Year 6 Stanley Head – 8th July – 12th July 2013

28th February 2013
Dear Parent/Carer
Every year pupils in Year 6 have the opportunity to attend a 5-day residential course at an Outdoor
Education Centre. This year the course will run over the week of 8th July – 12th July 2013 at Stanley Head
Outdoor Education Centre. The course has been designed to cover many aspects of the curriculum including
outdoor pursuits, geography and citizenship - all based around a strong team building ethos.
The course will offer pupils opportunities unavailable in their normal school life. They include activities such
as - orienteering, canoeing, climbing, bmx biking and archery. Pupils will sleep in tents and be required to
contribute to the upkeep of the centre and its facilities. An equipment list will be distributed at a later
date, we do not suggest purchasing anything at this time. Although the course will offer many exciting and
fun opportunities, it should not be seen as a holiday. Children will be expected to keep a diary of each day
and complete follow-up work each evening.
The cost of the course will be £125.50, which includes all activities and meals. Pupils on free school meals
are eligible for free places. If you feel your situation merits a subsidised place, please contact the school
office for information.
Please complete and return the permission slip below indicating method of payment and return to the
Finance Office as soon as possible. Cheques should be made payable to Christ Church Academy. Payment
for the trip will be due by 7th June 2013. If you will be paying by the Schoolcomms gateway, of which you
will receive information via email or letter, a payment request for the trip will be sent at the appropriate
Medical forms will be issued at a later date, along with a detailed kit list. We will also hold a Parents’
Information Evening prior to the trip to answer any questions you may have.
Yours sincerely
Mrs L Hughes/Mr M Hodson
Christ Church Academy - Year 6 Stanley Head – 8th July – 12th July 2013
I give permission for my child _______________________ Class __________________
to attend the above trip.
Signed _______________________________________
Date ___________________
Please tick one of the boxes below:
I enclose full payment of £125.50.
I will be sending payment in at a later date.
I would like to pay in instalments.
I will be paying through Schoolcomms.