Report from Joint Nominating Committee

Report from Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding
Bishop Meeting - November 12- 14, 2012
Members of the Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop
(JNCPB) were elected at General Convention 2012. The Nominating Committee is
comprised of a bishop, a priest or deacon, and a layperson from each of the nine
provinces of the Episcopal Church. House of Deputies President Gay Jennings
appointed two youth representatives to the 29-member committee, which is
charged with presenting no fewer than three nominees to stand for election to the
office of Presiding Bishop at General Convention 2015. Members of the JNCPB are:
Johnson, Ms. Sally Co-Chair Minnesota, VI
Shaw, The Rt. Rev. M. Thomas Co-Chair Massachusetts, I
Kirk, The Rev. Ruth Secretary Delaware, III
Allen, The Rt. Rev. Lloyd Honduras, IX
Anderson, The Rev. Devon Minnesota, VI
Baxter, The Rt. Rev. Nathan Central Pennsylvania, III
Butler, Ms. Diane Rio Grande, VII
Clifton, The Very Rev. Ellis Michigan, V
Coultas, The Rev. Cn. Amy Real Kentucky, IV
Fleener, Jr, Mr. William Western Michigan, V
Franklin, The Rt. Rev. R. William Western New York, II
Getz, Ms. Pauline San Diego, VIII
Gibbs, The Rt. Rev. Wendell Michigan, V
Glasspool, The Rt. Rev. Mary Los Angeles, VIII
Gray III, The Rt. Rev. Duncan Mississippi, IV
Grisham, The Rev. Lowell Arkansas, VII
Hicks, Ms. Josephine North Carolina, IV
Jackson, The Rev. Dr. David Hawaii, VIII
Konieczny, The Rt. Rev. Edward Oklahoma, VII
Lloyd, The Rev. Canon Mally Ewing Massachusetts, I
Moreno, Mr. Luis Eduardo Colombia, IX
Pollard, Ms. Diane New York, II
Salazar, The Rev. Canon Jose Francisco Venezuela, IX
Skinner, Mr. Joe South Dakota, VI
Smylie, The Rt. Rev. John Wyoming, VI
Spicer, Ms. Kathryn West Missouri, VII
Tavolaro, Mr. Dante Rhode Island, I
Vest Salmon, Ms. Nina Southwestern Virginia, III
Wilson, The Rev. Canon Sandye Newark, II
Setting its work in the context of prayer, Bible study and the Eucharist, the
committee elected Sally Johnson and M. Thomas Shaw to be co-chairs and Ruth Kirk
as secretary.
Co-chair Sally Johnson comments, “It is a strong group, broadly representative of the
church and fully and passionately engaged in important work for the future of the
Tasks tackled during the three day meeting include reviewing the reports from the
2006 nominating committee, developing a preliminary time line, and gathering in
exploratory sub committees: Communications, Profile, and Process. The
conversation and work helped members to get to know each other in order to build
community moving forward.
Co-chair Tom Shaw adds, “It is amazing that the Holy Spirit has brought together
this uniquely gifted group of people to do this work. Already we are forming strong
community that will pray and work together over the next two and a half years for
the service of the church. “
------End official press release----Diane Butler, of our diocese, who is currently facilitating the profile sub-committee
that will develop educational programs about the nomination and election process
as well as design a method to solicit input from the wider church, commented
following the meeting, “It is a great honor and pleasure to work with this group of
people. While the work is intense, it is also rewarding to be involved with folks who
have a deep sense of prayerful purpose in accomplishing the work set before them.
The committee is committed to keep the wider church informed of their progress
and to this end has established two social media venues that will be utilized in
addition to issuing press releases through the Episcopal News Service.”
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