Reviewing Minerals

Earth Science
Chapter 9
Reviewing Minerals
In this exercise, you will explore and review the principles behind minerals using a computer program on the server.
(0.2 points per blank, 20 points total)
To begin
Click on
 Science Applications
 Intermediate Rocks and Minerals
 Click on the square button in the lower left-hand corner of the screen to go to the main menu
 Go to the appropriate section and answer the questions on the sheet below.
How Minerals and Rocks Are Different
1. What uses do each of the following minerals have?
2. Minerals are defined as naturally occurring _______________ solids.
3. Halite is composed of an orderly arrangement of _______________ and _______________. The
chemical symbol for Halite is _______________.
4. Complete the quiz, and write the correct answers for each of the following.
Synthetic diamonds
Minerals must be solid
Is petroleum a mineral?
Is animal bone a mineral?
Is ice a mineral?
Is granite a mineral?
Is steel a mineral?
5. A rock can be defined as an _______________ of one or more minerals. Another name for an aggregate
is a _______________.
6. Most rocks are composed of more than one _______________.
7. The “mesa” shown on the program is made of the rock _______________, which contains the mineral
Important Mineral Properties
8. Every mineral has an orderly arrangement of _______________.
9. The orderly arrangement of atoms gives minerals their _______________ form.
10. Light reflecting and shining off the surface of minerals is called _______________.
11. _______________ has a metallic luster. Gypsum’s luster is _______________.
12. Quartz’s luster is _______________. Talc’s is _______________ and Kaolinite’s is _______________.
13. Complete the quiz on the computer program and write the answers below.
Pyrite’s luster is _______________.
Quartz’s luster is _______________.
This brown rock’s luster is _______________.
This speckled minerals luster is _______________.
Copper’s luster is _______________.
Talc’s luster is _______________.
14. The most obvious characteristic of a mineral is its _______________.
15. Quartz can come in colors such as _______________ , _______________ , _______________ ,
16. Streak is the color of the mineral in _______________ form.
17. Mohs scale of hardness goes from the hardest #10 (_______________), to the softest #1
18. Glass has a hardness of _______________; a Copper penny - _______________; and your fingernail _______________.
19. The purple pyramid shaped mineral has a hardness of _______________.
20. What is the hardness of the yellow mineral? _______________; the clear Quartz? _______________
21. The tendency of mineral to break along flat surfaces is called _______________.
22. Which mineral has a cleavage plane shaped like this
? _______________
23. How many planes of cleavage does the “exhibit” have? _______________.
24. How many planes of cleavage does the Calcite exhibit have? _______________.
25. Fracture is when minerals do not exhibit _______________.
26. Quartz has _______________ fracture.
27. Serpentine asbestos has _______________ fracture.
28. Bornite has _______________ fracture.
Specific Gravity
29. Specific gravity compares the weight of a mineral to the weight of an equal volume of ______________.
Specific gravity is closely related to the density of a mineral.
30. What are the specific gravity of each of these minerals?
Quartz _______________
Feldspar _______________
Halite _______________
31. What is the weight of the mineral sample on the scale? _______________
How much is the weight of an equal volume of water? _______________
What is the specific gravity of the mineral? _______________
32. What is the weight of the second sample on the scale? _______________
How much is the weight of an equal volume of water? _______________
What is the specific gravity of the mineral? ________________
33. What are four special properties mineral may have?
Important Mineral Groups
34. How many different minerals are there? _______________ (only about 50 are abundant)
35. Name four minerals in the “Silicates” group.
36. What two elements do these minerals contain? _______________ and _______________.
Reviewing Minerals
Take the mineral quiz and write in your score _______________ (3 points for this question only)
Basic Facts About Common Minerals
37. Pick any ten minerals from the 50 listed. List their names and give a brief description of their vital
A. ___________________________________________________________________________
B. ___________________________________________________________________________
C. ___________________________________________________________________________
D. ___________________________________________________________________________
E. ___________________________________________________________________________
F. ___________________________________________________________________________
G. ___________________________________________________________________________
H. ___________________________________________________________________________
I. ___________________________________________________________________________
J. ___________________________________________________________________________