Microsoft Word Version of this letter

March 10, 2005
SUBJECT: Maximum Entitlements for IDEA-B and State Deaf Programs for 2004-2005
Local Education Agencies receiving IDEA-B Formula, IDEA-B Preschool, IDEA-B Capacity Building,
IDEA-B Capacity Building (Deaf), IDEA-B Discretionary (Deaf) and State Deaf funding are eligible to
apply for maximum entitlement amounts. Revised entitlement amounts for the district are reflected on the
“View Entitlement/Roll Forward” link of the automated Web SAS. To receive the additional funds, the
2004-2005 Standard Application System for Special Education Programs (SAS-A101-05) application
must be amended. Amendments to the 2004-2005 SAS-A101-05 must be completed through the Web
SAS which can be accessed at
The 2004-2005 maximum entitlement amounts for IDEA-B Formula, IDEA-B Preschool, IDEA-B Capacity
Building and IDEA-B Capacity Building (Deaf) should be budgeted on line 13 of the Schedule #3–Budget
Summary, replacing the tentative entitlement amount previously reflected. Applicant agencies must
continue to maintain special accountability for the expenditure of IDEA-B Capacity Building and IDEA-B
Capacity Building (Deaf) funds through the use of local option codes as defined in the Financial
Accounting and Reporting (FAR) Module of the Financial Accountability System Resource Guide.
Additionally, IDEA-B Formula and IDEA-B Preschool maximum entitlement increase notices continue to
reflect the revised allocation format in effect under the IDEA Amendments of 1997. An established base
amount is reflected on the entitlement notice. The revised maximum base amount reflects adjustments
resulting from revised federal allocation figures to the state and/or reallocations to allow for base
adjustments to new or significantly expanding charter schools. The notice also indicates increases to the
IDEA-B Formula and IDEA-B Preschool grants based 85% on total student enrollment and 15% on the
number of students in poverty within the applicant agency. Applicant agencies should include the total of
the base, enrollment, and poverty amounts on line 13 of the Schedule #3–Budget Summary.
Following is a description of revisions and instructions for amending these funds.
IDEA-B Formula Entitlements — These funds reflect a revised base amount plus, as appropriate,
additional allocations based on enrollment and poverty figures. The total amount shown on the Web
SAS should be entered on line 13, current fiscal year funds budgeted, of the SAS budget summary.
IDEA-B Preschool Maximum Entitlements — These funds reflect a revised base amount plus, as
appropriate, additional allocations based on enrollment and poverty figures. The total amount shown
on the Web SAS should be entered on line 13, current fiscal year funds budgeted, of the SAS budget
To the Administrator Addressed
Page 2
IDEA-B Capacity Building Maximum Entitlements — The maximum entitlement is an allocation
based 85% on a population calculation and 15% on a poverty calculation determined by the same
enrollment and poverty figures used to calculate IDEA-B Formula maximum entitlements. The
maximum amount is calculated at approximately $1.74 per child enrolled and $0.58 per child in
poverty. The total amount shown on the Web SAS should be entered on line 13, current fiscal year
funds budgeted, of the SAS budget summary.
For applicant agencies with Regional Day School Programs for the Deaf (RDSPD), information also
includes entitlements for the following fund sources:
IDEA-B Formula (Deaf) and IDEA-B Preschool (Deaf) — These funds are set at an established base
and no increases are available.
IDEA-B Capacity Building (Deaf) — The entitlement is $17.20 per student based on the December
2003 RDSPD annual survey student count sent to Gallaudet Research Institute.
IDEA-C Early Intervention (Deaf) — The entitlement is $229.49 per zero through two-year-old student
based on the December 2003 RDSPD annual survey student count sent to Gallaudet Research
State Deaf — The entitlement is $7,131.55 per student based on the tentative amount derived from
the December 2003 RDSPD annual survey student count sent to Gallaudet Research Institute. Any
adjustments will be made based on prior year unexpended balances and approved critical unmet
needs. Revised entitlement letters were sent from IDEA Coordination to the RDSPD contacts on
March 3, 2005.
IDEA-B Discretionary (Deaf) — The entitlement is $222.17 per student based on the December 2003
RDSPD annual survey student count sent to Gallaudet Research Institute. Any adjustments will be
made based on approved critical unmet needs. Revised entitlement letters were sent from IDEA
Coordination to the RDSPD contacts on March 3, 2005.
Amendments to the SAS must be received no later than May 18, 2005. The project(s) must be finalized
as of June 30, 2005, for all grants with the exception of State Deaf and IDEA-B Discretionary (Deaf), which
must be finalized as of August 31, 2005. Current year unexpended funds for IDEA-B Formula, IDEA-B
Preschool, IDEA-B Capacity Building, IDEA-B Formula (Deaf), IDEA-B Preschool (Deaf), IDEA-B Capacity
Building (Deaf), and IDEA-C Early Intervention (Deaf) may be rolled forward and included in the 2005-2006
SAS. If IDEA-B Capacity Building and IDEA-B Capacity Building (Deaf) funds are rolled forward to the
2005-2006 SAS, applicant agencies must continue to use these funds for the prescribed purposes and
maintain special accountability for these roll-forward funds through the use of local option codes.
Maximum entitlement amounts must be amended into the 2004-2005 SAS to be rolled forward to the
2005-2006 SAS.
Should you have any questions regarding these entitlements, please contact your education service center
special education contact or the Division of Formula Funding at (512) 463-8525.
Nora Ibáñez Hancock, Ed.D.
Associate Commissioner
Offfice for Planning, Grants and Evaluation