Academic Journal Articles (peer reviewed)

Articles in Academic Journals
Bullock A., (in press) Dental Education as a Social Science: some implications for research.
Guest Editorial. European Journal of Dental Education
Davison I., Cooper R. and Bullock A.D. (in press) The objective structured public health
examination (OSPHE): a study of reliability using multi-level analysis. Medical Teacher
Bullock, A.D., Firmstone, V.R., Frame, J. and Thomas, H. (in press) Using dentistry as a case
study to examine continuing education and its impact on practice. Oxford Review of
Bullock A.D., Berkey D. and Smith B.J. (2010) International education research issues in
meeting the oral health needs of geriatrics populations: an introduction. Journal of Dental
Education 74 (1) 5-6
Bullock, A.D., Firmstone, V.R. and Falcon H.C. (2010) Developing guidelines for postgraduate
dental educators in the UK. British Dental Journal 208(1) 19-23
The CoBaTrICE Collaboration. (2009) The educational environment for training in intensive
care medicine: structures, processes, outcomes and challenges in the European region.
Intensive Care Medicine, 35 (9): 1575-1583
Bullock A, Firmstone V and Burke S (2009) Sustained Continuing Education: how a masters
programme makes a difference to primary care dentists. Dental Update 36 358-364
Bullock, A.D., Hassell, A., Markham, W.A., Wall, D.W. and Whitehouse, A.B. (2009) How
ratings vary by staff group in a multi-source feedback assessment of junior doctors. Medical
Education 43(6)516-20
Firmstone, V.R., Bullock, A.D., Bedward, J. and Frame, J.W. (2007) Supporting Return to
Dentistry: a national evaluation of the Retaining and Returning Advisory Service. British
Dental Journal, 203 (7): 413-417
Firmstone, V.R., Bullock, A.D., Frame, J.W. and Wilson, M. (2007) Temporary Registration in
primary care for dentists moving to the UK from outside the EU: and evaluation of national
pilot scheme. British Dental Journal, 203 (5): 251- 255.
Bullock, A.D., Firmstone, V., Frame, J. and Bedward J. (2007) Enhancing the benefit of
continuing professional development: a randomized controlled study of personal
development plans for dentists. Learning in Health and Social Care, 6 (1): 14-26
The CoBaTrICE Collaboration. (2007) The views of patients and relatives of what makes a
good intensivist: a European survey. Intensive Care Medicine, 33 (11): 1913-1920
Whitehouse, A., Hassell, A., Bullock, A., Wood, L. and Wall, D. (2007) 360° Assessment
(multisource feedback) of UK trainee doctors: field testing of TAB (team assessment of
behaviours). Medical Teacher, 29 (2): 171-176
Wood, L., Hassell, A., Whitehouse, A., Bullock, A. and Wall D. (2006). A literature review of
Multi-Source Feedback systems within and without health services, leading to ten tips for
their successful design. Medical Teacher, November, 28 (7): e185-e191
Wood, L., Wall, D., Bullock, A., Hassell, A., Whitehouse, A. and Campbell, I. (2006). Team
Observation': A Six Year Study of the development and use of multi-source feedback (360
degree assessment) in obstetrics and gynecology training the United Kingdom. Medical
Teacher, November, 28 (7): e177-e184
The CoBaTrICE Collaboration. (2006) Development of core competencies for an international
training programme in intensive care medicine. Intensive Care Medicine, 32 (9): 1371-1383
Barret,t H. and Bion, J.F. for the The CoBaTrICE Collaboration. (2006) An international survey
of training in intensive care medicine. Intensive Care Medicine, 31 (4): 553-561
Davison, I., Burke, S., Bullock, A., Brown, C., Campbell, C. and Field, S. (2006) Evaluation of a
pilot careers advice service for junior doctors. Medical Teacher, 28 (6): 561-563
Markham, W.A., Aveyard, P., Bullock, A.D.and Thomas, H. (2006) A preliminary investigation
into factors influencing limiting long-standing illness among UK university graduates: a
retrospective cohort study. Health, 10 (1): 47-73
Burke, S., Davison, I., Brown, C., Bullock, A. and Kelly S. (2005) The involvement of lay people
in selection to general practice training schemes. Education for Primary Care, 16 (4): 450457.
