SAFCALD Constitution

SAFCALD Constitution
Article I- Name, Purpose, and Non-Discrimination Policy of Organization.
Section 1: Student Association for Family, Child, and Lifespan Development
Section 2: SAFCALD is a student organization within the College of Human Ecology.
The organization is intended to provide services for students interested in Human
Development and Family Sciences. SAFCALD engages members in fundraising and
community service activities involving children, families, and individuals throughout the
lifespan. The organization does this through volunteer opportunities, guest speakers,
fundraisers, and socials. SAFCALD provides students with information regarding
community involvement, career, and educational enhancement. Lastly, SAFCALD
provides members with the opportunity to take on leadership roles as the organization's
officers and the organization's community service projects.
Section 3: All SAFCALD members shall not discriminate against any individual because
of race, color, creed, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, sex, age, handicap, or
Vietnam-era veteran status. Each member of SAFCALD is entitled to equal access of all
program opportunities.
Article II- Membership: Qualifications and categories of membership.
SAFCALD is a special interest group for members who are current, undergraduate
students in the College of Human Ecology and are interested in Human Development and
Family Sciences.
Article III- Organization Leadership: Titles, terms of office, type of selection and duties
of the leaders.
SAFCALD officers are appointed by the previous year’s officers. The officers represent
the executive committee and general membership. SAFCALD’s executive committee is
comprised of a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Human Ecology
Council Representative. All office positions are held for a year and may be kept as is for
the following year if all members of the executive committee deem so. The role of the
President is to make arrangements for meetings and volunteer opportunities along with
the officers. The President must plan officer meetings, delegate responsibilities, work
with the Union and attend a training session. Lastly, the President must be able to answer
questions and concerns of the organization. The Vice President assists the President in
their duties. The Vice President will read the SOURCE to find service ideas. The Vice
President also will order food, bring plates, napkins, cups, food, and drinks to meetings.
The Treasurer is in charge of keeping record of all deposits and withdrawals from the
SAFCALD account. The Treasurer will collect all receipts from any spending and make
copies if need be. The Treasurer needs to read the Union policies with spending and
attend a Treasurer training session. The Secretary sends emails to members about
meetings and/or other concerns. The Secretary will keep attendance at meetings and
create advertisements for upcoming meetings. The Secretary, also will keep record of all
service work for the community. The Human Ecology Council Representative is
responsible for attending council meetings, respond between council ideas and
SAFCALD ideas. The Representative will also help bring the food and other items at the
Aricle IV- Adviser.
Dr. Eugene Folden is SAFCALD’s adviser and is a full-time member of the Univeristy
faculty. As the Adviser, Dr. Folden is responsible for overseeing the organization,
providing volunteer project ideas, and is liaison between SAFCALD and the Human
Ecology faculty.
Article V- Meetings of the Organization: Required meetings and their frequency.
Two to three meetings will be held each quarter, excluding summer. All meetings are
required for office holders, but not for other members. Attendance will be highly
encourage though for general membership.
Article VI- Method of Amending Constitution: Proposals, notice, and voting
Proposed amendments must be in writing and will not be acted upon, but read in a
general meeting in which they are proposed. The proposed amendment shall be read
again in a number of following general meetings. At each general meeting a vote will be
taken, requiring either a two-third or three-quarter majority of the voting population or a
majority or two-thirds of the entire voting membership of SAFCALD, present or not.
Article VII- Method of Dissolution of Organization.
Shall the dissolution of SAFCALD occur, the Union must be notified immediately and all
members must be notified in the next meeting. Any debt shall be paid off promptly, and
all money members have paid that has not been put to use shall be returned.
Article 1- Parlimentary Authority
The rules contained in SAFCALD’s executive committee shall govern the organization in
all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with the bylaws of this organization.
Article II- Membership
All individuals who wish to become a member of SAFCALD must be a part of the
College of Human Ecology, interested in Human Development and Family Sciences,
attend regular group meetings, and pay $30 in dues once. If termination of membership
arise, the executive committee must comprise a list of why one shall be terminated. A
vote will then be held. If the vote meets all requirements and majority wins, then the
member shall be terminated.
Article III- Election/Appointment of Government Leadership
An election for office positions will be held in the first meeting of spring quarter to gain
an idea of who would like to run for a position. Each member wishing to run for office
will be given a form of questions asking the candidate to asses their leadership skills and
how they might help SAFCALD. Decisions will be made by current officers. The
running member will be officially elected at the last meeting of spring quarter. Eligibility
will be based on attendance of group meetings, ideas for community service projects,
persona, and leadership qualities. There must be a majority of current office members
who believe the candidate will be best for the open position. If a office holder resigns,
the next, lower position of power will move up into office. The lowest office position
will then be open, and a vote will be casted to elect the next officer. If impeachment shall
occur, the same procedure will follow.
Article IV- Executive Committee
SAFCALD’s executive committee is comprised of a President, Vice President, Treasurer,
Secretary, and Human Ecology Council Representative. All office positions are held for
a year and may be kept as is for the following year if all members of the executive
committee deem so. The role of the President is to make arrangements for meetings and
volunteer opportunities along with the officers. The President must plan officer
meetings, delegate responsibilities, work with the Union and attend a training session.
Lastly, the President must be able to answer questions and concerns of the organization.
The Vice President assists the President in their duties. The Vice President will read the
SOURCE to find service ideas. The Vice President also will order food, bring plates,
napkins, cups, food, and drinks to meetings. The Treasurer is in charge of keeping record
of all deposits and withdrawals from the SAFCALD account. The Treasurer will collect
all receipts from any spending and make copies if need be. The Treasurer needs to read
the Union policies with spending and attend a Treasurer training session. The Secretary
sends emails to members about meetings and/or other concerns. The Secretary will keep
attendance at meetings and create advertisements for upcoming meetings. The Secretary,
also will keep record of all service work for the community. The Human Ecology
Council Representative is responsible for attending council meetings, respond between
council ideas and SAFCALD ideas. The Representative will also help bring the food and
other items at the meetings.
Article V- Adviser Responsibilities
Dr. Eugene Folden is SAFCALD’s adviser and is a full-time member of the Univeristy
faculty. As the Adviser, Dr. Folden is responsible for overseeing the organization,
providing volunteer project ideas, and is liaison between SAFCALD and the Human
Ecology faculty.
Article VI- Meeting Requirements
Two to three meetings will be held each quarter, excluding summer. If a decision needs
to be voted on, the group must take the average number of members who usually attend
meetings. The average number of people must be present to take part in the vote.
Article VII- Method of Amending By-Laws
By-Laws may be amended by proposing in writing and reading the change during a
general organizational meeting. The proposed change must be voted on at the next
general group meeting with a two-thirds majority vote of the members present.