Key Stage 1 Lesson Plan

Greenway Tour Links with National Curriculum
Science KS1
National Curriculum
Sc1 Investigative Skills
2. Pupils should be taught
2e) Follow simple
instructions to control the
risks to themselves and to
Possible activities
Codes of Practice.
Infection on Farm
visits. These
information sheets
are sent out to all
schools with the
booking forms.
Teacher informs pupils about
the importance of health and
safety during farm visit.
Discussion as to why rules are
necessary. Pupils could
produce leaflets, poster or class
display using pictures or
drawings to illustrate the safety
Guides go through
main health and
safety instructions
at the beginning
and during the tour
as appropriate.
2f) Explore, using the
senses of sight, hearing,
smell, touch and taste as
appropriate, and make
and record observations
and measurements
Farm tour and
2g) Communicate what
happened in a variety of
ways, including using ICT
[for example, in speech
and writing, by drawings]
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Children follow the safety
instructions during the farm visit.
Opportunities to see, smell,
touch and hear animals and
other wildlife during the tour.
Photographs could be taken as
a record. Tape recorder or video
camera could also be used to
record what they saw and
Classroom discussion about the
farmyard smells, noises and
what the animals etc., felt like.
Children could make noises in
songs such as Old MacDonald
had a farm.
Children could produce
drawings and paintings to
communicate what happened
during the farm tour.
If the school has a digital
camera photographs could be
taken and then downloaded on
to computer and used to
produce a simple booklet or wall
display as a record of the visit.
Sc2 Life processes and
living things
Life processes
b) That animals, including
humans, move, feed,
grow, use their senses
and reproduce
c) To relate life processes
to animals and plants
found in the local
Where’s my
Adult animals and
their offspring
observed during the
tour. There will
generally be a
range of offspring at
different stages of
Information sheets
entitled Sheep,
cows and pigs at
Animals feeding
and moving.
This worksheet enables children
to match pictures of young
animals to adults
Observation of adult animals
and their offspring makes
children aware that animals
produce offspring. The range of
offspring at different stages of
development will help children
realise that baby animals grow.
These sheets provide pictures
and information that teachers
could use about baby animals,
how they grow and feed.
Animals feeding and moving
will be observed by the children
during the tour.
A selection of these questions
could be used by the teacher as
a verbal quiz in the classroom.
Farm animal
question sheets
Animal body parts Children complete body parts
Humans and other
pictures – cow and worksheets so that they can
recognise and name external
2.Pupils should be taught: hen
body parts on different animals.
a) To recognise and
Children could be asked to
compare the main
compare these parts with the
external parts of the
human body and say how they
bodies of humans and
other animals
b) That humans and other Animals eating and
drinking during the
animals need food and
water to stay alive
Information sheets
entitled Sheep,
cows and pigs at
Farm animal
question sheets
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The children will observe
animals feeding and drinking
during the tour. The information
sheets provide detail of what the
animals eat at different times of
the year.
This again could be used as a
simple quiz.
e) How to treat animals
with care and sensitivity
Codes of practice
Instructions from
f) That humans and other
animals can produce
offspring and that these
offspring grow into adults
Where’s my
Adult animals and
their offspring
observed during the
tour. There will
generally be a
range of offspring at
different stages of
Information sheets
entitled Sheep,
cows and pigs at
g) About the senses that
enable humans and other
animals to be aware of
the world around them.
Variation and
Pupils should be
taught to:
b) Group living things
according to observable
similarities and
b) Identify similarities and
differences between local
environments and ways in
which these affect
animals and plants that
are found there
Farm animal
question sheets
Farm animal
The noises that the
animals make to
communicate with
each other.
Pupils could do a simple
roleplay showing how treat
animals with care and
This worksheet enables children
to match pictures of young
animals to adults
Observation of adult animals
and their offspring makes
children aware that animals
produce offspring. The range of
offspring at different stages of
development will help children
realise that baby animals grow.
These sheets provide pictures
and information that teachers
could use about baby animals,
how they grow and feed.
A selection of these questions
could be used by the teacher as
a verbal quiz in the classroom.
Children observe animals and
comment on how the animals
react to them. How the animal’s
ears prick up to show that they
are listening, they may back
away and stare at them. Later
the animals may come over to
the children and sniff and lick
them using. This shows how the
animals use all their senses to
find out more about the children.
Is it an animal or is Complete table by drawing or
it a bird?Table.
placing pictures of animals in
the appropriate columns
Large wall displays could be
visited during the
produced showing lake,
tour e.g., the lake,
woodland and a farm. Children
wooded area, and
could then produce pictures of
farm. Wide range of the different plants and animals
animals and plants
they observed during the tour.
can be observed
These pictures can then be
during the
placed on the appropriate
section of the wall display.
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c) Care for the
experience. This will
vary depending on
the time of year.
Children colour in and go over
Simple word and
the word for the animal. This
animal pictures.
helps them recognise and be
able to name some common
animals found in their local
Codes of Practice
Children could produce posters
or leaflets to make people more
aware of caring for the
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