Markham, W.A., Bullock, A.D., Firmstone, V.R., Matthews, P., Kell,y S. and Field, S.J. (2005)
Sexual health care training needs of GP trainers: a regional survey. The Journal of Family
Planning and Reproductive Health Care, 31 (3): 213-218
Aveyard, P., Markham,W.A., Lancashire, E., Bullock, A., Macarthur, C., Cheng, K.K. and
Daniels, H. (2004) The influence of school culture on smoking among pupils. Social Science
and Medicine, 58: 1767-1780
Bullock, A.D., Burke, S.E. and Wall, D. (2004) Higher Specialist Training: a study of curriculum
and assessment within four specialties. Medical Teacher, 26 (2): 174-177
Burke, S., Brown, C., Bullock, A., Field, S. and Kelly, S. (2004) The impact of centralised
selection for GP Registrars: lessons from the West Midlands. Education for Primary Care, 15
(2): 175-182
Firmstone, V.R., Bullock, A.D., Fielding, A., Frame, J.W., Gibson, C. and Hall, J. (2004) The
impact of course attendance on the practice of dentists. British Dental Journal, 196 (12):
Firmstone, V.R., Bullock, A.D., Bedward, J., Frame, J.W. and Hall, J. (2004) Key skills for newly
qualified dentists: an evaluation of a West Midlands initiative. British Dental Journal,
Educational Supplement, 25-32
Brown, C.A., Wakefield, S.E. and Bullock, A.D. (2003). The selection of GP trainees in the
West Midlands: second audit of assessment centre scores by ethnicity and country of
qualification. Medical Teacher, 25 (6): 649-653
Brown, C., Wakefield, S., Bullock, A. and Field, S. (2003) A qualitative evaluation of the
'Trailblazers' teaching the teachers programme in mental health. Learning in Health and
Social Care, 2, (2): 74-82.
Bullock, AD, Firmstone, VR, Fielding, A, Frame, JW, Thomas, D and Belfield, C (2003)
Participation of UK Dentists in Continuing Professional Development. British Dental Journal,
194 (1): 47-51.
Bullock, A.D., Butterfield, S., Morris, Z.S. and Frame, J.W. (2002) Recommendations for
improving the assessment of postgraduate dental education. British Dental Journal, 192 (7):
Bullock, A.D., Frame, J., Holmlund, A., Limanowska-Shaw, H. and Shaw, G. (2002) Are Polish
and Swedish dental graduates adequately prepared for dental practice in the UK? A
discussion of the transferability of general dental practitioners in Europe. European Journal
of Dental Education, 6: 49-53 (leading article). A comment on this paper was published by
Shanley, D.B. (54-55) and the authors made a response (55-56).
Wakefield, S., Brown, C., Bullock, A., Field, S. and Kelly, S. (2002) Selecting general
practitioner registrars: the West Midlands model. British Medical Journal, 325, 7354, Career
Wall, D., Wakefield, S. and Bullock, A.D. (2002) Do the Royal College curriculum statements
guide the assessment and learning for specialist registrars? Hospital Medicine, 63 (8): 493496.
Belfield, C.R., Morris, Z.S., Bullock, A.D. and Frame, J.W. (2001)‘The benefits and costs of
continuing professional development (CPD) for general dental practice: a discussion.
European Journal of Dental Education, 5: 47-52
Belfield, C., Thomas, H., Bullock, A.D., Eynon, R. and Wall, D. (2001) Measuring effectiveness
for best evidence medical education: a discussion. Medical Teacher, 23 (2): 164-170
Brown, C.A., Wakefield, S.E. and Bullock, A.D. (2001) The selection of GP trainees in the West
Midlands: audit of assessment centre scores by ethnicity and country of qualification.
