stated meeting - Presbytery Of San Diego

of the Presbytery of San Diego
November 17, 2015 - 4:00 pm
San Diego First Presbyterian Church
320 Date St – San Diego 92101
Rev. Dr. Michael McClenahan – Moderator
Ruling Elder Jack Shelver – Vice-Moderator
Ruling Elder Linda Therien - Stated Clerk
Ruling Elder Carole Ostrander – Minute Clerk
Rev. Michael Mudgett, Interim Executive Presbyter
Go south on Hwy 163, exit on 4th. Church is on the corner of 4th & Date.
From 5 South: Take Front St/Civic Center exit. Stay to the left, follow signs to 2nd Ave.
Proceed to 3rd Ave & take a left on 3rd. The church is one block up on the corner of Date & 3rd
From 5 North – Take the 6th Ave exit. Proceed to 4th Ave & left on 4th. Make 1st right on Date St.
Turn right on 3rd Ave. Parking is on 3rd & Elm St.
Please bring docket materials.
1. Commissioners requiring an excuse from the meeting should apply to the Stated
Clerk via the presbytery web site at
2. Any committee chair desiring to meet with her/his committee must make
arrangements with the host facility.
3. Dinner will be served and reservations are $15.00 and are required. The deadline
for reservations is 5pm on November 10th. Please make reservations @ or by calling 619-232-7513.
Upcoming Stated Presbytery Meetings 2016
Saturday - February 20, 2016 – 9 am – Faith Presbyterian Church
Tuesday - May 17 - 4 pm – Venue to be determined
Tuesday - September 20 - 4 pm – Venue to be determined
Tuesday - November 15 – 4 pm – Venue to be determined
Tuesday – November 17 – San Diego First Presbyterian Church
3:30 p.m.
Registration begins
4:00 p.m.
4:10 p.m.
Call to Order & Prayer – Pastor Michael McClenahan
Report of the Stated Clerk – Elder Linda Therien
Enrollment of Commissioners; Recognition of corresponding members
Declaration of a Quorum; Approval of docket: Consent Docket/Reading
Only a simple request is needed to remove any item from the Consent Docket. All items
removed from the Consent Docket will be considered under the report of the committee
from which the item has been removed.
Welcome by Host Pastor – Pastor Jerry Andrews
Executive Committee Report – Elder Frances Lin, Chair
Election of Presbytery Nominating Committee Chair
Introduction of Interim Executive Presbyter Michael Mudgett- Elder Nancy Harber
4:30 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
Worship –For the Life of the World: Episode 7 “The Church” – Elder Geoff Hsu
An offering will be taken for “Sudanese American Presbyterian Church”
Dinner –Dismiss with grace
6:45 p.m.
Presbytery Nominating Committee Report – Pastor Chris Lenocker
Election of Moderator & Vice-Moderator of Presbytery
Election of Committee Chairs
Election of General Assembly Commissioners & YAAD
7:00 p.m.
Budget, Property & Finance Committee – Pastor Paul Cunningham
Approval of 2016 budget to include a $1.00 increase in per capita
7:15 p.m.
Report of the Stated Clerk Review Committee – Elder Nancy Harber
7:25 p.m.
Presbyterian Board of Pensions – Pastor Clayton Cobb
Featuring Rev. Michael Sedgwick of La Jolla Presbyterian Church
7:40 p.m.
Ecclesiastical Committee – Pastor Jerry Andrews
Approval of change to Standing Rules
7:50 p.m.
Evangelism Committee – Pastor Tom Theriault
A spotlight on the good news stories from Southeast Community Church
8:10 p.m.
Committee on Ministry – Elder Marilyn Buck
Vote to receive Rev. Michael Mudgett as a minister member
Vote to receive Rev. Dr. Jim Edwards as a minister member
Vote to receive Minister XX as a minister member and approval of his
terms of call to Mira Mesa Presbyterian Church
8:55 p.m.
Unfinished Business, announcements and Pre-Adjournment Business
9:00 p.m.
Report of the Stated Clerk
1. The Stated Clerk reports the offering taken at the September 2015 meeting of presbytery
was $794.00 and was designated to Urban Youth Collaborative.
