Summary of Mental Health Legislation

Summary of Mental Health Legislation
As of 4/4/13 per
Amended in Senate Human
Services & Corrections and
passed to Senate Ways &
Means, where it awaits a
possible hearing
NAMI and WA State
Psychiatric Association pro,
our amendments were
made, the measure needs to
be properly funded
ESHB 1336 (Rep. Orwall),
Increasing the capacity of
school districts to recognize
and respond to troubled
Amended in Senate Early
Learning & K-12 Education
and passed to Senate Ways
& Means, where it awaits a
possible hearing
NAMI pro; some of our
suggested amendments
were made
SHB 1376 (Rep. Orwall),
Clarifying the requirement
that certain health
professionals complete
training in suicide
assessment, treatment, and
Senate 2nd Reading
E2SHB 1522 (Rep. Green),
Improving behavioral health
services provided to adults
in Washington state
Amended in Senate Human
Services & Corrections and
passed to Senate Ways &
Means, where it awaits a
possible hearing
NAMI pro
E2SHB 1114 (Rep.
Pedersen), Addressing
criminal incompetency and
civil commitment
The companion is SB 5176
SHB 1524 (Rep. Roberts),
Senate Rules White
Providing for juvenile mental
health diversion and
disposition strategies
2SHB 1627 (Rep. Morrell),
Regarding competency to
stand trial evaluations
Amended in Senate Human
Services & Corrections and
passed to Senate Ways &
Means, where it awaits a
possible hearing
NAMI pro
ESHB 1679 (Rep. Cody),
Regarding the disclosure of
health care information
Amended in Senate Human
Services & Corrections and
passed to Senate Ways &
Means, where it awaits a
possible hearing
NAMI pro.
Pertains in part to mental
health information.
ESHB 1688 (Rep. Stonier),
Establishing a requirement
and system for reporting
incidents of student restraint
and isolation in public
schools for students who
have an individualized
education program or plan
developed under section
504 of the rehabilitation act
of 1973. )
Amended in Senate Early
Learning & K-12 Education
and passed to Senate Ways
& Means, where it awaits a
possible hearing
NAMI pro, would be better to
include if possible all
students – not just those on
HB 1724 (Rep. Roberts),
Concerning statements
made by juveniles during
assessments or screenings
for mental health or
chemical dependency
Died in Senate Human
Services & Corrections
NAMI pro
2SHB 1777 (Rep. Green),
Accelerating changes to
mental health involuntary
commitment laws
Passed to Senate Ways &
Means, where it awaits a
possible hearing
NAMI pro
The companion is SB 5551
The companion is SB 5480
ESSB 5153 (Sen. KohlWelles), Concerning
transfers of clients between
regional support networks
House Rules
SSB 5165 (Sen. Hargrove),
Increasing the authority of
superior court
commissioners to hear and
determine certain matters
House Rules
NAMI neutral
ESSB 5176 (Sen. Hargrove),
Addressing criminal
incompetency and civil
Heard in House
Appropriations on 4/1
NAMI pro
The companion is HB 1114
2SSB 5213 (Sen. Becker),
Concerning prescription
review for medicaid
managed care enrollees
Amended in House Health
NAMI neutral, monitor on
Care & Wellness and passed behalf of the WSPA
to House Appropriations,
where it awaits a possible
ESB 5221 (Sen. KohlWelles), Requiring
notification of release of a
person following dismissal
of charges based on
incompetence to stand trial
Amended in House Judiciary
and passed to House Rules
NAMI neutral
SSB 5282 (Sen. Carrell),
Creating a statewide
database of mental health
commitment information
Amended in House Judiciary
and passed to House Rules
NAMI pro
SSB 5456 (Sen. Schlicher),
Amended in House Judiciary
Concerning detentions under and passed to House Rules
the involuntary treatment
NAMI pro
ESSB 5480 (Sen. Keiser),
Concerning mental health
involuntary commitment
Heard in House
Appropriations on 4/1
NAMI pro, a session priority
2SSB 5540 (Sen. Parlette),
Expanding opportunities to
purchase health care
coverage from out-of-state
To be heard in House
Subcommittee on General
Government on 4/4 @ 1:30
NAMI opposed -- would
undermine mental health
SSB 5551 (Sen. Conway),
Concerning competency to
stand trial evaluations
Amended in House Judiciary
and passed to House
Appropriations, where it
awaits a possible hearing
NAMI pro
The companion is HB 1777
The companion is HB 1627
ESB 5666 (Sen. Dammeier), House Rules
Concerning disclosure of
information by health care
quality improvement
programs, quality assurance
programs, and peer review
NAMI neutral
ESSB 5681 (Sen. Rolfes),
Facilitating treatment for
persons with co-occurring
disorders by requiring
development of an
integrated rule
NAMI pro
House Rules
2SSB 5732 (Sen. Carrell),
Concerning the adult
behavioral health system in
Washington state
Heard in House
Appropriations on 4/1
Seth Dawson
NAMI Washington
Compass Health
Washington State Psychiatric Association
NAMI pro