Medical Teacher, 23 (6): 605-609
Morris, Z.S., Bullock, A.D., Belfield, C.R., Butterfield, S. and Frame, J.W. (2001) Assessment in
post-registration dental education: an evaluation of strengths and weaknesses. Medical
Education, 35: 537-543
Morris, Z.S., Bullock, A.D., Cooper, R.F., Field, S.J. and Thomas, H.R. (2001) The Role of Basic
Specialist Training in Public Health Medicine in Promoting Understanding for Future GPs –
evaluation of a pilot programme. Education for Primary Care, 12: 430-436
Belfield, C.R., Bullock, A.D., Rikowski, G. and Thomas, H.R. (2000) Franchising and the
Funding Methodology in the FE Sector. Journal of Education and Work, 13 (1): 25-39
Bullock, A.D., Butterfield, S., Belfield, C.R., Morris, Z.S., Ribbins, P.M., and Frame, J.W. (2000)
A role for clinical audit and peer review in the identification of continuing professional
development needs for general dental practitioner: a discussion. British Dental Journal, 189
(8): 445-448
Wall, D., Eynon, R. and Bullock, A.D. (2000) An evaluation of risk management training in the
West Midlands. Journal of Clinical Governance, 8: 191-194
Belfield, C.R., Bullock, A.D. and Fielding, A. (1999) Graduates’ Views on the Contribution of
their Higher Education to their General Development: a retrospective evaluation for the UK.
Research in Higher Education, 409-438
Bullock, A.D., Belfield, C.R., Butterfield, S., Morris, Z.S., Ribbins, P.M. and Frame, J.W. (1999)
A Framework for the Evaluation of Short Courses in Dentistry. British Dental Journal, 187
(8): 445-449
Bullock, A.D., Belfield, C.R., Butterfield, S., Ribbins, P.R. and Frame, J.W. (1999) Continuing
Education Courses in Dentistry: assessing impact on practice. Medical Education, 33:484488
Bullock, A.D., de Vries, H., Lopez, M.L., Thomas, H. and Charlton, A. (1996) Smoking
Prevention and Young People: Using research to identify out-of-school intervention sites in
three countries. Educational Review, 48 (2): 143-152
Bullock, A.D., Haywood, C. and Mac an Ghaill, M. (1996) Introduction. Researching health
issues in education. Educational Review, 48 (2): 117-119
Thomas, H. and Bullock, A.D. (1996) Comparative Analysis and Educational Decentralisation.
International Studies in Educational Administration, 24 (2): 25-32
Bullock, A.D. and Thomas, H. (1995) Context, Complexity and the Impact of Local
Management. Research Papers in Education, 10 (3): 341-358
Bullock, A.D., Thomas, H. and Arnott, M.A. (1993) The Impact of Local Management: A view
from head teachers. Local Government Policy Making, 19 (5): 57-61
Thomas, H. and Bullock, A.D. (1992) School Size and Local Management Funding Formulae.
Education Management and Administration, 20 (1): 30-38
Articles in Professional Journals
Bullock A (2009) CPD matters. National Health Executive 3(1) 77-78
Martin, J and Bullock, A.D. (1997) Development Planning -Is there a role for governors?
Management in Education, 11 (2): 3-5
Bullock, A.D. and Thomas, H. (1995) Local Management of Schools: Does it matter to pupils?
Management in Education, 9 (1): 29-31
Bullock, A.D. and Thomas, H. (1994) Funding Fluctuation. Managing Schools Today, 3 (6): 2829
Thomas, H. and Bullock, A.D. (1994) In Search of Quality Time. Times Educational
Supplement, Section 2: 8
Thomas, H. and Bullock, A.D. (1991) The Flawed Formula. In Managing Schools Today, 1 (3):
Authored Books
Bullock, A.D. and Thomas, H. (1997) Schools at the Centre? London: Routledge 234pp
Short Books
Thomas, H. and Bullock, A.D. (1994) The Impact of Local Management on Schools Lichfield:
QEd Publications 26pp
Chapters in Books
Barrett, H., Bullock, A.D., Bion, J.F. (2007) ‘Evaluating clinical performance’. In Cashman, J.,
Grounds, M, (eds) Recent Advances in Anaesthesia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Bion, J., Reay, H. and Bullock, A. (2007) ‘Training in intensive care medicine’. In Kuhlen, R.,
Moreno, R., Ranieri, M. and Rhodes, A. (eds) 25 Years of Progress and Innovation in
Intensive Care Medicine. Berlin: Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft. pp353360
Bullock, A.D. and Thomas, H. (1997) ‘Evaluating Educational Reforms’. In Educational
Reforms in England and Wales: A briefing with commentary. DFID Report. pp54-59
Thomas, H. and Bullock, A.D. (1994) ‘Money, Monitoring and Management.’ In Ribbins, P.
and Burridge, E. (eds) Improving Education: Promoting Quality in Schools. London: Cassell.
