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St. Mary’s
Annual Parochial
Church Meeting
Report and Accounts
(year ending 31st December 2014)
Sunday, 19th April 2015
“We are here to worship God, welcome all and
grow together in faith and love.”
Rector’s Report
Parish Priest’s Report
Churchwardens’ Report
Treasurer’s Report
Fabric Report
Music and Worship
Outward Giving
Deanery Synod
Bell Ringers’ Report
Christian Aid
Church Flowers
Inter-Diocesan West Africa Link (IDWAL)
Parish Magazine
Petersfield Area Churches Together (PACT)
Safeguarding of Children and Vulnerable Adults
Report of the Independent Examiner
Accounts for 2014
Minutes of 2014 APCM
Meeting agendas
back cover
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During the year the following served on the PCC:
Rev’d. Will Hughes
Rev’d. Judith Bee
Rev’d. Thomas James
David Bee
Lynne Ashcroft
Gordon Bray
Vanessa Dowse
Andy Hall
Ian Johnston
AnnPat Keane
Simon Oecken
Mary Owens
Richard Marks
Alison Stevens
Nick Tolliday
Churchwarden, Verger (weddings)
Treasurer, Deanery Synod
Deanery Synod
Director of Music
Statistics (2013 figures in brackets):
51.2 (38.2)
3.8 (1.8)
Average Sunday Attendance: normal 10am Sunday services
averaged over the whole year.
(October Count: 54.7 adults and 1 child.)
Electoral Roll at 2015 APCM:
Electoral Roll Officer: Eileen Taylor
Our website is www.stmarysburiton.co.uk
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(2014: 78)
This year at St Mary’s Buriton has been a great joy. I am greatly
encouraged by the commitment and generosity and love with which we go
about our mission here and witness to the faithful love that Jesus Christ has
for everyone. “We are here to worship God, welcome all and grow
together and faith and love” …… and our worship, welcome and growth
have impacted on the life of this church, the Body of Christ in Buriton.
The numbers at our regular services have been maintained during the year.
Our worship has benefited from the contribution of our regular musicians,
Alison Stevens and Verity Steele. My thanks to them and to Tom Cooper,
Angus and Sian Robinson who are always willing to step in when needed.
We are fortunate indeed to be able to call on so many excellent musicians.
Our new team of intercessors at our Parish Eucharist has provided variety
and insight in our prayers at the Eucharist. Tom Cooper began his training
to be a Reader this year and Win Normington, supported by our PCC, began
training as a Lay Pastoral Assistant; she will be commissioned in 2015.
During the year Gill Smith became assistant sacristan, helping Moya
Cozens (you won’t have noticed their hard work because they are so good
at it!) as is John Morley who faithfully acts as sacristan for our 8am service.
It was a delight to welcome back Brian Kempton and once more hear the
ringing of the Sanctus bell at the Eucharist (it had been sorely missed.)
Our Friday morning Communion service in Heatherfield, which has been a
regular feature of parish worship here for over thirty years, sadly stopped in
May (the congregation had dwindled to two!). It is important to continue a
weekday celebration of Communion which strengthens the whole church,
so in September we began a service of said Holy Communion at 6pm on
Thursday evenings in church; this is a quiet, reflective service with no
sermon, lasting about half an hour.
The Good Friday walk took place again with all the churches (and all the
ages!) represented in Buriton coming together to hear the story of our
Lord’s Passion as we walked around the village. My thanks go to the
Thomas family for their enthusiastic support for this now annual event.
Family Teatime services continued and particular thanks go to Justine and
Jim Morris, Caroline Gray, Ralph and Hannah Buckingham, Sue Grant,
Vanessa Dowse and Lynne Ashcroft for their enthusiasm and support. It
was good to welcome Pete White and his guitar playing skills to the team
during the year. This service enables us to reach a good number of families
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which our all age First Sunday Eucharist does not attract. A record number
of families joined us for our Crib service on Christmas Eve. Our Christmas
Carol service this year included carols from a small choir gathered and
directed by Richard Robinson – thank you to him.
