Stage 1_The situation in preservation of monuments and

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Protection and preservation of historical monuments and cultural assets
Organisational Structure
Stage 1
How is the protection and
preservation of historical
monuments and cultural assets
institutionally organized in your
At a National level this sector is lead by the Ministero per i beni e le
attività culturali (Italian Minister for Cultural Assets and Activities).
Since 2001, at a regional level, in Sicily, the main competence is
covered by Assessorato Regionale dei Beni Culturali e dell'identità
siciliana Regional Dept. of Cultural Assets and Sicilian identity and
also by Dipartimento regionale dei beni culturali e ambientali,
dell'educazione permanente e dell'architettura e dell'arte
contemporanea Regional Department of Cultural and
Environmental Heritage, continuing education and contemporary
art and architecture.
Who has the main responsibility More peripherally speaking, at any provincial capital level, the area
of preservation and restoration is responsibility of the
for the protection of historical
monuments and cultural assets Soprintendenze for Agrigento, Caltanissetta, Catania, Enna,
Messina, Palermo, Ragusa, Siracusa, Trapani.
in your country/region?
Which authorities have the
The Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali (Italian Minister for
legislative competences/power Cultural Assets and Activities). As stated in The Code of the cultural
heritage and landscape-Gazette General Series (OS) No 24
for protection of historical
February 2004 28. “the main legislative reference which gives the
monuments and cultural
Ministry of Cultural Assets and Activities is responsible for
protecting, preserving and enhancing the cultural heritage of our
Official web page about laws referred to protection of
historical monuments and cultural assets.
Which guidelines / laws exist
for protection, preservation and
restoration of historical
monuments and cultural assets
in your country/region?
At a regional level, in Sicily the main legislative competences is
guided by the Regione Sicilia, Assessorato Regionale dei Beni
Culturali e dell'identità siciliana (Regional Dept. of Cultural Assets
and Sicilian identity) and also by Dipartimento regionale dei beni
culturali e ambientali, dell'educazione permanente e
dell'architettura e dell'arte contemporanea (Regional Department
of Cultural and Environmental Heritage, continuing education and
contemporary art and architecture).
The main actual reference at a National level is the “Il nuovo
sistema dei beni culturali, dello spettacolo e dello sport (The new
system of cultural, entertainment and sports” ) by the Ministero
per i beni e le attività culturali including in the area of cultural
assets the following issues:
The Cultural Heritage
- The Code of the cultural heritage and landscape
- New system for public works contracts relating to cultural
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Is there a common definition of
historical monuments and
cultural assets?
Research & Analysis
- 3% of the resources provided by the Finance Act 2003 and
- The management of cultural heritage. the Foundations
- Qualification requirements for restorers
- Establishment and operation of the museum centers
- A Plan for contemporary art
- The protection and enhancement of rural
- A museum to the memory of the Holocaust
- The protection of historic heritage of the First World War
- The legal deposit of documents of cultural interest
- Simplification of procedures
 Access to the contributions to the industry of cultural
 The benefits for publishers
Here follows the main legislation governing the sector of cultural
heritage in Sicily: “Scheme of the National and Regional reference
Definition of: "the cultural heritage of the nation is composed by all
the goods with reference to the history of civilization. Goods are
subject to the law of archaeological, historical, artistic,
environmental and landscape, archival and library and any
property that constitutes material evidence having the force of
civilization "and “the cultural assets is "Everything being a
testimony of significant history of human civilization"
Protection and preservation of historical monuments and cultural assets
The Situation - General overview
Describe the current discussions/situation
on preservation of historical monuments
and cultural assets in your country/region
(max. 500 characters).
Italy has a huge monumental heritage as we know,
and it is easy to imagine the importance that the
activities of preservation and restoration then took
over. This is a time of great controversy in Italy,
because even as a result of the crisis, cultural
heritage sector has suffered many cuts as a whole.