Thomas, H. and Bullock, A.D. (1994) ‘The Political Economy of Local Management of
Schools’. In Tomlinson, S. (ed) Educational Reform and its Consequences. London:
IPPR/Rivers Oram Press. pp41-52
Arnott, M.A., Bullock, A.D. and Thomas, H. (1993) ‘'The potential for both disaster and
success is great': Issues Arising from Head Teachers' Attitudes to local Management of
Schools’. In Wallace, G. (ed) Local Management, Central Control: Schools in the Market
Place. Bournemouth: Hyde Publications. pp108-123
Bullock, A.D. and Thomas, H. (1993) 'Pupil-Led Funding and Local Management Funding
Formula'. In Smith, M. and Busher, H. (eds) Managing Schools in and Uncertain
Environment: Resources, Marketing and Power. Sheffield Hallam University for BEMAS.
Bullock, A.D. and Thomas, H. (1993) ‘Comparing School Formula Allocations: An Exploration
of Some Problems’. in Wallace, G. (ed) Local Management, Central Control: Schools in the
Market Place Bournemouth: Hyde Publications. pp14-29
Thomas, H. and Bullock, A.D. (1992) ‘Local Management Funding Formula and LEA
Discretion’. In Simkins, T., Ellison, L. and Garrett, V. (eds) Implementing Education Reform:
The Early Lessons. Harlow: Longman. pp216-225
Published Abstracts (peer reviewed)
Bullock A. and Firmstone V. (2009) Continuing Professional Development for the Dental
Team. Association of Dental Education in Europe (ADEE).
Firmstone, V.R., Bullock, A.D., and Frame, J.W. (2009). Using evaluation to enhance
educational support for dental teams. Journal of Dental Research, 88 (Spec Iss) #2012
Bullock, A.D., Firmstone, V.R. and Falcon, H.C. (2009). Developing Guidelines for
Postgraduate Dental Educators in the UK. Journal of Dental Research, 88 (Spec Iss) #2013
Firmstone, V.R., Bullock, A.D. and Frame, J.W. (2008). UK Primary Care Dental Therapists:
education and teamwork issues. Journal of Dental Research, 87 (Spec Iss A) #1167
Bullock, A.D., Firmstone, V.R. and Frame, J.W. (2007). Temporary Registration in Primary
Care for Dentists moving to the UK. Journal of Dental Research, 86 (Spec Iss A) #0137
Firmstone, V.R., Bullock,A.D., Frame, J.W. and Gibson, C. (2007). Workplace Support for
Dentists Moving to the UK. Journal of Dental Research, 86 (Spec Iss A) #1693
Bullock, A.D., Firmstone, V.R., Perryer, G., Gibson, C. and Frame, J.W. (2006). Learning needs
and personal development plans for UK dentists. Journal of Dental Research, 85 (Spec Iss A)
Firmstone, V.R., Bulloc,k A.D., Frame, J.W. and Gibson, C. (2006). Education and support
needs of dentists moving to the UK. Journal of Dental Research, 85 (Spec Iss A)
Bullock, A.D., Firmstone, V.R., Burke, S.E., Burke, F.J.T. and Frame, J.W. (2005). A Masters
Course for Primary Care Dentists: making a difference? Journal of Dental Research, 84 (Spec
Iss A): Abstr #0181
Firmstone, V.R., Bullock, A.D., Bedward, J. and Frame, J.W. (2005). Supporting Return to
Practice: evaluation of a new advisory service. Journal of Dental Research, 84 (Spec Iss A):
Abstr #0182
Bullock, A.D., Firmstone, V.R., Bedward, J., Frame J.W., Hall J. and Lowndes P. (2004).
Personal development planning for dentists: impact on continuing professional
development. Journal of Dental Research, 83 (Spec Iss A): Abstr #1564
Firmstone, V.R., Bullock, A.D., Bedward, J., Frame, J.W. Bullock C. and Worth A.. (2004). The
value of personal development planning for UK dentists. Journal of Dental Research, 83
(Spec Iss A): Abstr #1563
Bullock, A.D., Firmstone, V.R., Fielding, A.and Thomas, H.R. (2003). What influences do
dentists have on patients' views of continuing professional development (CPD): a UK study.
