About API - Asia Paranormal Investigators

| About API |
The Asia Paranormal Investigators (API) is a paranormal research based group based in Singapore that striv
systematically analyze any strange occurrences happening in Singapore and around the region.
API represented the realization of a 5 year dream to set up the right organization to properly research and an
seemingly paranormal occurrence in a critical and analytic manner. Though Charles was a Paranormalist for
years, he has been fascinated by the concept of an alternate world all his life.
API is staffed by local people and foreign counterparts both young and old. We are constantly seeking new
opportunities to learn from our overseas counterparts when possible.
"People have often asked if my interest in the Strange is a pastime
hobby. I told them No. I said that it is a lifelong passion and fire in
me to understand more about this world and its unseen counterpart,
before Time & Age caught up with me and I too cross over to the
very realm I seek to understand.
Charles has appeared in numerous news articles, magazines, short
films, media and interviews, with his views and expertise on the
Paranormal being often sought by those who seek him for his
knowledge and experience Of note is Charles's help in looking for
cases in the Popular Mediacorp TV series Incredible Tales Season
1, and his aid in sharing and debunking urban legends in the Straits
Times' exclusive Urban Legends Series.
When the Thai movie "SHUTTER" was screened in Singapore late la
Charles was one of the Panel of 3 experts asked to give their opinion
whether the 'Ghost Pictures' from Thailand were the real deal. The ot
experts was Mr John Cosgrove, the Editor of Photoi, a monthly photo
magazine, and Mr Sebastian Tan, the director-principal of a commer
photo studio and production house.
Charles also holds a Specialist Tourist G
License in the "Special Interest" Catego
conduct regular tours of the unusual kin
popular Urban Legends Tour has been a
with many organizations especially
Community Clubs and Resident Comm
When the December 2005 news broke that there was a Bigfoot sighte
Johor, the report ran practically around the globe.
API then released its first publication of the A'X'IAN Files, a term co
Charles (pronounced as Asian Files) to represent the Asia's version o
famous 'X' Files series.
Knowned as "The Malaysian Bigfoot Enigma" , the purpose of writin
Report was to stem the increasingly erroneous media reports surfacin
result of lack of information available, and especially to create a clea
understanding for overseas readers who may be reading about the M
Bigfoot without knowing the geographical and cultural aspect of the
| What is API Vision |
To be the main paranormal resource, true encounters reporting and research centre based in Singapore , reac
out to all Asia , connecting the Globe.
| What is API Mission |
To provide objective, factual and historically accurate explanation to today's myths, urban legends, unusual
encounters and unexplained phenomena for our readers and to contribute to the society in a meaningful and
positive way.
| How do API achieve its Vision & Mission |
API seeks to unravel the mystical beliefs and confusion surrounding the Paranormal through THREE main
1. To educate the Public by bringing down Urban Legends striving in the region to just Urban Ta
through the conduct of themed Tours, where Participants will learn of the myths of abandoned pla
the ancient practices that still remain in modern Singapore. The facts presented will give new insight
let the Participants view things in a different light, and visit places unique in ancient practices before
fade away into Time due to the modernization of Singapore .
Many of the urban legends, haunting and ghost stories that abound in Singapore are usually due to
misconception, misinformation or simply lack of information. In modern Singapore, the rapidly chan
urban landscape means that there will always be places that once had a purpose, but the purpose had
been erased by Time and mostly forgotten, only to be replaced by the urban legends that surrounded
About API Tours
Charles, a Specialized Tourist Guide, has been providing specially themed Spooky Tours since 2003
passion and expertise made his Tours very popular with fellow Singaporeans and foreigners alike. T
number of re-runs can't be wrong! Just view the Events Archive here. Or read about his tours here.