2. The Stated Clerk reports that the following are the meeting dates of the Presbytery and
Executive Committee for 2016:
Presbytery meetings
Saturday, February 20, 2016, 9 am @ Faith Presbyterian Church
Tuesday, May 17th at 4 pm
Tuesday, September 20th at 4 pm
Tuesday, November 15th at 4 pm
Executive Committee meetings
Tuesday – January 19th in retreat from 9 am – 4 pm
Tuesday – April 19th @ 4 pm at the Presbytery Office
Tuesday – August 30th in retreat from 9 am – 4 pm
Tuesday – October 18th @ 4 pm at the Presbytery Office
3. The Stated Clerk reports the following deadlines for the 222nd General Assembly to be
held in Portland Oregon from June 18 thru June 25, 2016.
180-day deadline – December 21, 2015 – commissioners/YAADs
120-day deadline – February 19, 2016 – amendment to/interpretation of Book of Order
60-day deadline – April 19, 2016 – financial implications
45-day deadline – May 4, 2016 – all other overtures
4. The Stated Clerk reports that pursuant to the Presbytery Manual of Operations, Part I,
the following will be the corporate officers of the Presbytery in 2016:
President – Executive Committee Moderator –Teaching Elder Michael McClenahan
Vice-President – Executive Committee Vice-Moderator – to be named by the President
in 2016
Secretary – Stated Clerk of the Presbytery – Ruling Elder Linda Therien
Treasurer – Chair of the Budget Property& Finance Committee – Teaching Elder Paul
This structure defines who will manage the corporate affairs of the Presbytery in 2016.
5. The Stated Clerk acknowledged the presbyter’s responsibility to the encouragement,
guidance and resourcing of its member churches during 2015 and sponsored a
“Leadership Training Event: open to all teaching and ruling elders as well as church
6. The Stated Clerk reports that a financial review of the Presbyery’s financial position as a
nonprofit corporation was completed by Todhunter & Associcates, Inc. with a closing
date of December 31, 2014. The report of the review stated “Our review was made for the
purpose of expressing a conclusion that there are no material modifications that should
be made to the financial statements in order for them to be in conformity with
accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.” A full copy of
this review is available from the Presbytery Finance Office.
7. The Stated Clerk reports that the Finance Office of the Presbytery confirms that the
Presbytery carries adequate Property & Liability insurance with Church Mutual. The
policy period is June 1 through May 31 each year.
8. The Stated Clerk reports that the Presbytery Committee on Ministry continues to
maintain a sexual misconduct policy.
9. The Stated Clerk reports that the Administrative Commission to ordain and install Mr.
John Joseph as Associate Pastor at Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church has
completed their work and has been dismissed.
10. The Stated Clerk reports that the Administrative Commission to install Rev. Eliecer
Barrantes as the Designated Associate Pastor for Grace Vista Presbyterian Church has
completed their work and has been dismissed.
11. The Stated Clerk reports that the Administrative Commission to ordain Ms. Brittany
Tamminga as a Minister of Word and Sacrament of the Presbyterian Church has
completed their work and has been dismissed. Ms. Tamminga has been enrolled
accordingly and transferred to the Presbytery of the James where she will be installed as
an Associate Pastor at the Presbyterian Church of Fredericksburg.
12. The Stated Clerk reports that Ruling Elder Maurice Caskey of San Diego First
Presbyterian Church has been elected to serve as the Moderator of the Synod of Southern
California and Hawaii for 2016. Mr. Caskey will be installed to this office on November
7, 2016.
13. The Stated Clerk reports for the record, that the Permanent Judicial Commission
members whose terms ended in the past six years are listed in accordance with Book of
Order D-5.0206b
Class of 2011 – Rev. Hollis Allen and Ruling Elder Maurice Caskey
Class of 2013 – Ruling Elder Richard Farley, Ruling Elder Nancy Harber and Rev. Dr.
Pamela Powell
Class of 2015 – Ruling Elder Betsy Martin
14. The Stated Clerk reports the resignation of the following from positions within the
Presbytery: Teaching Elder Nathan Byrd from the Evangelism & Missions Committee,
Class of 2016. This vacancy has been referred to the Nominating Committee
15. The Stated Clerk Reports that that the Synod of Southern California & Hawaii’s annual
review of Presbytery minutes was completed on September 1, 2015. There were two
minor errors or omissions and three exceptions. These exceptions were no review of
committee records, Committee on Representation guidelines not reported in calls of
pastors and full per capita assessments were not paid to our higher governing bodies.