We were pleased to welcome Archdeacon Gavin to preach at a service
Harvest Praise (when we also gave thanks for the installation of our new
wiring and lighting) and the Rev’d John Shepherd from Horndean to preach
(by chance!) on Good Shepherd Sunday! In March the Rev’d Giles HarrisEvans, former Rector of Buriton, gave a fascinating presentation on his
work as an ecumenical accompanier in Palestine, and on the Feast of
Timothy and Titus (St Paul’s companions) it was a joy to host Titus, a play
written by Monica Ditmas and directed by Jill Martin. This drew on many
recorded events from Acts and the Epistles and was an interesting and
enjoyable way to learn more about the early church…..and ourselves.
In June we celebrated with the Rev’d Canon David Pain the fiftieth
anniversary of his ordination. The church was filled with many of his
former parishioners, including one from Ghana. We have benefited
enormously from David’s time with us. Just into 2015, David said farewell
as he moved to Chiswick. We shall miss him greatly.
We continue to minister to those still part of our church family but no
longer able to worship with us on Sundays, among them Glen Crosbie (in a
care home in 2014 and who sadly died in March 2015), Leslie Hodgson,
Mary Luxton, Olive Ayling and Monica Ditmas. We were sorry to record
the deaths of Kath Barrow and John Judge during the year. John was a
member of our 8am congregation. Kath was a regular member of our
Sunday and weekday services, a member of our PCC and did many of the
unseen jobs in church.
As part of our funeral ministry we now offer a cup of tea and a sympathetic
listening ear to those who come for funerals. My thanks go to Naomi
Gordon-Smith, Helena Oecken and their team for that. During the year this
parish became one of many involved in a Church of England pilot project
for improving our funerals ministry.
An important mission field for us continues to be with those who come to
be married here and their families, and I want to pay tribute to Lynne
Ashcroft for the work she does on our behalf in this area and for the
amazing welcome and support she gives to wedding couples. We held a day
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of marriage preparation within the Group ministry for all those getting
married during the year and again took a stand at the Tithe Barn’s Wedding
Fair to promote church weddings and Christian marriage. We took part in
The Big Promise, a national event, encouraging married couples to renew
their vows
St Mary’s produced a welcome pack to be distributed to newcomers to the
village; thanks are due to the Neighbourhood Watch group for their help
and to J-M Nixon for coordinating it. Our Knit and Natter, meeting every
Tuesday and attracting older and younger alike, is part of our ministry of
The unfortunate flooding and temporary (but prolonged) closure of Buriton
Village Hall meant that St Mary’s was used by many different groups
during the year and it was a pleasure to welcome them all, from Buriton
Show to Buriton School’s SATS tests.
During Lent 2014 we ran three groups studying “The Twelve Disciples:
Seeing Jesus through their eyes” written by Naomi Gordon-Smith.
Naomi also wrote a study on the carol O Little Town of Bethlehem which
we used during Advent. The Fruit Group continues to meet weekly and the
Study Group fortnightly; they are a significant part of our growing together
in faith.
Much of our energies this year were taken up with the Lighting project,
which took longer than expected. The new lighting has been highly praised
by many people and has improved the church hugely. All is now complete,
safe and bright! My thanks go to all who bore the brunt of this work,
particularly Bob Wright and Richard Marks, and to Nick Tolliday for
chasing grants and Andy Hall for heading up our fundraising.
Our e-pew sheet is our main means of communication about the church’s
activities; many thanks to Elaine Bray for her good work producing and
distributing this every month so efficiently. The Rock, the re-launched
church magazine for Petersfield and Buriton, completed its first year with
distinction. A representative from Buriton is still required on the editorial
group and contributions from Buriton are encouraged.
Each of us here shares the responsibility for ministry and mission in
Buriton, that is the calling of our baptism, and I thank you for the
contribution that each of you makes, according to your God-given gifts, in
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revealing Christ’s love in this community. It is good to see how many of us
are involved in community groups and events. Thank you for your love and
care shown to neighbours in need and for keeping the Church’s prayers
going for them. So many of you are truly generous in giving of your energy
and talents in so many varied (and often unseen) ways. Thank you to those
who act as sides-people and coffee makers enhancing our welcome; to our
flower arrangers and those who prepare the building for worship; to our bell
ringers in calling us to worship each Sunday; to our sacristans and those
who prepare the linen; to those who keep the churchyard looking smart; to
those who faithfully ensure the church is open each day; to those who serve
and work so hard on our PCC; to Charmian Reeves for her work with
baptisms and funerals, Naomi Gordon-Smith for her efficient management
of PCC matters, Vanessa Dowse for her safeguarding role, Eileen Taylor
for keeping our electoral roll in order and cleaning the brass, and to Bob
Wright for his commitment to the building and for always being here!
