Bulletin Board Lesson Plan

Warfield 211
Oxford, Ohio 45056
(513) 529-4000
Bulletin Board Lesson Plan
Connection to Residential Curriculum –
List what learning outcomes and competencies this strategy addresses; include living learning
community objectives
 Effective Community Engagement (Develop a sense of belonging in one’s residential community
and at Miami University; Actively engage with diverse others in the community; Recognize the
interconnectedness of curricular and co-curricular experiences)
Academic Success (Understand and uphold one’s responsibilities in academic integrity; Explore
post-graduation experiences and opportunities; Evaluate multiple perspectives on an issue)
Intrapersonal Development (Make socially responsible, safe decisions; Incorporate selected
information into one’s knowledge base and value system)
Cultural Competency (Explore other cultures; Acquire an awareness of local, regional, national
and global issues)
Purpose –
Background why these competencies are being addressed in this community at this time
The bulletin board series provides students with needed information (e.g. closing information) as well as
opportunities to learn about expectations (e.g. academic integrity), culture and history of the campus
(e.g. Miami’s Bicentennial Celebration), and expand their awareness of existing activities, initiatives, and
resources in the community (e.g. personal safety, career goal clarification).
Outline –
Step by step of what is happening during the strategy; how you address the competencies listed
above with each of these actions
The Office of Residence Life will require all Resident Assistants (RAs), to create and hang bulletin boards
based on the following subjects/timelines:
1. August: A “welcome”-themed bulletin board. Suggested ideas (but not limited to this list): a
listing of activities during the first weeks of classes on campus; a map showing the home
locations of each of the corridor’s residents; a community-building display showing the
names/room numbers of the corridor’s residents, writing space for residents to share what they
did for the summer, etc.
2. Early September: A bulletin board constructed about personal safety. Suggested ideas: sexual
assault, alcohol and drug awareness, Miami Metro/Door-to-Door services, securing personal
belongings, etc.
3. Late September-Early October: A bulletin board that will inform residents regarding Miami’s
expectations and policies regarding Academic Integrity. This bulletin board will be created by
ORL’s Center for Residential Education staff and will be distributed to all RAs for posting.
4. Late October, December, January, and March: RAs will construct and post four bulletin boards
(one each month) that directly connect to each the four student learning outcomes, as listed in
the Residential Curriculum (followed by suggested topics):
a. Effective Community Engagement – community service opportunities, photos of
residents at programs, opportunities for involvement in student organizations, spring
break service excursions.
b. Academic Success – academic advising resources, tutoring, Rinella Learning Center,
study groups, IT Services courses and seminars.
c. Intrapersonal Development – career development resources, internship opportunities,
counseling information, health and wellness, employment opportunities, a “talkback”
board (residents post opinions or reactions to various subjects or headlines.
d. Cultural Competency: Black History Month, GLBTQ awareness, religious holidays and
observances, women’s issues, etc.
5. February: RAs will construct and post a bulletin board in support and celebration of Miami’s
Bicentennial. Suggested topics include: famous alumni, how their hall received its name, events
planned for the Bicentennial, “what does Miami mean to me?”, family connections to Miami by
the residents, etc.
6. April: Academic year-end closing information
Throughout the year, each RA is required, at a time of their choice, to construct and post a bulletin
board that celebrates the community. This could involve noting resident birthday’s,
accomplishments, posting photos and memories of the year, fun and memorable quotes, “room of
the week”, etc.
How this will impact students –
At the end of the strategy the students will have learned this information. This could be individual or
community impacts
The bulletin board series should supplement activities and initiatives that are actively occurring in the
corridor, the building, on campus, and in the community. They should serve as complementary
information that students can use to enhance their knowledge and residential experience.
Materials for making bulletin boards as well as computers and other media to research topics can be
found in the Center for Residential Learning Initiatives in 210 Warfield Hall. Please call the Office of
Residence Life at (513) 529-4000 for office hours. Additional materials could be purchased (if required)
via community funds, RA funds, LLC funds, and RHA funds. Please see your supervisor about how to
access these funds.