16. The Stated Clerk reports that there is no necrology report in 2015 as there were no
Teaching Elders that passed during this year.
17. The Stated Clerk reports that all official correspondence and communications received
since the last meeting have been referred to the appropriate governing body, committee,
commission or staff in accordance with the Manual of Operations, Part I.
Ruling Elder Linda Therien
Reports of Committees
The Executive Committee reports the following:
The Executive Committee met on October 20, 2015 and conducted the following business:
1. Voted to accept the invitation of Faith Presbyterian Church to host the first presbytery
meeting of 2016 on Saturday, February 20, 2016 at 9 am.
2. Voted to elect Ruling Elder Bill Tayler of the Rancho Santa Fe Presbyterian Church to
serve the Presbytery Budget Property & Finance Committee, Class of 2017.
3. Voted to concur in the recommendation of the sub-committee of the Executive
Committee that Teaching Elder Michael Mudgett be employed as the Interim Executive
Presbyter effective November 2, 2015 with the following terms:
Board of Pensions
Study Leave
Professional Expenses
Medical Deductible/Copays
Other Expenses
Mileage Reimbursement
Cell phone approximate
Vacation – 1 week earned per quarter
Study Leave – 1 week each six months
4. Voted to concur in the solar panel financing request of the Rancho Bernardo
Presbyterian Church, contingent on the approval of church session, congregation and the
Presbytery Budget Property & Finance Committee. Subsequently the session approved
the financing; then the Budget Property & Finance approved the Fig Tree financing
subject to congregational approval. The congregational votes are scheduled for
November 14 and November 15, 2015.
Ruling Elder Frances Lin, Chair
The Committee on Ministry (COM) reports the following:
The Committee met on October 27, 2015 and took the following actions:
1. As a commission of Presbytery, voted to approve the request of Rev. Jeremiah Knabe and
the Presbytery of Northern Waters that he be transferred to them retroactive to August 1,
2015, in order that he might receive and accept the call of the First Presbyterian Church
of Duluth, Minnesota.
2. As a commission of Presbytery, voted to approve the request of the Rev. Dr. Tim Beal
and the congregation of First Presbyterian Oceanside that their pastoral relationship be
dissolved effective August 1, 2016. (This action will allow the Oceanside congregation to
begin the process to fill the vacancy created by this resignation)
Ruling Elder Marilyn Buck, Chair
The Ecclesiastical Committee reports the following:
That the annual review of Congregational Minutes has been completed and the following are the
results of that review:
The following churches had one exception: Fletcher Hills, Lakeside, Mira Mesa, Rancho
Bernardo, Solana Beach and Northminster. The following churches had two exceptions: Chula
Vista, Mt. Soledad, Orange Avenue and Westmorland. The following churches had three
exceptions: Brawley, El Cajon First and Vista. The following churches had four exceptions: San
Diego Christ United and La Costa. The following churches had no exceptions: Faith, La Jolla,
Graham, Oceanside, Pacific Beach, Palisades, point Loma, San Diego First, Southeast, Spring
Valley Trinity, Taiwanese, Village, Westminster Escondido and Linda Vista. The following three
churches did not submit their records for review after repeated attempts to have them done:
Emmanuel, Korean and Westminster Dan Diego.
Consent Agenda
The Stated Clerk recommends the following:
1. That the minutes of the stated meeting of the Presbytery held on September 15, be
2. That the Presbytery concur in her recommendation that Ruling Elder Carole Ostrander
continue as the Presbytery Minute Clerk in 2016, contingent on Ms. Therien’s election to
a new term as the Clerk.
Ruling Elder Linda Therien
The Committee on Ministry met on October 27, 2015 and recommends the
1. That the following Administrative Commission be approved to ordain Mr. Ryan Irmer of
Northminster Presbyterian Church as a Minister of Word and Sacrament on Sunday
December 20, 2015 at 6:00 pm. This ordination is being done on behalf of the
Presbytery of New Brunswick.
Rev. Dr. Michael McClenahan, Moderator
Rev. Dr. Markus Watson
Elder Veronica Doyle, Northminster
Elder Em Cummins, Point Loma Community
Elder James Stahl, Pacific Beach
As corresponding: Rev. Steve Schibsted, Los Ranchos Presbytery.