Journal of Dental Research, 82 (Spec Iss A): Abstr #1005
Firmstone, V.R., Bullock, A.D., Frame, J.W. and Hall, J. (2003). Key Skills for Newly Qualified
Dentists: an evaluation of a pilot initiative in UK. Journal of Dental Research, 82 (Spec Iss A):
Abstr #835
Bullock, A.D., Firmstone, V., and Frame, J.W. (2002). The Impact of Course Attendance on
the Practice of Dentists. Journal of Dental Research, 81 Special Issue (IADR abstracts
#2463), 311.
Firmstone, V.R., Bullock, A.D., and Frame, J.W. (2002). Patients' Views on the Continuing
Professional Development of their Dentist. Journal of Dental Research, 81 Special Issue
(IADR Abstracts #2462), 311.
Bullock, A.D., Firmstone, V. and Frame J.W. (2001). Continuing professional development of
UK dentists: participation and impact. Journal of Dental Research,l 80 Special Issue (IADR
abstracts), 594.
Firmstone, V.R., Bullock, A.D., and Frame, J.W. (2001). General Professional Training in
Dentistry: a UK study. Journal of Dental Research, 80 Special Issue (IADR Abstracts), 594.
Research Reports (published)
Bullock AD (2009) The Dental Therapists Vocational Training (TVT) Scheme: an evaluation of
the first year. Final Report. Study commissioned by NHS Education South Central. Cardiff:
Cardiff University [unpublished]
Firmstone, V.R. with Bullock, A.D. and Frame J.W. (2009) Dental Therapists in the West
Midlands: A study of educational needs and teamwork issues in primary care dentistry.
Birmingham: The University of Birmingham. 113pp. ISBN 0 7044 27273
Bullock, A.D. and Firmstone, V.R. (2008) COPDEND Guidelines for Dental Educators: a
framework for developing standards for educators of the dental team. © COPDEND
Bedward, J., Davison, I., Cragg, R., Bullock, A. and Thomas, H. (2008) The Role of the
Consultant at University Hospitals Birmingham.
Birmingham: The University of
Birmingham. 75pp. ISBN 0 7044 27087
Firmstone, V., Bullock, A., and Frame J.W. (2008) The Pilot Enhanced Dental Training
Practice Scheme in the West Midlands: An Evaluation. Birmingham: The University of
Birmingham. 34pp. ISBN 0 7044 27036 and 9780704427037
Davison, I. and Bullock, A.D. (2007) Evaluation of the Introduction of the Objective
Structured Public Health Examination. Birmingham: The University of Birmingham. 49pp.
ISBN 0 7044 26471
Firmstone, V., Bullock, A., Gibson, C. and Frame, J. (2007) Polish Dentists’ Transition to NHS
Dentistry in the West Midlands: Education and Support Needs Final Report. Birmingham:
The University of Birmingham. 61pp. ISBN 0 7044 26218 and ISBN 9780704426214
Firmstone, V.F., Bullock, A.D., Bedward, J. and Frame, J.W. (2006) Enhancing the Benefit of
Continuing Professional Development: a randomised controlled study of personal
development plans for dentists. Final Report. Birmingham: The University of Birmingham.
23pp. ISBN 0 7044 25912
Firmstone, V.F. and Bullock, A.D. (2006) PCT Dental Tutors in the West Midlands: an
evaluation of a pilot initiative. Final Report. Birmingham: The University of Birmingham.
34pp. ISBN 0 7044 25920
Firmstone, V.F., Bullock, A.D. and Frame, J.W. (2005) An Evaluation of the Pilot Scheme for
Temporary Registration of Overseas-Qualified Dentists in Primary Care: Final Report.