2. To propagate the Belief that most Paranormal Sightings and Encounters can be explained by t
application of Critical Analysis and Analytic Thinking. This is achieved through Investigations a
Research into Paranormal Occurrences through a series of systematic approaches:
Step 1 - Derive all possible causes that might contribute to the creation of that Phenomenon, that mi
explain why and how the Phenomenon occurred;
Step 2 - Study into the background of the Eye-witness, in terms of cultural beliefs, educational level
nature of day job, pastimes, religion, in order to derive a possible association of the Strange Occurre
the Mental State of the Eye-witness;
Step 3 - Research into the historical background of the Place under investigation, in order to raise an
association of the Phenomenon and the historical significance;
Step 4 - Interviews with locals and people with vested or specific knowledge in that area of interest
Step 5 - Deploy environmental-sensitive equipment in order to determine if there are undue or exces
electrical or magnetic energy affecting the area where the Phenomenon occurred; and
Step 6 - Only when the 5 Steps Options have been exercised, and if the Phenomenon remained unso
will the Phenomenon be classified as UNSOLVED.
About API Research & Investigation
API is proud to have been instrumental in providing factual analysis and write up on some of the puzzling s
One might encounter or hear about in Singapore.
Some of our Research Work includes uncovering the misconceptions surrounding the sightings of a Malay
Bigfoot creature, the infamous Marble Dropping Mystery, and the popular Tekong 3rd Door Bunk Ghost, a
perennial army ghost story.
Some of our Paranormal Investigations include the controversial Marina MRT Ghost, and a commonly
encountered Pressed by Ghost phenomena.
Striving to be the main Regional Paranormal Reporting Centre, we have established links with Corresponde
Counterparts in our neighboring countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and Australia.
3. To organize Club Activities, Public Seminars and Joint Events with Industry Partners, so as to
inculcate an understanding that many aspects of the Paranormal, i.e., Spirit Worships, Religio
Cultural Inclinations, the Fear of Ghosts (or the Unknown) are all necessary part of the Huma
Physiological makeup and wellbeing. Fear, just like any other emotion, are part of Man's empathic
processes, just like the process of Sorrow, Happiness and Anger. Just as Man can derive great pleasu
beautiful music, Fear can generate much emotional baggage that might translate into believing that
something unexplainable have occurred, when in reality, everything existed within that great imagin
mechanism that is the Human Mind....... Fear, just like any other human emotions, can be managed,
most paranormal occurrences can be traced to the rich culture and religious beliefs that developed w
Man first believed that there are greater beings and other worlds that existed along side Him
About API Events & Community Effort
To ensure that API remains faithful to its Mission Statement to contribute to the society in a meaningful and
positive way, API often seeks out and maintain affiliation and partnership with good standing Industry Play
Golden Village, NTUC Club, Haw Par Villa Mgmt, the Singapore Explorer, People's Association Youth Ex
Committees like Thomson, Ponggul and Bukit Panjang and Ayer Rajah YECs. We also establish Affiliate C
educational centers like the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts.
Some of the major joint events are Moblog/API/NAFA Halloween Party @ Fort Canning Park, GV DORM
Sleepover at Golden Village Cinema, Plaza Singapura (view), GV/API Black Night Tour, Ghouls of Asia
Exhibition @ Ponggul CC, PA Youth Day Celebration @ Ayer Rajah CC, just to name a few.
We also conduct cheap, fun and educational tours to organizations like the British Club, Singapore Science
NTUC Club, Resident Committees and Community Clubs. Our tours are good enough for re-runs!
As part of our community effort, most of the tour incomes goes back to the Public through Joint Partners Ev
organizing, or the sponsorship of activities for the Children of Club Rainbow, or the Old Folks of SASCO S
Citizens' Home.
For full details of our Community Programs, please go here.
Looking Forward
Looking forward, API is seeking to further entrench itself as a Singapore community player to aid in the pos
development of our Youth and Public through 2 avenues:
1. Establish a Club House to base on activities on, to encourage active engagement between API memb
friends, and as a 'real world' meeting point, rather than always 'online'.
2. To seek out Media group affiliation and partnership, so as to maximum the potential impact of our O
Program and Community Effort.
Our immediate aspiration is to bring to screen our effort in uncovering the mystery of a giant man-like creat
said to be inhabiting the jungles of our closest neighbor, Malaysia. API prides itself as being so far the only
source of information and research data available regarding this 'crypto zoological creature.'
The Malaysian Bigfoot Enigma, written by Charles, is the collaborative efforts between Singaporeans and
Malaysian alike, and represent the true spirit how a paranormal research program should be conducted. The
online article has received positive feedback from many Paranormal-related Research websites.