2. That the Presbytery concur in the request of Rev. Dr. Ed Girod and the Mira Mesa
Presbyterian Church Session that Dr. Girod serve as their part-time Stated Supply Pastor
for a period not to exceed six months effective October 1, 2015 with the following terms:
Housing Allowance - $3,000 per month
Discretionary Allowance - $1,500
Vacation – One day earned per 30 days worked
This agreement may be terminated by either party with notice of two weeks.
And further, that Dr. Girod serve as the moderator of their session and congregation
retroactive to October 1, 2015.
3. That the Presbytery concur in the request of the Oceanside Presbyterian Church
congregation that the process described in G-20801 & G-20802 be applied to their
vacancy and that they be allowed to begin the process to seek their next installed pastor.
4. That the Presbytery concur in the request of the session of the La Jolla Presbyterian
Church that the Rev. Scott Mitchell serve as their Interim Associate Pastor for
Congregational Care effective October 5, 2015 with the following terms:
Temporary full-time position – 30 hours per week for one year
Compensation package includes:
Group plan medical coverage through the Presbyterian Board of Pensions
The employer portion of FICA
Worker’s Compensation Insurance
Salary: $40,000 per year payable in biweekly installments of $1,538.46 minus any
voluntary premium deductions such as personal savings etc.
Interim Pastor will pay for Presbyterian “Member and Family” Dental Insurance
($136.03 per month) which will be deducted from each pay check.
Ruling Elder Marilyn Buck, Chair
The Presbytery Nominating Committee recommends the following to be elected to
serve a Presbytery Commission or Committees:
Human Resources
Committee on Ministry
Committee on Preparation
Permanent Judicial Commission
Rev. Dr. Jim Edwards, Class of 2018 **
Ruling Elder Sandee Rugg, Class of 2018
Ruling Elder Laura Metzger, Class of 2017
Ruling Elder Barry Billingsley, Class of 2017
Ruling Elder Cathy Moore, Class of 2018
Ruling Elder Peggy Johnston, Class of 2018
Rev. Scott Mitchell, Class of 2018
Rev. Dr. Chris Lenocker, Class of 2018
Ruling Elder Frances Lin, Class of 2018
Ruling Elder Delores McNeely, Class of 2018
Ruling Elder Sue Skala, Class of 2018
Rev. Jeya So, Class of 2018
Ruling Elder Betsy Martin, Class of 2021
** Contingent on being received by Presbytery on November 17, 2015
The following is the Committee on Representation (COR) Report, a subcommittee of the Presbytery Nominating Committee, for 2015:
The Presbytery Nominating Committee as part of their responsibility pursuant to the
Presbytery Manual of Operations, Part I, is to serve as the Presbytery Committee on
Representation as required by the Book of Order, G-3.0103.
The following is their report for the year 2015. There were 90 positions on Standing
Committees or Permanent Commissions of the Presbytery with eighty-five people
serving them. Of this number 54% were men and 46% were women. The racial makeup
of this number is 93% Caucasian and 7% other ethnic groups including Asian, African
American and Hispanic.
The Nominating Committee works to achieve diversity and representation and will
continue to do so in the future.
Teaching Elder Chris Lenocker, Chair
The Evangelism and Missions Committee recommends the following
Dream Grant applications be approved for submission to the Synod of
Southern California & Hawaii:
Orange Avenue Community Church
Orange Avenue Runners Youth Group
$10,000 requested of General Assembly Mission Agency
Fletcher Hills Presbyterian Church (FHPC)
FHPC Moves (into the Neighborhood)
$10,000 requested of General Assembly Mission Agency
San Diego First Presbyterian Church
Higher Calling Music – Jazz Vespers – they want to launch a music label
$10,000 requested of General Assembly Mission Agency
Grace Presbyterian Church
Neighborhood outreach - tutoring for math and science for gifted students
$10,000 requested of General Assembly Mission Agency
Additional information: Each of these churches have been recipients of Presbytery
grant money for church revitalization. There is no additional Presbytery money
committed at this time.