Therefore, resources for preservation are greatly
diminished. The latest example of the object and its
damage is related to the site of Pompei. Just to give
an idea of the restoration by the Italian Minister for
Cultural Assets and Activities website the "major
restoration" in progress projects as well as
examples of those concluded can be visited on line.
Reference is given to important monuments, but
preservation of assets involves many more sites.
As far as Palermo, the Sicilian capital, the
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framework is huge and also the competence within
the regional territory depends on the Regione
Sicilia Sicily (List of cultural heritage assets bound
decrees that determine which specific regulations
to preserving).
List five approaches for the need of ARCHE
project in your country (Macro level).
List five benefits of the ARCHE project
related to your particular work in your
region (Micro level).
List all actors and stakeholders in the field of
preservation of historical monuments and
cultural assets.
Ecological approach towards the use of
innovative and old methods and
II. International comparison of the
preservation and restoration area at a EU
III. implementation of practical training with
the use of foreign input
IV. develop local and international network on
the area of interest
V. develop synergies between good practices
and mobility learning programs
I. contribute to actively preserve and restore
parts of the monumental assets in Palermo
I. contribute to disseminate the results of
activities at local level
III. create synergies among different actors
dealing with Preservation and IV. restoration both
at institutional level and job market
V. contribute to make patrimony in Sicily more
visible thanks to the on line archive
Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali Italian
Minister for Cultural Assets and Activities.
Assessorato Regionale dei Beni Culturali e
dell'identità siciliana (Regional Dept. of Cultural
Assets and Sicilian identity)
Regione Sicilia
Dipartimento regionale dei beni culturali e
ambientali, dell'educazione permanente e
dell'architettura e dell'arte contemporanea
(Regional Department of Cultural and
Environmental Heritage, continuing education and
contemporary art and architecture)
Assessorato regionale dell'istruzione e della
formazione professionale | Dipartimento
dell'istruzione e della formazione professionale
(Regional Department of Education and
Vocational Training | Department of Education
and Vocational Training)
Comune di Palermo
Vocational training schools
Vocational training centres
ARCHE – constructional cultural assets in the vocational education and training
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Describe the already existing networks
between these different actors.
University of Palermo
Accademia Belle Arti
Within the Education and training area referred to
preservation and restoration a good example of
networking among institutional actors is
represented by the Centro Regionale
Progettazione e Restauro. The C.R.P.R. provides
input to the definition of a new set of Higher
Education for the conservation of cultural heritage
by actively participating in the work of the
Conferenza Permanente , taking fruit from
collaborations with several universities so to
create the Pole for Scientific Research and High
Technology Applied to Cultural Heritage, taking a
direct involvement in the higher education of
technical expertise aimed at materials and
technology chief within the Mediterranean area,
and the establishment of coordinated routes of
sound management and sustainable use of
cultural heritage. Also taking part in the creation
of the Degree Course in Science and Technology
for Cultural Heritage organized by the Faculty of
Science of Palermo.
Within the activity of preservation and
conservation of cultural heritage it is significant to
mention at local level the cooperation among
institutional and private administrations as it is
the case of COIME togehter with the
Sovrintendenza of Palermo, Regione Sicilia,
Dipartimento regionale dei beni culturali e
ambientali, dell'educazione permanente e
dell'architettura e dell'arte contemporanea.
Coime is in charge of building operations
maintenance works of routine maintenance,
rehabilitation and redevelopment of each
property and property owned or relevant for the
Town of Palermo).
Area of operations in the City centre of Palermo
and monumental buildings- Specific powers of the
 Extraordinary maintenance, rehabilitation
and recovery: buildings, streets, squares,
parks and gardens owned by the
municipality located within the perimeter
of the old town
 Interventions to preserve the artistic and
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Research & Analysis
monumental heritage of the City
 Extraordinary maintenance and recovery
of monumental fountains
 Extraordinary maintenance of paved road
Accounting and reporting for each of the
interventions, showing the total expenditure