Gown Town just the thing for prom-goers

Gown Town just the thing for prom-goers
By Bonnie Bing -- The Wichita Eagle
Yards and yards of colorful tulle and satin -- in the form of prom dresses ranging in size from
2 to 18 -- awaited eager shoppers at the annual Gown Town on March 26.
Members of the Junior League of Wichita and staff from B-98 radio organized and promoted
the event. Prom-goers, both male and female, had an opportunity to get a gently used or
new prom dress for the happy price of free.
Gown Town has grown quite a bit from the first one in 2003. This year, shoppers were able
to choose from among 1,400 gowns for one just right for them.
Brett Harris of B-98 helped Brent Peacock find a tux shirt that wasn't three inches too large
at the neck. Brett's on-air partner, Tracy Cassidy, was nearby, holding up a chiffon dress that
she said she'd choose if she were headed to a prom. "Somebody has got to choose this
dress. I love this dress," she said, swishing it around.
Kathy Deane, also of B-98, welcomed the wide-eyed shoppers.
I try to go every year. It's always fun to see the choices the girls make, the excitement when
a great gown fits perfectly and the disbelief when they're told the dress is free. Shoppers also
get a gift certificate for alterations and one for dry cleaning along with a gift bag from
Walgreens containing all kinds of good stuff from a variety of businesses.
Brett joked that this year's event was dubbed the Parental Prom Dress Stimulus Package.
That was just fine with Susan Laake, a mom with twin daughters, Heidi and Heather. "This is
wonderful," she said. "Especially for a single mom."
Junior League member Sarah Nold stood at the hallway door that led to the dressing rooms.
Her job was to make sure each girl took only three dresses at one time into the dressing
"I'm the hall monitor," she said, laughing. "This is so much fun."