Teaching Elder Tom Theriault, Chair
Business to be voted on the floor
The Presbytery Nominating Committee nominates the following:
As Moderator and Vice-Moderator in 2016:
Ruling Elder Jack Shelver as Moderator
Teaching Elder Elizabeth Wilson Manahan as Vice-Moderator
(Bios are on page 13 of this agenda)
As Committee Chairs in 2016:
Teaching Elder Paul Cunningham, Budget Property & Finance
Ruling Elder Lynn Lloyd Smith, Evangelism & Missions
Teaching Elder John Moser, Human Resources
Ruling Elder Michael Williams, Committee on Ministry
Ruling Elder Sue Skala, Committee on Preparation for Ministry
As General Assembly Commissioners in 2016:
Teaching Elder Nathan Byrd *
Teaching Elder Elizabeth Wilson Manahan ** (Vice-Moderator of
Ruling Elder Cheryl Kosits
Ruling Elder Frances Lin
*Rev. Byrd was an alternate commissioner in 2014 but did not attend.
**The Presbytery Standing Rules allow for the Presbytery Vice-Moderator to attend
General Assembly at Presbytery expense unless elected as a commissioner.
The following are brief bios on the nominees:
Rev. Nathan Byrd: Nathan currently serves as the pastor of Christ United Presbyterian
Church in the South Park neighborhood of San Diego. He has been the pastor there for
three years. The urban hipster South Park neighborhood presents an interesting
demographic dynamic for Christ United with its history as a leader in the San Diego Civil
righs movement. Ordained in 1994, Nathan has served churches in North Carolina, New
Jersey, Colorado, and Arizona. He is Army Reserve Retired (Lieutenant Colonel). He
has been married to Elizabeth Beall for 20 years. He enjoys football and kayaking.
Rev. Elizabeth Wilson Manahan: Liz has been working at First Presbyterian Church of
Oceanside since March of 2008. She has a heart for discovering what people are
passionate about and encouraging those gifts in them. A lifetime member of the
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), she would be the third member of her immediate family to
attend the General Assembly. Liz loves that we are governed not by one or a few, but
that there is discernment from the Holy Spirit as we make decisions. Liz is married to
George and they have one child, William. She enjoys running, the beach, hiking, going
on weekly family adventures and relaxing with a good cup of tea and conversation.
Ruling Elder Cheryl Kosits: To follow at the Presbytery meeting on 11/17/15
Ruling Elder Frances Lin: Was an immigrant from the Republic of China (Taiwan) when
she came to the United States of America at the age of fourteen. She attended schools set
up by Christian missionaries since her preschool years in her home country. Jesus was a
big part of her life from very early on even though she was raised at home by traditional
Buddhist parents. She started attending Evangelical churches when she came to the US
and decided to give her life to Christ when she was seventeen. Frances has earned a
Bachelor’s degree from Indiana University as well as a Master’s Degree in Business
Administration from the University of Phoenix. She became Presbyterian when she
moved to San Diego in 1999. At Rancho Bernardo Community Presbyterian Church,
Frances served for two years as a Vacation Bible School Director and then as a member
of their Mission Team that travelled to Ireland. She was also a member of the Associate
Pastor Nominating Committee. Frances was ordained as an Elder in 2007 and served as
the Chair of the Human Resources Committee at Rancho Bernardo. Currently, Frances
is a member-at-large of the Presbytery Council, a member of the Next Wave
Administrative Commission and the Vice-Moderator of the Presbytery Council.
Young Adult Advisory Delegate Jocelyn Fischer: To follow on 11/1715.
Teaching Elder Chris Lenocker, Chair
The Budget Property & Finance Committee recommends, with concurrence
from the Executive Committee, that the following 2016 budget proposal be
The actual budget is posted as a separate document on the Presbytery web site under the
meetings tab.
Teaching Elder Paul Cunningham, Chair
The following is the report of the Stated Clerk Review Committee:
The Stated Clerk Evaluation Committee met at 1:30pm on August 6, 2015, at Faith
Presbyterian Church.
Present were all members of the committee: Rev. Tom Straeter, Rev. Nathan Byrd, Rev.
Daniel So, Elder Cheryl Kosits and Chair, Elder Nancy Harber. The Chair opened the
meeting with prayer.
A review was made of the charge to the committee. Copies of the section of the Standing
Rules of the Presbytery pertaining to this subject were distributed to all members. Nancy
shared with the committee that she had spoken with Linda Therien, current Stated Clerk,
and Linda is interested in continuing in this position for another term.
