Readings for diplomacy and strategy

Gil Friedman
Semester Aleph
Political Science
Tel Aviv University
Security and Diplomacy in International Relations
1. Wednesday, November 2 First meeting
a. Introduction to course
b. Introductory lecture
Osgood, Robert E. and Robert W. Tucker (1967). Force, Order, and Justice. Baltimore:
Johns Hopkins Press.
Part I, Chapter 1, The Persistence of Force, 3-24.
Part II, Chapter 3, The Rationale of Force, 270-284.
Rapoport, Anatol (1960). Fights, Games, and Debates. Ann Arbor: University of
Michigan Press.
Introduction: Three Modes of Conflict, 1-12.
2. November 9
Grasping security and diplomacy
Osgood, Robert E. and Robert W. Tucker (1967). Force, Order, and Justice. Baltimore:
Johns Hopkins Press.
Part II, Chapter 3, The Rationale of Force, 270-284.
Maoz, Zeev (1990). National Choices and International Processes. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
“Threat Perception,” 86-95.
Morgenthau, Hans J. (1949). Politics Among Nations: The Struggle for Power and Peace.
Fourth Edition.
Chapter 1, A Realist Theory of International Politics, 9-11.
Chapter 9, Elements of National Power, 135-139.
Chapter 32, The Future of Diplomacy, 540-548.
Aron, Raymond (1962). Peace and War: A Theory of International Relations. Translated by
Richard Howard and Annette Baker Fox. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson.
Chapter II, Power and Force, or On the Means of Foreign Policy, 57-61.
3. November 16
Conflict strategy
Schelling, Thomas C. (1963). The Strategy of Conflict. Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press.
Chapter 1, The Retarded Science of International Strategy, 3-20.
Chapter 2, An Essay on Bargaining, 21-46.
Snyder, Glenn H. and Paul Diesing (1977). Conflict Among Nations: Bargaining,
Decision Making, and System Structure in International Crises. Princeton: Princeton
University Press.
Chapter III, Crisis Bargaining: Strategies and Tactics, 185-198.
4. November 23
Economic statecraft
Baldwin, David (1985). Economic Statecraft. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Chapter 3, What is Economic Statecraft, 40-50.
Chapter 6, Bargaining with Economic Statecraft, 101-114.
Chapter 7, National Power and Economic Statecraft, 130-144.
Chapter 9, Foreign Trade, 214-217, 251-261.
5. November 30
Force versus moral suasion as bases of influence
Machiavelli, Niccolo (1997). The Prince. Trans. By Angelo M. Codevilla. New Haven:
Yale University Press.
Chapter XVII, Of cruelty and pity; and whether it is better to be loved than feared,
or the contrary, 61-4.
Chapter XIX, On fleeing contempt and hatred, 68-76.
Machiavelli, Niccolo (1996). Discourses on Livy. Translated by Harvey C. Mansfield and
Nathan Tarcov. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Part II, Chapter 2, What Peoples the Romans Had to Combat, and That They
Obstinately Defended Their Freedom, 129-133.
Part II, Chapter 3, Rome Became a Great City through Ruining the Surrounding
Cities and Easily Admitting Foreigners to Its Honors, 133-135.
Part II, Chapter 14, Often Men Deceive Themselves Believing That through
Humility They Will Conquer Pride, 156-157.
Part II, Chapter 26, Vilification and Abuse Generate Hatred against Those Who Use
Them, without Any Utility to Them, 191-193.
Part III, Chapter 9, How One Must Vary with the Times If One Wishes Always to
Have Good Fortune, 239-241.
Part III, Chapter 20, One Example of Humanity Was Able to Do More with the
Falisci Than Any Roman Force, 261-262.
Part III, Chapter 21, Whence It Arises That with a Different Mode of Proceeding
Hannibal Produced Those Same Effects in Italy as Scipio Did in Spain, 262264.
Part III, Chapter 27, How One Has to Unite a Divided City; and How That Opinion
Is Not True That to Hold Cities One Needs to Hold Them Divided, 274-276.
Nye, Joseph S. (2004). Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics. New York:
Public Affairs.
Chapter One, The Changing Nature of Power, 5-18.
