Diagnostic Test & Answers

Diagnostic Test & Answers
Directions: Select the best word to complete the statment and then mark the
corresponding letter on your scantron.
1. The thesis sentence usually appears in the__ first__ paragraph.
a. first b. second
c. third d. fourth
e. last
2. Planning is primarily a __writing__ activity.
a. thinking b. searching c. writing
d. research
e. none of these
3. Through _drafting__ you determine whether the information you discovered in
planning can be shaped into successful writing.
a. reading
b. argument c. narration d. drafting
e. outlining
4. An outline that is written after a draft is known as a __descriptive__outline.
a. scratch
b. discovery c. formal
d. informal
e. descriptive
5. An effective narration has __all of these_.
a. a story
b. a plot
c. a pace d. a point of view
e. all of these
6. An essay that explains something is using __exposition_.
a. exposition b. causal analysis c. description d. narration e. classification
7. _Coherence__ allows readers to move easily from one sentence to the next without
feeling that there are any gaps in the sequence of your ideas.
a. unity
b. completeness c. order
d. coherence
e. all of these
8. A __topic___ sentence is a statement that presents the main idea to be developed in
a paragraph.
a. thesis
b. topic
c. purpose d. controlling idea e. hypoothetical
9. Following are four types of diction: 1) colloquial 2) popular 3) slang and
4) learned. Which of the following reflects an order from informal to formal?
a. 3 2 1 4
b. 4 2 3 1
c. 3 1 2 4
d. 4 1 3 2
e) 1 3 2 4
3) slang, 1) coloquial, 2) popular, 4) learned
10. A comparison between a historical, literary, or mythological event or person and the
subject under discussion is called a:
a. analogy b. allusion
c. personification d. metaphor e. none of these
11. The word cursor is an example of what kind of language:
a. slang
b. popula
c. colloquial
d. learned
e. jargon
1) trite 2) slang 3) cliched 4) jargon 5) hackneyed
Which of the above words is used to describe expressions, once colorful and apt, that
have been used so often that they have lost their freshness and force:
a. 1 & 2
b. 3 & 5
c. 1 & 3 & 4
d. 1 & 3 & 5
e. all of them
Identify the times that it is necessary to document sources: 1) use a direct
quotation. 2) copy a table, chart or diagram, 3) construct a table from data provided by
others 4) summarize a passage 5) paraphrase a passage:
a. 1 & 5 b. 1 & 2 & 5 c) 1 & 2 & 4
d) 1 & 2 & 3 & 5 e) all of them
14. Which of the following is incorrectly written:
a. Caucasian
b. Phi Delta Kappa c. Sociology course d. Greek festival
e. department meeting.
Directions: Determine if there are any errors in grammar or usage in the following
sentences. If the sentence is correct mark (a) if there is an error mark (b).
15. Marcel Proust's Swann's Way (novel title should be italicized) is a very long and
elaborate novel.
16. Ernest Hemingway's short story Old Man at the Bridge (use quotes for short story
title) is not well known to most people.
17. Gerard manley Hopkin's short poem God's Grandeur (use quotes for short poems) is
a sonnet.
18. Unlike the audience that attends The Gerry Springer Show, Opra Winfreys
(Winfrey's needs apostrophe) audience is generally well behaved.
19. Confined to a hospital bed, Rachel had to vote in absentia. (foreign words italicized)
Directions: Mark column (a) for True or column (b) for False.
20. The thesis formally asserts what you will prove in your essay. T p. 61
21. Planning is the second stage of writing involving a series of strategies designed to
organize and develop a sustained piece of writing. F p. 5
22. Precise means to limit the scope of an essay. F p62
23. A thesis is unified when it can have only one interpretation. F p. 63
24. Reading to revise is another name for proofreading. F. p. 77
25. In comparison the divided pattern devilops your material through matched pairs of A
and B expressed in either the same paragraph or in the same sentence. F p.110
26. Definition organizes information into groups and categories. F p. 11
27. A stipulative definition specifies the exact meaning or sense of a word as you intend
to use it in your writing. T p. 113
28. In an argumentative essay it is best to only argue your own side and ignore the
opposition. F. p. 126
29. Facts are always debatabl. F p. 128
30. Post hoc, ergo propter hoc is the name of the fallacy which occurs when part of what
has to be proved is assumed to be true. F. 146
31. The red herring fallacy uses the introduction of an unrelated issue to divert attention
from the real issue. T. p. 146
32. A paragraph can exhibit unity, completeness, and order but still lack coherence. T p.
33. A denotation is an implicit meaning, an implied or suggested attitude that is not
stated outright. F p. 227
34. A metaphor compares two things -- A and B -- by asserting that one is like the other.
F p. 236
35. Quoting an author's text word-for-word is the easiest way to record information,but
you should use this method selectively. T p 358
36. If you decide to leave out part of a quoted text, use four ellipsis points (....) to
indicate that you have omitted words from the beginning or middle of the sentence. F
37. Paraphrasing requires you to think through what the author has said and then restate
the information in your own words. T p 358
38. Information that is paraphrased requires documentation. T p 372
39. All quotations must be placed within quotation marks. F p. 370
40. Quotations must be documented with a paranthetical reference that includes the exact
page numbes from which they were taken, and if necessary the author's name. T 370
41. Long quotations (four or more lines of prose; three or mote lines of poetry) and set of
from the text by triple spacing above and below, and indented ten spaces from both left
and right margins. F 371
42. Short quotations (less than four lines of prose, less than three lines of poetry) do not
require quotation marks if you work them into the syntax of your own sentence.. F p.