A parish priest could not wish for more supportive and helpful
churchwardens than Lynne Ashcroft and Gordon Bray; I am extremely
grateful to them and also to our Treasurer, Ian Johnson for his financial
expertise (not only in this parish but in the deanery and diocese) and for his
commitment and enthusiasm. I have really valued the wise and gentle
support of our Rector, Will Hughes and thoroughly enjoy working with
him. I’d like to thank David for all his support both at home and in our joint
preaching and teaching ministry here. Finally I would like to say a huge
thank you to all of you for the commitment, support and love that you have
continued to show to both David and me.
Judith Bee
This year has been an interesting vibrant time for us, with the new lighting
project taking place. We are so pleased to worship in the new ambience of
the Church, along with the increasing numbers of the congregation boosted
by wedding and baptism couples and their families.
There have been a number of Planning Applications submitted by and on
behalf of the new owners of Buriton Manor House. The Church has
responded to the ones that were most relevant to the Church services,
functions and events, including the impact on the parish.
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It has been a pleasure to work with Will, Judith, Tom and David. We feel
that the mission of St Mary’s has been enhanced by their full commitment.
We are here to worship God, welcome all, and grow in faith and love.
Lynne Ashcroft and Gordon Bray
Accounting principles: The accounts are prepared on a receipts and
payments basis. Transactions are recognised in the accounts when cheques
are written or deposits are made. Both transactions being processed by the
bank at the reporting date and unrealized gains or losses on investments are
identified as uncleared. No provision is made for any other liabilities. The
figures given in this report are assets.
Reserves Policies: Designated funds are used for major projects agreed by
the PCC but which are not covered by the Restricted or General Funds,
within which there are various Restricted and Unrestricted accounts. The
reserves policies were reviewed and confirmed by the PCC during 2014.
Adherence to them is as follows.
 Unrestricted Funds: to have reserves of six months’ payments. 2014
£15,432 (2013: £15,454); payments in the year were £42,313 so this
reserve policy continues not to be met.
 Restricted Funds generally: to have sufficient resources available to
meet the perceived need.
 Restoration Fund: 2014: £63,099 (2013: £62,848).
 Tower Fund: £16,803 (2013: 21,051).
 Designated Funds generally: to have sufficient resources available to
meet the perceived need. 2014: £27,294 (2013: £24,163).
 Endowment Fund: 2014: £22,755 (2013: £0)
 CCLA Investment Funds and CBF deposit accounts are used for funds
surplus to the day-to-day management of the church.
General comment: 2014 was a good year. The PCC balanced its
Unrestricted books while donating an extra £2,909 in Parish Share,
Parochial Fees and Giving. 2014: £28,006 (2013: £25,097). In addition,
the lighting project fund raising was completed and the surplus was used to
start an Endowment Fund. The PCC, our volunteers, donors and
congregation are all to be thanked and congratulated on these achievements.
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I would like to add my personal thanks also to Bob Wright and Sarah Marks
for their support of the Treasurer.
Unrestricted funds: The loss in the year was £(31) (2013: £141).
Payments, excluding Tithe Giving, Parish Share and Parochial Fees were
£1,581 less than in 2013. The main reductions were Church Running
Expenses (gas and electricity are now supplied via the C of E central
purchase scheme and insurance costs reduced by 3%) and Purchases,
which were covered by donations. On Receipts, normal Collections and
standing orders reduced by 1%. The small donation Gift Aid Scheme was
used to its limit. A concern is that of the 23 people who give using standing
orders, 4 of them contribute 48% of the total; the PCC should try to spread
this load. Fund Raising had another very good year when so much focus
remained on the lighting project. The 100 Club has matured and made a
good contribution. Occasional Service Donations, PCC Fees and Tax
Rebates were similar year on year. Gift Aid rebates (£3,400) are being
Restricted: The surplus in the year was £4,572 (2013: £31,311).
