering av den militære utdanningen”,

Internasjonal Politikk 65(2)

(2005) “Norway between NATO, the EU and the US: A Case Study of Post-Cold War Security and

Defence Discourse”,

Cambridge Review of International Affairs , Vol. 18, No. 1, April, pp. 89-


(2005) ”Norway in a Transatlantic Tight Spot between US and European Security Strategies?”,

Security Dialogue 36(3): 412-416, September (Special section: “European Security and

Transatlantic Relations in the Age of International Terrorism: Challenges for the Nordic


(2005) “Norsk NATO-debatt etter den kalde krigen”, Internasjonal politikk 63(2-3): 217-240

(2005) “Norwegian Strategic Culture after World War II: From a Local to a Global Perspective”,

Cooperation and Conflict 40(1): 45-66, March (with Halvard Leira)

(2004) “Power Politics and the Use of Limited Force”, Global Change, Peace & Security 16(3), October

(Special section: “Symposium. Christian Reus-Smit’s American Power and World Order”)

(1996) “Environmental Security?”, Journal of Peace Research 33(1): 109-116

(1993) “The Legitimacy Deficit”, The New Federalist No. 1

Under revision:

“Security as Everyday Practice: The Evolving EU–NATO Community of Practice”

Book chapters

(2014) “Security. EU-NATO Relations: Informal Cooperation as a Common Lifestyle”, in Orsini, A

(ed.). The long-term political action of the EU with(in) international organizations , GREEN

Book Series n°4. London: Ashgate

(2014) “From ‘forces for good’ to ‘forces for status’?: Small state military status seeking”, in

Carvalho, B. de and I. B. Neumann. The Quest for International Standing . Small State Status

Seeking . London: Routledge

(2013) “The EU’s performance with and within NATO: Assessing Objectives, Outcomes and

Organisational Practices”, p. 145-160 in Orberthür, S.; K. E. Jørgensen and J. Shahin (eds.)

The Performance of the EU in International Institutions . Abingdon/ USA/Canada: Routledge.

ISBN: 978-0-415-62239-4. (with K. M. Haugevik)

(2012) “EU-NATO relations”, in Jørgensen, K. E. and K. Laatikainen (eds.):

Routledge Handbook on the European Union and International Institutions: Performance, Policy, Power (Handbook of European Politics series). London/New York: Routledge (with K. M. Haugevik)

(2009) ”NATOs tilpasning til nye rammebetingelser – militær og politisk omstilling”, s. 35-50 i

Rieker, P. & W. Carlsnaes (red.) Nye utfordringer for europeisk og norsk sikkerhetspolitikk –

’aktører’, instrumenter og operasjoner

. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.

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(2009) ”Norges sikkerhetspolitiske instrumenter – utfordringer og muligheter”, s. 151-164 i Rieker, P.

& W. Carlsnaes (red.) Nye utfordringer for europeisk og norsk sikkerhetspolitikk – ’aktører’, instrumenter og operasjoner . Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.

(2009) ”Hva betyr NATO for norsk sikkerhets- og forsvarspolitikk i dag?”,pp. 37-46 in Edström,

Håkan (ed.)

NATO at 60: Challenges Ahead – Implications for Norway , Conference proceedings from the 10 th Military Power Seminar 2008. Oslo: The Norwegian Defence

University College/NUPI

(2007) “Norway between Europe and the US”, pp. 94-114 in Clive Archer (ed.) New Security Issues in Northern Europe: The Nordic and Baltic states and the ESDP . London: Routledge

(2006) “Utenriksdepartementet og Forsvarsdepartementets rolle”, s. 67-88 in Birgitte Kjos-Fonn; Ole

Jakob Sending & Iver B. Neumann (eds.)

Norsk utenrikspolitisk praksis. Aktører og prosesser


Oslo: Cappelen Akademisk forlag. (with I.B. Neumann)

(2003) “The role of the OSCE and the European Union”, pp. 75-95 in Pugh, M. and W. P. S. Sidhu

(eds.) The United Nations and Regional Security. Europe and Beyond . Boulder, Co: Lynne

Rienner (with A. Novosseloff)

(2002) “Norway and the EU security dimension: A ‘troops-for-influence’ strategy”, p. 33-89 in Græger,

N, H. Larsen & H. Ojanen, The ESDP and the Nordic Countries: Four Variations on a

Theme . Helsinki: Finnish Institute of International Affairs (UPI)/Berlin: Institut für

Europäische Politik (IEP), 236 pages.

(2000) “Human Rights and Multi-functional Peace Operations”, pp. 175-190 in R. G. Patman (ed.)