43. Use should use parentheses when you need to add your own words to a quotation to
make the passage complete or gramatically correct, or on occasion when you want to
make an editorial comment. F p. 371
44. Plagiarism is the use of someone else's writing without giving proper credit--or
perhaps without giving any credit at all--to the writer of the original. T p 373
45. Specific examples, figures, or factual information taken from a specific source must
be documented. T 373
46. Writing is not considered plagiarism as long as the writer acknowledges the source
and documents the passage with a parenthetical reference. F 374
47. The current MLA style of documentation requires a superscript numeral (a number
raised above the line) placed at an appropriate place itn the text--usually at the end of a
sentence--to identify a source. F p 347-387
48. The superscript numbers refer the reader to the Works Cited page where the sources
are listed in numerical order. F p 379
49. In the MLA documentation style readers can locate complete information about your
sources only in a list of Cited Works which comes at the end of the paper. T p 378
50. End notes, if used, and as the name suggests come at the very end of the paper after
the Works Cited page(s). F 380
51. All items in the Works Cited section must be in alphabetical order byTitle. F 380
52. Books and articles are basically cited the same way: by author, title and facts of
publication. T 384
53. Use of the second person "you" is innapropriate for formal college essays unless one
is quoting from another source or writing a process essay when "you" is understood.
A compound sentence contains at least two clauses: one independent and one or
more subordinate clauses. F p. 489
A group of words containing a subject or a verb is called.
a. clause b. phrase c. sentence d. complex sent. e. run on
56. A group of words containing a subject and a verb is called.
a. dependent clause b. phrase c. independent clause d. simple sentence
e. compound sentence
57. A group of words containing a subject and verb and a complete thought is called. a.
compound sentence b. complex sentence c. phrase d. independent clause e. none
of these.
58. another name for an independent clause is.
a. compound sentence b. complex sentence c. simple sentence d. phrase
e. run on sentence
Directions: Identify the following word groups as: a) phrase b) dependent clause
c) independent clause d) complex sentence e) compound sentence
60. Denying the undenyable, she left the room. c) independent clause
61. Merlin, peering down from the hill. a) phrase
After the army departed, the city was deserted and in flames. d) complex
63. Because the snow was deep and the temperature fell below zero. b) dependent
64. It was snowing outside, and inside the building, Harold felt warm. e) compound
65. The crowd stood still looking up at the top of the building where a slim whisp of
smoke circled the trapped victims. d) complex sentence
66. Because of the late hour. a) phrase
67. Because he was late. b) dependent clause
68. Some people are never on time. c) independent clause
69. When he saw her, he ran. d) complex sentence
70. There was a loud crash; suddenly, he lost consciousness. e) compound sentence
71. Flee now: pray later. e) compound sentence
72. Columbus landed in the Caribbean, not the Gulf of Mexico. c) independent clause
73. All trees, each indistinguishable from each other and each an obstacle in his or her
path. a) phrase
74. The necessary qualities of political life, each and every one of them, regardless of
time or place or circumstance. a) phrase
75. The new coach is loud, profane, demonstrative; he has again humiliated himself e)
compound sentence
76. Since he had little imagination and even less talent. b) dependent clause
77. Shortly after midnight in a serene, enchanting, mysterious performance a) phrase
78. He was late so he hurried home. e) compound sentence
79. Because he was late, he hurried home. d) complex sentence
80. When the sun set in the western sky amidst a colorful splendor of hues, vividly
illuminating the horizon from to to bottom and creating a memorable moment. b)
dependent clause
Directions: Identify the following sentences as: (a) active or (b) passive:
81. The superintendent's window was broken sometime over the weekend. (b) passive:
82. Lional Richie sang the national anthem at the opening game of the season. (a) active
83. The national anthem was sung by Lionel Richie at the opening game of the season.
(b) passive:
Directions: Check the following sentences for parallel construction. If the sentence is
correct mark (a) if there is an error in parallelism mark (b).
84. Willy Lomancould neither understand his own problems nor could he accept the help
of friends. error in parallelism mark (b).
85. The evangelist ended the service with a hymn and calling on sinners to repent. error
in parallelism mark (b).
86. The narrator of Invisible Man was idealistic, intelligent, and tried to advance the
cause of black people. error in parallelism mark (b).
Directions: Determine if there are any grammatical errors in the following sentences. If
the sentence is correct mark (a) if there is an error mark (b).
87. To qualify for the award, the committe requires that candidates have sixty class hours
and a 3.50 GPA. error mark (b).
88. While waiting for my date in the lobby, two men in tuxedos got into a violent
argument. error mark (b).
89. The reporter said before noon that she would finish the article. error mark (b).
90. Charlie Chaplin was a multitalented man. Wrote, directed, and starred in his own
films. error mark (b). (fragment)
91. Lorraine Hansberry was the first black female playwright of importance, she wrote A
Raisin in the Sun. error mark (b). (requires semicolon)
92. Through flying, Charles Lindberg gained his notoriety, Amelia Earhart lost her life.
error mark (b). (requires semicolon)
correct mark (a) if there is an error mark (b).
93. Clean-up is scheduled for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday; the plant closes on
Friday. correct mark (a)
94. The coach or the cocaptains supervise the practices each day. correct mark (a)
95. Neither of the boys would accept responsibility for their (his) actions. error mark
96. He is at least as capable as her. (she) error mark (b).
97. Because OPEC's prices were high in the 1970s (needs comma here) American
drivers began to conserve gasoline. error mark (b).
98. New recruits, who may join after finishing high school, must make numerous
adjustments before they are acclimated to military life. correct mark (a)
99. All soldiers, who complete basic training, will be assigned to duty within three
weeks. error mark (b). (no commas)
100. Sidney Pollack's film Out of Africa was shot on location. error mark (b). (Film
title requires italics)