Investment income was a major contributor again at £3,272 (2013: 2,826).
Repairs to the plasterwork, clock pulleys and bell ropes have been
undertaken at a cost of £13,025 (gross) with a welcome grant from EHDC
of £3,000. Fund raising for the lighting project was completed in 2014 and
the final invoice will be paid in January. The cost to the PCC after receipts
of a grant and Gift Aid and VAT refunds will be £22,535 (£2,000 of which
came from the Tower Fund) in addition to the £9,711 spent in 2013.
Rebates of VAT (£10,000) and Gift Aid (£6,600) are being processed.
Designated: The PCC agreed to give £1,500 to supplement the donation
from Canon David Pain’s celebration service to complete the Mission
House in Dominase. This work has started and hopefully will be completed
in 2015. The Parish Magazine, now at four issues per year, made a small
but manageable surplus.
Endowment: The PCC is most grateful to various donors, whose
generosity enabled this new fund to be established. Its purpose is to
provide a source of regular income to the Unrestricted Fund.
2015 budget: The PCC’s Parish Share will increase by 2% to £19,923 in
2015. 2014 was a year of relative stability for its Unrestricted fund and
remarkable progress elsewhere. There appears to be little change foreseen
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in 2015 other than an increase in the number of weddings, to which the
PCC’s finances remain sensitive. The balanced budget proposed for 2015
has been achieved by reducing Tithe Giving, which is normal if
undesirable. Its success will be dependent on continuing control of costs,
the generosity of its congregation and other donors, and effective and
enjoyable fund raising.
Ian Johnston (262293)
Lighting Project
The lighting and re-wiring project was finally completed by HASTE early
in December. There were several additional items to the original contract
including new power points and some additional lights. The total cost was
£29,544 plus VAT. We should be able to recover the VAT as the church is
a grade II listed building. Estimates have been sought for a cupboard to box
in the electrics on top of the main intake cupboard.
A service of thanksgiving was held early in October to thank everyone who
made contributions to the excellent fundraising effort.
South Lane Cemetery
The community pay back team continue to cut the grass to a good standard.
The cost is £75 per session with 8 sessions per summer. Total £600.
The church received a grant of £300 from the Parish Council towards the
Bell Tower entrance
The plaster repairs were carried out by Arris Edge during May and June.
It was decided not to re-instate the curtain.
Seward Room Kitchen
A hot water cylinder is to be acquired to facilitate quicker teas and coffees
after services.
Churchyard Wall
There are a number of cracks in the wall and repairs are required. The
church architect will be inspecting in spring 2015 and advising on the
works required.
Richard Marks
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The worship group met four times during the year to discuss worship
related matters for presenting to the PCC.
Four Taize services and seven Family Teatime services were held during
the year. The Friday morning service of Holy Communion in Heatherfield
stopped and a new service of Holy Communion on Thursday evenings in
church took its place. Special services included a service to commemorate
the beginning of World War One and a service of Harvest Praise and
thanksgiving for the completion of the Lighting Project. The ecumenical
Good Friday walk has now become an annual event. Churcher’s College
Chamber choir with director Phil Cree from St Mary’s congregation sang
Choral Evensong for us in March. It was agreed that on occasion the Psalm
set for the day would be used in preference to the Old Testament reading at
the 10am Sunday service. A dedicated OOS for a service of Baptism within
the Parish Eucharist is now in use. It was agreed that when the number of
communicants exceeded forty, two chalices would be used. Special thanks
are due to Verity who continues to work hard on producing the hymns for
our supplementary hymnbook. Large print copies are now available.
Our thanks are due to the Worship Group for all they do.
Members: Judith Bee, Lynne Ashcroft, Alison Stevens, David Bee, Tom
Cooper, Verity Steele, Ann Pat Keane
The Outward Giving committee consists of two PCC members plus three
further members from the Electoral Roll. During 2014 the committee met
to discuss who should be the recipients of the £2,750 which had been
allocated for the 2014 Tithe Giving. This accomplished, the list was
presented to the PCC for confirmation.
The recommended recipients were agreed as follows:
Church Urban Fund, The Roberts Centre, The Rosemary Foundation, Tear
fund, The Kings Arms, International & Development Relieve Board,
Mission House in Dominase, Friends Without Borders, Outward Giving.