Birmingham: The University of Birmingham. 42pp. ISBN 0 7044 25300
Bullock, A.D., Firmstone, V.F., Burke, S.E., Burke, F.J.T. and Frame, J.W. (2005) An Interim
Evaluation of the University of Birmingham Masters Course in General Dental Practice:
Final Report. Birmingham: The University of Birmingham. 38pp. ISBN 0 7044 25122
Bullock, A.D., Burke, S., Davison, I. and Brown, C. (2004) Careers Advice for Junior Doctors:
Final Report. Birmingham: The University of Birmingham. 56pp. ISBN 0 7044 24711
Firmstone, V., Bullock, A.D., Bedward, J. and Frame, J. (2004) An Evaluation of the
Effectiveness of the Retaining and Returning Initiative in England. Birmingham: The
University of Birmingham. 68pp. ISBN 0 7044 24614
Firmstone, V.R., Bedward, J., Bullock, A.D., Hall, J. and Frame, J.W. (2003) Key Skills in
Vocational Training: a West Midlands Evaluation. The University of Birmingham, 87pp
pages, ISBN: 070442407X.
Wakefield, S., Brown, C., Hammick, M. and Bullock, A.D. (2003) Involving Lay Assessors in
the Selection of GP Registrars: an evaluation from the West Midlands. Birmingham: The
University of Birmingham. ISBN: 0 7044 23995.
Firmstone, V., Bullock, A.D. and Frame, J.W. (2002) The Type, Volume and Impact of
Continuing Professional Development for General Dental Practitioners - Final Report.
(project RDO/90/48). 99pp ISBN: 0 7044 23884.
Wakefield, S., Bullock, A.D. and Foster, J. (2002) Clinical Skills Centres: an evaluation of
participation and reaction. Birmingham: The University of Birmingham. 48pp ISBN: 0 7044
Wakefield, S., Bullock, A.D. and Wall, D. (2002) Higher Specialist Training: a study of
curriculum and assessment within different specialties. 69pp ISBN: 0 7044 23383.
Firmstone, V., Bullock, A.D., Belfield, C., Frame, J. and Barnard, D. (2001) General
Professional Training in Dentistry: a survey of participants in the MFDS distance learning
course of the Faculty of Dental Surgery, the Royal College of Surgeons of England
Birmingham: The University of Birmingham. 52pp ISBN 0 7044 22824
Wakefield, S., Brown, C. and Bullock, A.D. (2001) The Selection of GP Trainees: an
evaluation of the new regional system. 204pp ISBN: 0 7044 23391.
Belfield, C.R., Bullock, A.D.. Rikowski, G. and Thomas, H.R. (2000) Funding for the Future:
strategic research in further education London: FEDA 49pp
Frame, J.W., Bullock, A.D., Butterfield, S., Morris, Z.S. and Belfield, C.R., (1999) An Evaluation
of Assessment in Post-registration Dental Education (Final Report), Birmingham: The
University of Birmingham. 96pp ISBN 0 7044 21615
Belfield, C.R., Bullock, A.D., Butterfield, S., Frame, J.W. and Ribbins, P.R. (1998) A Framework
for the Evaluation of Short Courses in Dentistry: Final Report Birmingham: The University
of Birmingham ISBN 0 7044 19742 45pp
Belfield, C.R., Bullock, A.D., Butterfield, S., Frame, J.W. and Ribbins, P.R. (1998) A Framework
for the Evaluation of Short Courses in Dentistry: Guidelines and Instruments Birmingham:
The University of Birmingham ISBN 0 7044 19750
11 pages text; 8 questionnaires/recording instruments; disk
Belfield, C.R., Bullock, A.D., Chevalier, A.N., Fielding, A., Siebert, W.S. and Thomas, H. (1997)
Mapping the Careers of Highly Qualified Workers Bristol: HEFCE Research Series 157pp
Bullock, A.D. and Thomas, H. (1994) The Impact of Local Management on Schools: Final
Report University of Birmingham ISBN 0 7044 14473 163pp
Arnott, M.A., Bullock, A.D. and Thomas, H. (1992) The Impact of Local Management on
Schools: A Source Book School of Education: University of Birmingham ISBN 0 7044 12233
Bullock, A.D. and Thomas, H. (1992) Pupil Numbers and Schools Budgets: An Examination
of Formula Allocation to Schools of Different Size University of Birmingham ISBN 0 7044
1228 4 54pp. Submitted by the AMMA as evidence to the School Teachers' Review Body,
Plus 30 unpublished research reports