A copy of the current Position Description was provided to all members and a review of
the Book of Order responsibilities of this position was offered. Copies of the most recent
performance evaluation of Linda, completed 7 months ago were made available to the
committee. Input for this evaluation was solicited from all chairs of Committees of the
Presbytery, prior to completing the evaluation. Thus it is representative of most of the
leaders of the Presbytery. Individual committee members also shared their interaction
with Linda and how they viewed her performance. All members felt they had adequate
information to make a recommendation on this issue and no further data was needed.
Following this discussion, it was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED , that Linda
Therien be recommended without any reservation, for another 3 year term as Stated
Clerk of the San Diego Presbytery. The motion passed unanimously.
The chair thanked the members for their willingness to serve on this task force and the
meeting was closed with prayer by Tom Straeter at 2:15pm.
Submitted by Ruling Elders, Nancy Harber (Chair) & Cheryl Kosits.
Teaching Elders Tom Straeter, Daniel So & Nathan Byrd.
Ecclesiastical Committee:
The Ecclesiastical committee voted unanimously to recommend to the Presbytery that at
its next meeting (November) 2015 the Presbytery change its Standing Rules in the follow
That Pargrah “E” be added to Chapter XV (Budget Property & Finance) and be titled
“Authority to Act”
The Budget Property & Finance Committee is empowered to do the following as a
commission of the Presbytery, pursuant to Book of Order G-3.0109b, provided that all
such actions are reported to the next stated meeting of the Presbytery for incorporation
in its records:
Finding in order issues of encumbering congregational property, (G-4.0206a) and
leasing congregational property (G-4.0206b).
Teaching Elder Jerry Andrews, Chair
The Presbytery Committee on Ministry recommends the following:
1. That the Rev. Michael Mudgett be received as a minister member of the Presbytery of
San Diego, by transfer from Pacific Presbytery, retroactive to November 2, 2015 in
order that he might serve as the Interim Executive Presbyter of this Presbytery. His
Statement of Faith can be found at the end of this document.
2. That the Rev. Dr. James “Jim” Edwards (Captain Chaplains Corps) be received as a
minister member of the Presbytery of San Diego, by transfer from San Jose
Presbytery. His Statement of Faith can be found at the end of this document.
3. That the Presbytery concur in the request of the Mira Mesa Presbyterian Church and
the Rev. Minister X that he/she be called to serve as their Pastor at a date to be
determined with the following terms, contingent on the vote of the congregation on
November 15, 2015.
Board of Pensions
Dental Insurance
Social Security Offset
Term Life Insurance
Auto Allowance
Medical Deductible
Continuing Ed
Moving costs: Reimbursable up to $10,000 and any balance after expenses from the
$10,000 to be a relocation bonus. Minister X will serve as the session and
congregational moderator on the effective date of his call, pending installation.
Vacation – 4 weeks per year & Study Leave – 2 weeks per year
Ruling Elder Marilyn Buck, Chair
Statement of Faith
Rev. Michael Mudgett
I believe in the three persons of the one, holy triune God: three persons existing in
perfect unity and love: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I believe in the mystery of the
Trinity and that our understanding of God is the gift of God’s revelation.
I believe in God the Father, creator of heaven and earth, and in God’s sovereignty over
all. God is without beginning or end. I believe God is transcendent yet present in our
world and manifests love and providential care over all creation.
I believe in Jesus Christ, the incarnate Word of God, fully God and fully human. He lived
among us, selflessly giving his life for our redemption. By God’s grace, one is drawn to
repentance and through faith in the life, atoning death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ,
the believer becomes a new creation.
I believe in the Holy Spirit. I believe the Holy Spirit speaks to us through scripture and,
by grace through faith in Christ quickens our spirit, imparting new life in Christ and
bonding us to the triune God in love. I believe we become temples of the Holy Spirit, the
great teacher and comforter, who turns our minds and hearts to God and quickens our
I believe Jesus Christ gave us the gifts of the Lord’s Supper and Baptism, sacraments that
bespeak the reality of God’s grace that continually flows into our lives. They are the
visible signs of God’s grace. In the Lord’s Supper, Christ is present and nourishes his
church by the elements of the bread and wine, which signify Christ’s redemptive sacrifice
and the gracious gifts of forgiveness, redemption, and the hope of life everlasting.