The Committee decided that if an International crisis occurred, St Mary`s
would hold a special collection.
Mary Owens
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A Resource Group was set up by the PCC and an inaugural meeting held on
16 June 2014. It was agreed that the Aim of the group would be:
To encourage and facilitate our congregation and other users of
our church to give generously of their time, talents and money,
in order to enable the function and mission of the church
The group will act as an umbrella for the following activities:
Fundraising, Grants, Events, Rotas, Giving
Two full meetings were held during the year and one sub meeting to plan
the church’s participation in the Christmas Market.
Tea and Cake Events
A number of events held in the summer were enjoyable and successful;
thanks are due to all who participated in them. It was noted that the dates
for the events had been dependent on fitting in with other events and the
weather to some extent. A meeting was held to discuss and agree plans for
Jam Jar Challenge
A challenge was arranged by Vanessa where volunteers collected loose
change in a jam jar to go towards the Lighting Project. A grand sum of
£525 was collected. This challenge may be revisited in 2015.
Christmas Market
A one-pound stall and a cakes and produce stall were run by the church at
the Christmas Market. A total of £408 was made by the church. Thanks are
due to all who participated.
A grant of £3000 towards the plaster work was received from EHDC (East
Hampshire District Council).
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The HIHCT (Hampshire and Islands Historic Churches Trust) grant offer of
a £1000 for the lighting project will be claimed as soon as the invoice for
the completed work is available.
Ride and Stride
The Ride and Stride event run by HIHCT took place on 13 Sept 2014. The
aim of this yearly event is to get sponsorship to cycle, walk or drive to as
many churches in the area as possible. There were four cyclists from St
Marys and a number of volunteers to meet and greet. A total of £1000 was
raised, half going to HIHCT and half to St Marys.
There are a number of Rotas for activities in the church:
Coffee/Tea after Service
Grass Cutting
Reclamation of Tax
Any problems with these Rotas are referred to the Resource Group.
The RG discussed ways in which giving and the use of gift aided standing
orders can be encouraged. It was suggested that a poster highlighting the
running costs of the church should be put up in a prominent place for all to
see. Also it was suggested that Rev. Judith Bee send out a letter drawing
attention to the achievements of the church and the funds that are needed to
keep the church operating at its current level, culminating with a statement
of the benefits to the church of using gift aided standing orders for giving.
These suggestions will be followed up in 2015.
Nick Tolliday
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The Synod meets at least four times a year in parishes around the Deanery.
Its role is to promote the work of the church in our area, to deal with issues
raised by the PCCs and to respond to consultations from Diocesan Synod.
The Area Dean is Revd Will Hughes of St Peter’s Petersfield, and the Lay
Chair is Louise Clay of St John the Evangelist, West Meon.
Deanery Synod members are elected for the three year term of a Synod.
Election of members by PCCs took place at the April 2014 Annual Church
Meetings, for the period 2014 – 2017.
Topics discussed during 2014, informed by guest speakers have included:
 Workings of General Synod, and Women Bishops (Debbie Sutton,
Lay member of General Synod )
 Christian Aid (Charlotte Page, Regional Co-ordinator)
 Week of Accompanied prayer 2015 & Pilgrimage 2016 (Revd Dr
Ruth Tuschling, Diocesan Spirituality Adviser)
 Stewardship (Victoria James, Diocesan Stewardship Adviser)
Sharing of experiences and opportunities to work together in 2014 have
 How does the Community perceive the church – experience from
consultations in East Meon and Hawkley
 Weddings – experience from Buriton
 Deanery seminars, 9 per year, each in a different parish, following
Sunday evening services
 Introduction of a deanery training scheme for lay pastoral
assistants. About 25 people from across the deanery are currently
training under the scheme.
The deanery website is at www.petersfielddeanery.org.uk .There are daily
parish prayer requests, news, announcements, and a separate page for each
parish; but the website can only be as good as its members make it, so
please try to feed it and use it!
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We have rung for every Sunday service and most Wednesday practice
nights. We have also rung for six weddings as against seven the year before
and have already rung for one this year. We have rung six quarter peals:
two in September, one being to celebrate no fewer than four wedding
anniversaries amongst our band, and another for a ringer’s 60th birthday.