Universal Human Rights? Basingstoke: Macmillan Press Ltd./New York, NY: St Martin's


(1992) “EU-institusjonene: sammensetning og funksjon”, in Norge ved et veiskille – følgene av ulike former for tilknytning til Det europeiske fellesskap, Statssekretærutvalget for

Europautredningen, Hovedrapporten. Oslo: Statsministerens kontor/Utenriksdepartementet

Research reports

(2013) “Norway and NATO’s Strategic Concept: Challenges, Concerns and Conditions of Action”,

Report to the Ministry of Defence. Oslo: NUPI (December)

(2012) ‘Europa i endring - fase 2: 2013-17: Faglig og tematisk grunnlag’, Rapport for forskningsprogrammet Europa i endring . Oslo: Norges forskningsråd [“Europe in Transition

“ - phase 2: 2013-2017: Academic and thematic basis”] (with Austvik, Ole Gunnar; Cathrine

Holst, Halvor Mehlum, Inger Johanne Sand and Kristian Steinnes)

(2011) “Norden in a Changing Global Order”, p. 25-39 in Tiilikainen, Teija and Kaisa Korhonen

(eds.) Norden – Making a Difference? Possibilities of enhanced Nordic cooperation in international affairs, FIIA REPORT 29 . Helsinki: The Finnish Institute of International Affairs

(2011) “Conclusion and policy recommendations”, p. 68-76 in Tiilikainen, Teija and Kaisa Korhonen

(eds.) Norden – Making a Difference? Possibilities of enhanced Nordic cooperation in international affairs, FIIA REPORT 29 . Helsinki: The Finnish Institute of International Affairs

(with Rikard Bengtsson, Kaisa Korhonen, Charly Salonius-Pasternak and Teija Tiilikainen)

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(2010) “Towards a NATO à la carte?

 Assessing the alliance’s adaptation to new tasks and changing relationships”, NUPI Report . Oslo: NUPI (with Jakub M. Godzimirski, Kristin M. Haugevik)

(2009) “The revival of Atlanticism in NATO? Changing security identities in Britain, Norway and


NUPI- report . Oslo: NUPI (with Kristin M. Haugevik)

(2009) (ed.) International Institutions, States and Conflict in a Non-Polar World: Political and

Strategic Challenges for Norway, Conference Proceedings from the 9 th Military Power

Seminar. Oslo: Norwegian Defence University College/NUPI (with Tormod Heier)

(2009) Nordic security competence: Bibliography on the foreign and security policy of the Nordic countries . Oslo: NUPI, 99 p. (with Forsberg, Tuomas; Leira, Halvard; Løvold, Andreas;

Rahbek-Clemmensen, Jon; Rasmussen, Mikkel Vedby and Maria Strömvik)

(2008) ”Norge, USA og det nye NATO”, in Iver B. Neumann (ed.)

Norge og alliansene – gamle tradisjoner, nytt spillerom . Oslo: NUPI

(2008) “Utenriks- og sikkerhetspolitikk”, in Helge Blakkisrud (ed.)

Utsyn Nord 2018 . Oslo: NUPI

(with Jakub Godzimirski, Pernille Rieker, John Kristen Skogan)

(2007) ”Norge er sine venners venn, men seg selv nok”, in Leira, Halvard (ed.) Norske selvbilder og norsk utenrikspolitikk . Oslo: NUPI

(1999) ”Regional stabilitet i Sørøst-Europa i lys av Kosovo-konflikten”, Aktuelle utenrikspolitiske spørsmål, UD-rapportserien 3 (99) . Oslo: NUPI (with Espen Barth Eide, Bengt Holmen, Kari

Osland & Ståle Ulriksen)

(1999) “Changing security concepts: The human rights challenge”, pp 45-60 in Anthony McDermott

(ed.), Sovereign Intervention , PRIO Report 2/99. Oslo: PRIO

(1999) “The European Security and Defence Dimension. Dilemmas and challenges for the EU, the

WEU and NATO”. NUPI Report 251, November. Oslo: NUPI

(1997) Norwegian Experience from Participation in Multi-functional Peace Operations . Research report to the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

(1996) The Western European Union: A Legitimate Instrument in the Common Foreign and Security

Policy and Defence Policy of the European Union?