Baptism signifies God’s gift of grace in our life and it calls for fulfillment in a response of
faithfulness. It signifies our adoption into the family of God and membership into the
I believe in the one, holy, catholic and apostolic church. Having faith in Christ, believers
are called to live in community. We are called to love, nurture, equip, and encourage one
another in the faith and to proclaim the gospel to the world. The church is comprised of
God’s people, sustained and comforted by the Holy Spirit, and called to unity in Christ.
The church is called to be a contrast society living in humility, sharing the love of Christ,
esteeming others more highly than themselves, and reflecting the servant leadership of
Jesus Christ.
God reveals himself through the written Word of God (Scripture), the proclaimed Word
of God (preaching), the incarnate Word of God (Jesus Christ), and the work of the Holy
Spirit. I believe Scripture is inspired by the Holy Spirit and is profitable for doctrine,
reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness. Holy Scripture instructs and leads
us, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to live according to God’s plan and purposes.
Statement of Faith
Rev. Dr. James Monroe Edwards
I believe in one God who is three persons-Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, yet is of one
I believe in God, the Father, the first person of the Trinity, who is Creator of all. God ,
without beginning or end, yet is interested in the minutest detail of the life of each
creature. God is just and holy, yet merciful and forgiving. God is all-powerful and
sovereign, yet is all-loving.
I believe in God, the Son, who became human leaving the glory that rightfully belonged
to the second person of the Trinity. Jesus was born as a human while remaining fully
divine. The God-Man, Jesus dwelt among us teaching, healing, and caring for the poor
and oppressed. He lived as a human being yet without sin. He was crucified, dead and
buried, yet God raised him from the dead. By means of his sacrificial death on the cross
and his resurrection, He redeemed us and liberated us from the bonds of sin and death.
He reconciled us to the Father, and is now with the Father in glory yet will one day
I believe in God, the Holy spirit who abides with us and is the Consoler whom Jesus
promised would be with us. The Holy Spirit calls God’s people and empowers God’s
children to carry out works of obedience.
Holy Scripture was inspired by the Spirit and should be received by means of the same
Spirit. The Bible provides for us an understanding of God’s interaction with humankind.
It provides insight into the character of God and humankind in different cultural and
historical contexts. God chooses to use the Holy Scriptures for self-revelation and as the
authoritative guide for living for God’s people.
I believe that humankind was created to be in relationship with God, but turned away
from God, and was thus out of fellowship with God, out of fellowship with one another,
and in a state of sin. It is by the power of the Spirit and we have an opportunity to
respond to God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Not only have we been reconciled
to God, but have been reconciled to one another in Christ.
I believe in two sacraments, Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, visible signs of invisible
realities. I believe Baptism is the sign of God’s gracious initiative calling us into the
covenant community. With it we identify with the death, burial, and resurrection of
Jesus Christ. The Lord’s Supper is the sacrament by which we are spiritually nourished.
It is a means of grace
By which the presence of Christ is manifest among the covenant community.
I believe that the ministry of the Church, God’s covenant community is a continuation of
Christ’s ministry. We are called to proclaim the good news, care for the marginalized,
preach God’s righteousness, make disciples, and to teach all the Christ commanded. All
members of the church are given gifts to be used for the common good and to participate
in the life of the community of faith so that God is glorified.
Statement of Faith - Minister X
THE TRIUNE GOD: I believe in God in three Persons: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God is
the Creator of the universe. Through God’s sovereignty, all of humanity is created in God’s
image and we are called to worship and glorify our loving Creator. However, humanity sinned
against God and relationship with God was broken. Even though fellowship with God was
disrupted, God did not reject humanity. God desires for the reconciliation and redemption of all
people through the power of love and grace in Jesus Christ.
JESUS CHRIST: The foundation of my faith is grounded in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, who
became flesh and lived among humanity. I believe in the deity and virgin birth of Christ, true
God and true man, two perfect natures united and joined in one person. Jesus is the perfect
revelation of God and the means by which reconciliation to God is obtained through grace.
God’s grace comes to us through the saving work of Jesus Christ on the cross, through his death,
and through his resurrection. Because it is by grace we are saved, we cannot earn salvation;
however, God effectually calls and saves people on the basis of Christ’s righteousness and work
THE HOLY SPIRIT: I believe in the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Trinity, of the same
substance and equal power and glory with the Father and Son. It is through the Holy Spirit we
receive guidance in following God’s will and the teachings of the Holy Scriptures.