6. December 7
The justness and justification of force
Osgood, Robert E. and Robert W. Tucker (1967). Force, Order, and Justice. Baltimore:
Johns Hopkins Press.
Part II, Chapter 1, The Need to Justify Force, 204-206, 210-218.
Part II, Chapter 2, The Moral Economy of Force, 233-236, 241-242.
Part II, Chapter 3, The Rationale of Force, 289-314.
Elshtain, Jean Bethke (2003). Just War Against Terror.
7. December 14
Liberalism and security policy
Kirkpatrick, Jeane (1979). “Dictatorships and Double Standards.” Commentary
Holsti, Ole R. and James N. Rosenau (1990). “The Structure of Foreign Policy Attitudes
among American Leaders,” Journal of Politics 52(1):94-107.
Smith, Tony (2000) “National Security Liberalism and American Foreign Policy,” 258274.
In, American Foreign Policy: Theoretical Essays, Fourth Edition (2002), Edited by
G. John Ikenberry, New York: Longman.
8. December 21
Domestic politics and foreign policy
Russett, Bruce (1990). Controlling the Sword: The Democratic Governance of National
Security. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Chapter 4, Who Controls Whom? 87-118.
Jacobs, Lawrence R. and Benjamin I. Page (2005). “Who Influences U.S. Foreign
Policy?” American Political Science Review 99(1):107-121.
9. December 28
Psychological and organizational aspects of foreign policy-making
Jervis, Robert (1976). Perception and Misperception in International Politics. Princeton:
Princeton University Press.
Chapter Four, Cognitive Consistency and Interaction, 117-119, 128-155.
Allison, Graham and Philip Zelikow (1999). Essence of Decision: Explaining the Cuban
Missile Crisis. New York: Addison Wesley Longman.
Chapter 3, Model II: Organizational Behavior, 163-183.
Sunday, January 1, 2006—Hanukah holiday
10. January 4
Logics of de-escalation and cooperation
Wagner, R. Harrison (1993). “The Causes of Peace,” 241-264.
In Stopping the Killing: How Civil Wars End, Edited by Roy Licklider, New York:
New York University Press.
Zartman, I. William (1989). Ripe for Resolution: Conflict and Intervention in Africa. New
York: Oxford University Press.
Chapter 6, Conflict Resolution in Africa, 263-280.
Oye, Kenneth A. (1986). “Explaining Cooperation under Anarchy: Hypotheses and
Strategies,” 1-24.
In, Kenneth A. Oye, ed., Cooperation Under Anarchy. Princeton: Princeton
University Press.
11. January 11
Toward conflict resolution
Agha, Hussein, Shai Feldman, Ahmad Khalidi, and Zeev Schiff (2003). Track II
Diplomacy: Lessons from the Middle East. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Chapter 9, Analysis, 133-154, 161-166.
Rouhana, Nadim N. (2000). “Interactive Conflict Resolution: Issues in Theory,
Methodology, and Evaluation,” 294-310, 312-322.
In, International Conflict Resolution after the Cold War. Edited by Paul C.
Stern and Daniel Druckman. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press.
12. January 18
Negotiation theories
Raiffa, Howard (1982). The Art and Science of Negotiation. Cambridge: Harvard University
Chapter 1, “Some Organizing Questions,” 11-19.
Chapter 4, “Analytical Models and Empirical Results,” 44-65.
Chapter 9, “Advice for Negotiators,” 119-30.
Neale, Margaret A. and Max H. Bazerman (1991). Cognition and Rationality in
Negotiation. New York: The Free Press.
Ch. 2, “Prescriptions for a Decision Analytic Perspective,” 35-8.
Ch. 3, “Individual Biases in Negotiations,” 41-48.
Ch. 4, “Negotiation Biases,” 61-70.
13. January 25
International agreements, institutions and security
Braun, Chaim and Christopher F. Chyba (2004). “Proliferation Rings: New Challenges to
the Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime.” International Security 29(2):5-49.
Schweitzer, Yoram (2003). The Globalization of Terror: The Challenge of al-Qaeda and
the Response of the International Community.
Friday, February 3rd—last day of the semester