Research report to the Norwegian

Ministry of Defence

(1995) “The Concept of Environmental Security – Political Slogan or Analytical Tool?”, PRIO Report no. 2/95. Oslo: PRIO (with Karin Dokken)

(1994) (eds.) “Environment, Poverty, Conflict”, PRIO Report no. 2/94, August. Oslo: PRIO. (with

Dan Smith)

(1994) ”En Union for alle? Demokrati, legitimitet og identitet i EU”,

PRIO-report no. 3/94,

November. Oslo: PRIO (with Kjersti Løken)

(1993) “Moldova and Transdnjestr”, Conflicts in the OSCE area . Oslo: PRIO/ The Ministry of

Foreign Affairs

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CV Nina Græger

(1993) “Central-Asia”, Conflicts in the OSCE area . Oslo: PRIO/ The Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Working papers (published)

(2014) ‘The Merging of Energy Security and Security: the Russia-Ukraine disputes and the In

Amenas Attack’,

GR:EEN European Policy Brief , March / April, University of Warwick

(available at


(2009) “Inside NATO - Outside the EU: Norwegian Security and Defence Policy in the High North”,

Series 4: Working Papers No. 32 , 2009. Helsinki: Finnish Defence University, Department of

Strategic and Defence Studies (in paper and on-line, available at:



(2008) “Empowering commercial actors: Outsourcing of humanitarian and development services in international peace operations and post-war settings”, Working Paper 751 , NUPI Series on

Security in Practice 15/08. Oslo: NUPI

(2007) ”Norges globale og regionale utfordringer i utenriks- og sikkerhetspolitikken”, Globale Norge

- hva nå?

Oslo: Utenriksdepartementet, Refleksprosjektet (published on-line 6 Desember)

(2000) ”Security Organisations in Europe – Lessons Learned from the European Experience”,

Occasional Paper No. 7. Durban: ACCORD

Popular/ non-academic publications (selected)

(2014) ‘Mer av NATO – i øst, sør og nord?’, Hvor Hender Det?

Vol 30/2014. Oslo: NUPI, September

(2014) ‘NATO and the EU: Facing the Future Together or Apart?’, in Dahl, A-S (ed.) Trends and

Threats. NATO in the 21 st

Century. Copenhagen: University of Copenhagen, Centre for

Miltary Studies

(2011) ”Norge mellom NATO, USA og EU”, Kort Info 2-2011 , Oslo: Den norske Atlanterhavskomité

(2010) ”NATO etter toppmøtet”, Hvor Hender Det?

(with Kristin M. Haugevik and Jakub

Godzimirski). Oslo: NUPI

(2010) ”Utsyn: NATO foran toppmøtet”,

Forsvarets forum nr. 11, november.

(2009) ”Obamas rakett-retrett”,

Verdens Gang (Op.ed), 29. September (with Julie Wilhelmsen)

(2009) “Utsyn: Nato etter toppmøtet”,

Forsvarets forum no. 5, May.

(2009) ”NATO 60 år: Jubilant ved viktig veiskille?”,

Hvor hender det ? Vol 2008-2009, No. 21, 31.

March. Oslo: NUPI. (with Kristin M. Haugevik)

(2009) ”NATO tilbake til start?”,

Bergens Tidende (Op.ed), 3. April (with Kristin M. Haugevik)

(2005) ”Forsvarspolitikk som utenrikspolitikk?”,

Dagbladet (Op.ed), 19. April (with Halvard Leira)

(2001) ”Ny giv i europeisk forsvarspolitikk – utfordringer for Norge”, Befalsbladet, Vol. 106, No. 2

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CV Nina Græger

(1999) “OSSE som en operativ sikkerhetsorganisasjon”,

Hvor hender det?

, Vol, 1998/99, No. 25.

Oslo: NUPI

(1999) “EUs sikkerhets- og forsvarspolitiske dimensjon”, Vårt Europa

, Nr. 2. Oslo: Europeisk

Ungdom/Young European Federalists in Norway)

(1997) “Europeisk sikkerhet gjennom EU?”,

Dagbladet (Op.ed), 4. April. (with Bjørn Olav Knutsen)

(1995) “Sikkerhet og miljøet”,

Hvor Hender det?, Vol. 1995/96, No. 14, 20. November. Oslo: NUPI

(1995) “Miljø eller sikkerhet?”, Dagbladet (Op.ed), 26. September

Book reviews

(2009) “Idealer og interesser i nytt samspill”, kommentar til Stortingsmelding nr. 15 (2008-2009),

Internasjonal Politikk 67 (3) (Universitetsforlaget)

(1999) “Security and the Copenhagen School”, Woodrow Wilson Center Report , May 1999, The

Environment and Security Project. Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson Center

(1998) “Sjelden vare”, Stat & styring Nr. 2. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget

(1998) “Et europeisk perspektiv på EU”, Internasjonal politikk Nr. 2. Oslo: NUPI

Research papers (unpublished)

A number of papers presented in Norway and abroad (titles and details available upon request)

Papers for the ISA every year since 2007, and in 2005 and 2003 before that

Papers for the ECPR conferences in 2004, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013

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