Review for ch 16 and 17

Name: ________________________________________________________ Period ________
Completion: Fill in the missing word to make the sentence complete and correct.
1. The combined genetic information of all members of a particular population is called a ___________.
2. The ___________ of an allele is the number of times that the allele occurs in the gene pool,
compared with the number of times other alleles appear.
3. A(n) _____________________ is a trait controlled by a single gene.
4. _____________________________ are controlled by two or more genes.
5. The _____________________ of an allele in a population is often represented by a percentage.
6. Paleontologists use a technique called _______________________
7. A(n) ________________ is a length of time required for half of the radioactive atoms in a sample to
8. The use of half-lives to determine the age of a sample is a process called ________________
9. Microscopic fossils may also be called _____________________
10. Large scale evolutionary changes that take place over long periods of time are called
11. The process by which unrelated organisms come to resemble each other is called _______________
12. A species or small group of species evolves into many new species during __________________
13. The pattern of long stable periods interrupted by brief periods of more rapid change is known as
Evidence of evolution: Five evidences of evolution are A (fossil evidence), B (homologous structures, C
(embryology), D (vestigial organs) and E (biochemical). Write the LETTER of the type of evidence.
14. Bones in a bird’s wing and a human’s arm are similar in structure
15. All organisms use ATP in energy transfers.
16. There are similarities in structure among the early stages of fish, birds, and humans.
17. Humans, unlike rabbits, have no known use for the appendix.
18. Horses have increased in size and decreased in number of toes since the Eocene.
Match the terms in the column I with the correct definition or name in column II
19. genetic drift
a. all genes in a population
20. gradualism
b brief periods of change interrupt long stable periods
21. natural selection
c. changes in gene frequency in small populations
22. divergent evolution
d. changes occur gradually over time
23. punctuated equilibrium
e. Darwin
24. mass extinction
f. determining age of fossils
25. mutations
g. gene or chromosome changes
26. gene pool
h. Lamark
27. convergent evolution
i. many species vanish at one time
28. radioactive dating
j. Mendel
29. use and disuse
unrelated species become more alike
Multiple choice. List the letter that best fits each question
30. When a paleontologist measures the amount of isotope present in a fossil, what dating technique is
he using? A. fossil dating B. radioactive dating C. relative dating D. geologic dating
31. What is the formation of a new species called?
A. directional selection B. Speciation
C. Founder effect
D. Temporal isolation
32. What situation occurs when members of two different species cannot interbreed and produce
fertile offspring?
A. reproductive isolation
B. Genetic equilibrium C. genetic drift D. natural selection
33. What kind of isolation occurs when two populations are capable of interbreeding but have
differences in courtship rituals or other types of behavior?
A. courtship isolation
B. behavioral isolation C. geographic isolation
D. temporal isolation
34. Two population kept separate by a river are characterized by
A. genetic drift
B. disruptive selection
C. geographic isolation
D. temporal isolation
35. What situation occurs when two or more species reproduce at different times?
A. stabilizing selection
B. behavioral isolation C. geographic isolation
D. temporal isolation
36. We are currently living in the Cenozoic
A. era
B. period
C. year
D. century
37. What is(are) measured in eras and periods?
A. relative dates
B. fossil records
C. Precambrian Time
38. Huge numbers of species disappear at once during
A. punctuated equilibrium
B. mass extinction
C. coevolution
D. geologic time
D. adaptive radiation
39. A species that is easily recognizable existed for a relatively short period of time and covered a wide
geographic area may be used as a(an)
A. index fossil
B. fossil record
C. microfossil
D. macrofossil
40 What type of natural selection takes place when individuals at the upper and lower ends of the curve
have higher fitness than individuals near the middle?
A. directional selection
B. destabilizing selection
C. stabilizing selection D. disruptive selection
41. A random change in the allele frequency is called
A. fitness
B. genetic drift
C. speciation
42. Genetic drift is more likely to occur in
A. large populations B. medium-sized populations
D. the founder effect
C. small populations
D. genetic equilibrium
43. What occurs when allele frequencies change as a result of the migration of a small subgroup of a
A. directional selection
B. the founder effect
C. speciation D. genetic equilibrium
44. What principle states that the frequency of an allele in a population will remain constant unless one
or more factors cause that frequency to change?
A. speciation principle B. genetic equilibrium C. Hardy-Weinberg principle D. genetic-drift principle
45. The situation in which allele frequencies do not change is called
A. genetic equilibrium B. stabilizing equilibrium C. behavioral equilibrium D. directional selection