Spaldwick 2014-15 Pupil Premium Funding and Outcomes

Spaldwick Community Primary School Pupil Premium 2014-15 Funding and Outcomes
Total Funding for year 2014-25: £11.300 NOR September 2014: 158
Number of children entitled to Pupil Premium: 8 FMS 3 Service [6.6%]
Pupil Premium (PP) is a grant aimed at raising attainment for groups of pupils who experience potential barriers to learning. The groups
identified by the government as qualifying for the grant are children who are in receipt/have received free school meals, Looked After children
or those from service families. We ensure that teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of all pupils.
At Spaldwick Community Primary School Pupil Premium is allocated to children from service families as well as those who have free school
meals. We ensure that the needs of these children are considered when targeting provision. We ensure that appropriate provision is made for
pupils who belong to vulnerable groups, this includes ensuring that the needs of socially disadvantaged pupils are adequately assessed and
In making provision for socially disadvantaged pupils, we recognise that not all pupils who receive free school meals or who are from
service/forces families will be socially disadvantaged. We also recognise that not all pupils who are socially disadvantaged are registered or
qualify for free school meals. We reserve the right to allocate the Pupil Premium funding to support any pupil or groups of pupils the school
has legitimately identified as being socially disadvantaged.
Pupil premium funding will be allocated following a needs analysis which will identify priority classes, groups or individuals. Limited funding
and resources means that not all children receiving free school meals will be in receipt of pupil premium interventions at one time.
Resources Support Staff Level 2 360 hours April 2014 –March 2015. £2000 Funding for resources.
2014-15 Pupil Premium Outcomes
Cover to enable individual pupil
conference meetings in each term to
review learning and set targets.
Increase in TA support in classes for part
of day. 41 hours per term TA L2 to
ensure cover for each class.
125 hours
Monitoring and Outcomes
Pupil knowledge, engagement in learning, achievement of
personal targets.
Use of AM grids to identify learning gaps.
Review of AM grids to see ‘increased marks’ and learning gaps
Use of behaviour monitoring systems to monitor improved
engagement in learning.
Social /Emotional/ Behavioural needs identified.
Specific support by TA within the lunchtime club.
Use of ‘indoor resources collection’ and Kindles for reading
Evidence July 2015
Points Progress of PP pupils
For identified pupils hold an
interim conference, with
parents invited to attend.
Use of AM grids.
Lunchtime TA. To support social play
club. 2 lunchtimes a week.
KS2 pupils to attend. 1 hour per week
30 hours
Provision of staffing for ‘Buzz it clubs’
Start and end of day. Homework support
3 hours per week: club, preparation,
home links.
Possible resources
P.A.L, to support Literacy/ Numeracy
Resources for use as home learning
TA as Parent link in Reception / in KS1. 2
hrs a week.
Provision of learning support to provide
weekly social skills for identified pupils.
These groups to include PP pupils. [ 2
hours a week]
90 hours
Invited pupils, to complete Lit/ Numeracy programmes, linked
to specific ICT resources
Provision of this time/ space to access the resources needed to
support completion of homework tasks
Specific pupils
A Library style resource collection, linked to number skills/
reading pack. Web-based information as well
Funding to include the setting up.
Arrange class visits, resource packs home, e-comminucation
Web page data. Resources
used. Parent feedback.
60 hours
60 hours
Behavioural Report
Pupils who received support
in previous academic year to
Use of specific programmes. Increased engagement in learning.
Reduction on behaviour linked incidents
Support given to specific
Evidence of pupils
transferring skills to learning
time and own social time
2014-15 Pupil Premium Outcomes
Reading Resources
Benchmarking Resource:
All pupils Y1-Y5. [Y6 identified pupils]
Detailed reading assessment to link with
reading milestones
Computing resources, to support specific
programmes/ pupils access to
Eg Clicker 6
Monitoring and Outcomes
Detailed reading assessment to link with reading milestones
Evidence July 2015
Points Progress of PP pupils
Evidence of progress in
£250 x 3
Use of mini-ipad to increase the access to clicker 6 to support
Evidence of use, and transfer
into other written work
2014-15 Pupil Premium Outcomes