April 2011 - Re

The Recycle Bin
By Kimberly Rubis
Hello friends,
I am very proud to announce that on April 6 the attacks on the EPA
regarding the clean air act have been defeated. There were four amendments
that were being considered and thankfully they were all crushed. Thank you
for all of your support. As good stewards of the earth we need to make sure
our voices are heard and by sending letters to our Senators just turns the
small ripple in to a big wave. I am very proud of Trinity being a part of this.
This month I would like to talk about water conservation in both the
home and the garden. These are easy mindful steps anyone can be successful
at. When washing dishes by hand, don't let the water run while rinsing. Fill
one sink with wash water and the other with rinse water. Some refrigerators,
air conditioners and ice-makers are cooled with water. Consider upgrading
with air-cooled appliances for significant water savings. Adjust sprinklers so
only your lawn is watered and not the house, sidewalk, or street. Run your
clothes washer and dishwasher only when they are full. You can save up to
1,000 gallons a month. Choose shrubs and groundcovers instead of turf for
hard-to-water areas such as steep slopes and isolated strips. Install covers on
pools and spas and check for leaks around your pumps. Use the garbage
disposal sparingly. Compost vegetable food waste instead and save gallons
every time. Plant in the fall when conditions are cooler and rainfall is more
plentiful. And of course use a rain barrel or plant a rain garden near your
I am happy to announce that the Green Team will be taking their first
field trip. We are going to Red Oak Nature center On May 3rd at 9:00.
Carpooling is always a great idea, so if you need a ride just let someone on
the Green Team know. This is just the first of hopefully many field trips to
come. In 2009 I spent a great deal of time working with my conservation
biology class at Red Oak. We learned a lot about the center and their
objective. We helped to replant a prairie. Remove invasive species like garlic
mustard, buckthorn, and Asian ash trees. At this time of year the forest is just
waking up from its slumber. New life is everywhere you look. This will be
an exciting trip. Please join us and bring a friend.
The Green Team meeting this month was a lot of fun. I put together a
list of environmental scientists and everyone picked a person to talk about at
the meeting. This meeting was Sigurd Olsen who was influential in the
protection of the Boundary Waters and helped draft the Wilderness Act of
1964, presented by Linda. And John Muir, presented by myself, who was an
influential writer and naturalist. We ended the meeting by making eco
The Recycle Bin
By Kimberly Rubis
friendly laundry detergent. A good time was had by all.
Homework for this month:
Older toilets use about 5 gallons of water per flush, but it only needs 3 to
work properly. Put a 12oz plastic bottle, filled with water, inside the tank
(flush the tank first so it is empty and place the bottle inside). You’ll cut your
water usage by 10 gallons a day! If you have a newer toilet your not off the
hook for this months homework. Spring is the time to check things so, check
your toilet for leaks. This is done by putting a good amount of food coloring
in to the tank, let it sit for 15 min. then come back and check the bowl for
the coloring. If it leaks, typically it is from the flapper and can easily be
replaced. Good Luck!
Respectfully yours,
Kimberly Rubis