QESOSA Tong Kwok Wah Secondary School

QESOSA Tong Kwok Wah Secondary School
 Taming the sand 
2013-2014 S2 Geography
S.2 (
Unit 9.4 How do sandstorms affect us? (Textbook P. 23-31)
Key Questions:
Where do sandstorms occur in China?
Why do most sandstorms occur in northern China?
What negative impact do sandstorms bring to the people of China?
Can sandstorms do us some good?
Preparatory task
Find out the meaning of the BOLD words. Write down the definition in Chinese in the boxes below.
Passage A
Sandstorms occur over a large area in China, particularly in the northern and north-western parts. There
are factors favourable to the formation of sandstorms in northern China. They are:
(1) the sources of sand and dust
(2) strong winds
(3) misuse of land resources
Sandstorms can cause many negative impacts such as (4) disruption of transport, (5) destruction of
structures, (6) threatening people’s health and daily life or (7) reduction of crop yield.
However, sandstorms do some good to people in some ways. The (8) organic matter and minerals in
sand and dust can increase (9) soil fertility. Besides, sandstorms can reduce the (10) occurrence of acid
rains. Also, sand and dust particles in the sky favour the (11) formation of rain. Lastly, sand and dust can
reflect sunlight back to space. This can lower the (12) global average temperature.
the sources of sand and dust
strong winds
misuse of land resources
disruption of transport
destruction of structures
threatening people’s health and daily life
reduction of crop yield
organic matter and minerals
soil fertility
10. occurrence of acid rains
11. formation of rain
12. global average temperature
QESOSA Tong Kwok Wah Secondary School
 Taming the sand 
2013-2014 S2 Geography
S.2 (
1. Where do sandstorms occur in China? (Textbook, p.24)
The following map shows the distribution of sandstorms in China. Describe the
 Sandstorms occur over a large area in
 They are particularly in the northern
and north-western parts in China.
 Most severe sandstorms are found in
north-western part in China.
of sandstorms in China
2. Why do most sandstorms occur in northern China? (Textbook, p.25-26)
Task 1:
The following figures show the factors to the formation of sandstorms in northern
China. Describe the factors.
Factor (1) : The sources of sand and dust
 Deserts are the major source of
sand and dust for sandstorms
 Major deserts are found in the
northern and north-western parts of
China such as
- the Takla Makan Desert
- the Gobi Desert
Figure 2a Major paths of strong winds in spring
and winter ad major sources of sand and dust in China.
 Some of the deserts lie on the path
of strong winds.
 There are two main oaths of strong
1. from the west and the
north-west, moving eastern
2. from the north moving
QESOSA Tong Kwok Wah Secondary School
 Taming the sand 
2013-2014 S2 Geography
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Factor (2) : Strong winds
Figure 2b
Monthly frequency of sandstorms in northern
Figure 2c Winter monsoon in China
 Sandstorms occur most frequently in spring because China is affected by the
monsoon climate / monsoon winds.
 In spring, (hot / cold) and (strong / weak) winds move from the continental interior
to northern China.
* Monsoon winds refer to winds that change with the seasons.
- In summer monsoon, wind blows from sea to land (Eastern or South-eastern wind of
Hong Kong).
- In winter monsoon, wind blows from land to sea (Northern or North-eastern wind of
Hong Kong).
QESOSA Tong Kwok Wah Secondary School
 Taming the sand 
2013-2014 S2 Geography
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Factor (3) : Misuse of land resources
Increase in population
Misuse of land resources
(e.g. overcutting, overgrazing , over-cultivation)
Loss of vegetation cover
Soil erosion
Sources of sand and dust (increases / decreases)
Task 2:
List / Describe the factors to the formation of sandstorms in northern China.
1. The first factor is that there are the sources of sand and dust in northern China.
2. The second factor is that there are strong winds in northern China.
3. The third factor is that there is misuse of land resources in northern China.
3. What negative impact do sandstorms bring to the people of China?
(Textbook, p.26-28)
Task 1:
The following figures show the negative impact brought by sandstorms.
Identify and describe the negative impacts.
Negative Impact (1) : Disruption of transport
QESOSA Tong Kwok Wah Secondary School
 Taming the sand 
2013-2014 S2 Geography
A car covered by sand and dust during a
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Visibility is greatly reduced during sandstorm
 Large amounts of sand and dust blown into the sky reduces visibility. This
threatens the safety of transport. Flights, road and rail services cancelled.
Negative Impact (2) : Destruction of structures
Sandstorm nearly buried a house in Nei
Sandstorm hits Kuwait and Saudi Arabia
Large amounts of sand and dust can bury and destroy structures such as roads
and buildings. It can cause great economic loss.
QESOSA Tong Kwok Wah Secondary School
 Taming the sand 
2013-2014 S2 Geography
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Negative Impact (3) : Threatening people’s health and daily life.
People in Gansu wearing masks to protect
Themselves from a sandstorm
Tiananmen Square in Beijing during a
Sandstorms cause serious air pollution. They can cause discomfort to people’s
eyes and breathing.
Sand and dust may contain bacteria and fungi. They may cause diseases to
It is dangerous to carry out outdoor activities during sandstorms. Schools,
factories and offices have to be closed. The productivity of society will be
Negative Impact (4) : Reduction of crop yield
Farmers are clearing sand and dust deposited Sunlight cannot reach the land surface as it is
on vegetables
reflected by sand and dust
QESOSA Tong Kwok Wah Secondary School
 Taming the sand 
2013-2014 S2 Geography
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Source areas with sandstorms often suffer a loss of soil nutrients and organic
matter. Strong winds may sometimes erode soil up to 1-10 cm in depth. The
thinning of the topsoil makes the land less productive. It will hinder farming.
Sand and dust may destroy young plants. When the sand and dust are deposited,
it may bury field. It will affect farm production.
Sand and dust in the atmosphere will reflect more sunlight. This will lower the
amount of light absorbed by plants. It will affect plant growth.
Task 2: List or describe the negative impacts brought by sandstorms.
The first negative impact is disruption of transport.
The second negative impact is destruction of structures.
The third impact is threatening people’s health and daily life.
The fourth impact is reduction of crop yield.
4. Can sandstorms do us some good? (Textbook, p.29)
Task 1:
The following photo some positive impacts brought by sandstorms. Identify and
describe the positive impacts.
The Loess Plateau (黃土高原) in northern
China was formed by deep layers of sand
and dust brought by sandstorms. Land is
some areas is rich in minerals and organic
matter, forming fertile topsoil. For
of years, the land has supported dense
farming activities.
Extensive farmland in the Loess Plateau
Sand and dust may contain organic matter and minerals such as iron. These materials
help increase soil fertility in the receiving areas. It can improve farm production in
QESOSA Tong Kwok Wah Secondary School
 Taming the sand 
2013-2014 S2 Geography
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the receiving areas.
When sand and dust are brought to the ( sea / river ), nutrients in water increase.
This facilitates the growth of plant plankton. It can favour marine life.
Sand and dust ca neutralize acids in gases. It can reduce the occurrence of acid rain.
Sand and dust particles high up in the sky can act as condensation nuclei. It can
favour the formation of rain.
Sand and dust can reflect sunlight back to the space before it reached the earth’s
surface. It can lower the global average temperature.
Task 2: List or describe some positive impacts brought by sandstorms.
1. The first positive impact is improving farm production in the receiving areas.
2. The second positive impact is favouring marine life.
3. The third positive impact is reducing the occurrence of acid rain.
4. The fourth positive impact is favouring the formation of rain.
5. The fifth positive impact is lowering the global average temperature.