THE HOLY SCRIPTURES: I affirm the Holy Scriptures to be the unique and authoritative
source for our understanding of God and the will of God for our lives. God spoke through the
prophets, the apostles, and many others as recorded in Scripture. God still speaks to us through
the Scriptures today. The Scriptures are intended to be the governing rule of faith and practice
for the Christian Church.
THE SACRAMENTS: I believe the Sacraments of the Lord’s Supper and Baptism are the visible
expressions of God’s covenant promises which are signs and seals of God’s loving benefits to us
in Jesus Christ. The Sacraments are given to the Church as an outward sign of a spiritual grace
and they are instituted by God. The Lord’s Supper nourishes our faith and enables us to
experience God’s love through Christ as well commemorates Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross.
Baptism is our initiation into the Christian faith, either as infants when Christian parents vow to
raise their children in the Christian faith, or as adults who confess faith in Jesus Christ as Lord
and Savior. I believe in one Baptism administered only once to a person. Baptism calls us to a
life of Christian service and obedience to God’s will.
THE CHURCH: I believe in the Church universal that consists of the whole number of elect who
confess Christ to be the Head of the Church and their Savior. The Church universal is scattered
throughout all parts of the world and is not limited to any time or place. It is the calling of the
Church to continue to spread the Gospel of Christ to the ends of the earth until the Lord returns.
THE SECOND COMING: I believe that Jesus Christ will come again and judge the living and the
dead. No one knows the day or the hour of Christ’s return except God the Father. However, not
knowing the hour of Christ’s return does not mean that the church should relinquish its sense of
urgency to proclaim the good news of Christ to the world. As faithful believers, we are called to
live in such a way as if Christ could return at any moment. Amen.
Brief bio on Nominees for Moderator & Vice-Moderator 2016
Ruling Elder Jack Shelver for Moderator was born and raised in Enderlin, North Dakota
and served three years in the U.S. Marine Corps. He graduated from San Diego State College
and pursued a thirty-two year career in Municipal Government serving as City Manager in the
cities of Imperial Beach, Del Mar and Lemon Grove. He also served as Interim City Manager of
Solana Beach and Seal Beach. He is a part-time Adjunct Professor of Public Administration at
National University and currently serves as Chair of the Julian Community Planning Group,
President of the Julian Cuyamaca Fire Protection District and Treasurer and Board Member of
the Pine Hills Mutual Water Company. Jack is currently on the session of Faith Presbyterian
Church and has also served on sessions at Graham Memorial in Coronado, California;
Cornerstone Presbyterian in Ramona, California and Little Church of the Desert in Twentynine
Palms, California. At the Presbytery level Jack has served as member and Chair of the Budget
Committee and Nominating Committee and three terms on the Committee on Ministry. He has
also served as Vice-Moderator, Moderator and Chair of the Council of the Presbytery. He
currently serves the Presbytery Budget Property & Finance Committee as well as ViceModerator of Presbytery. He has served the Synod of Southern California & Hawaii on the
Property & Investment Committee, Budget Committee, Administrative Committee, Council, as
Treasurer, Vice-Moderator, Moderator and Chair of Council. At the national level, Jack is a
member of the National Mission Partnership Committee and Mission Agency Board Finance
Committee. In addition, Jack served for eighteen years as a member and treasurer of Baja
Presbyterian Missions, a mission outreach of the Presbytery of San Diego.
Rev. Elizabeth Wilson Manahan for Vice-Moderator “Liz” has been serving at First
Presbyterian Church of Oceanside since March 2008. In her tenure at Oceanside she has had a
variety of responsibilities, but now oversees Mission and Spiritual Formation. She has a heart
for discovering what people are passionate about and encouraging those gifts in them.
She first felt called ot be a pastor when she was a very young child; her parents tell her she was
8. Liz accepted that call while a freshman in college at Cal State Northridge. She graduate from
Princeton in 2004 and served as Associate Pastor at Lenape Valley Presbyterian Church in New
Britain, PA. Liz is married to George and they have one child, William. She enjoys running, the
beach, hiking, going on weekly family adventures and relaxing with a good cup of tea and
conversation. Her philosophy about ministry is to say, “yes” and see where the Holy Spirit is