We rang another for the service of Thanksgiving for the completion of the
Lighting Project in October. In November we rang three: one for the
Christmas Fair in the Manor Barn, a half-muffled one for the Remembrance
Service, and finally one for my 75th birthday.
It may be remembered that we rang a quarter peal on 17th November 2012
to mark the 300th anniversary of the occasion when Buriton’s Church
tower, together with its then 4 bells, was destroyed by fire after a lightning
strike. It was two years before the present tower was built and at some time
during the following year, 1715, a new ring of 5 bells were cast and
installed by a Whitechapel founder, Richard Phelps. I have been unable to
find the exact date that these bells were cast, installed or dedicated but we
intend to ring a celebratory quarter peal or peal some time later this year.
None of Richard Phelps’ bells remain as they have all been recast gradually
over the years between and a 6th bell was added 80 years ago in 1935.
We have held two outings with assistance from some of the Petersfield
ringers. In June we rang the bells at Cowfold, Lower Beeding, Upper
Beeding and Thakeham in Sussex. In October we rang the bells at North
Tidworth in Wilts and Abbotts Ann, Goodworth Clatford and Longparish,
Hants. On both occasions we enjoyed our usual pub lunch.
We again plan to have our Annual Ringers’ Lunch in March. Since the
closure of the Maple Inn we will now be visiting the Seven Stars at Stroud.
Having won the Cup for the Best Change Ringing in our annual District
Striking Competition at Bentworth last October, we are proud to say that we
won it again this year at Blackmoor and have the Certificate to prove it.
At our annual meeting in February this year all our officers were re-elected:
Captain: David Hughes; Secretary: Helene Tipper; Treasurer: John
Mannering; and Ron Vears, who looks after our clock, is now the
We regret to say that we are still searching for new recruits to our band
without success. We need them to be between 10 and 60 years of age and
particularly from Buriton, as we all come from outside the Parish and
currently have nobody under the age of 60 in our band. Six of us are in our
seventies now and although we are managing to ring our bells to a good
standard at present we are aware that it can’t last for ever.
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We are hoping to have a suitably worded plaque placed at the foot of the
tower, subject to the appropriate permission and approval, to record the
generous bequest made by a former member of our band, Norman Jordan
Smith, which has so far enabled work to the Church clock, electrical work
in the tower and a new set of bellropes.
David Hughes, Tower Captain (023 9257 0620)
St Mary's Buriton, as in previous years, continues to support the work of
Christian Aid. The church and parish once again exceeded all expectations.
The annual Christian Aid week house to house collection in May was
actively supported not only by the amount collected (over £600) but also
the dedicated work of the team of collectors. St Mary's continues to actively
support the work of Christian Aid into 2015.
Andy Hall
Thank you once again to all who are involved with arranging flowers in St
Mary’s. Not only do you give your time you also give the flowers which is
appreciated by everyone who comes into Church, not only at Festivals but
all the year. Once again the Church looked spectacular at Christmas and
there were some lovely comments made. I would like to thank everyone for
their support and dedication to St Mary’s over the last year. If you would
like to join us, please let me know. Everyone is welcome; the only
qualification is that you enjoy arranging flowers.
Margaret Davis (Mrs)
01730 262833
St Mary`s link with St Andrew`s in Dominase remains strong. Bishop
Edmund Dawson-Ahmoah of Dunkwa Diocese is proving to be an excellent
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At Rev David Pain`s recent Anniversary Service the collection raised was
£1,000 and Rev Pain expressed his wish that these funds should be used for
a project in Dominase. Bishop Edmund was contacted for his advice on
how the donation could be used. His reply was that Dominase had been
trying for many years to complete the building of a Mission House
(Vicarage). We asked for an estimate on the cost of completing the work
required, and this was stated as £2,500. The PCC considered this and the
decision was made to donate the further £1,500 to Rev Pain’s donation so
that the work on the Mission House could be completed. After the first part
of the funding was sent to the Bishop we received photographs of the
building work being carried out, which was most encouraging. When
finished this will then allow Rev Moses to live and work in Dominase and
he will not have to travel daily from an outlying village, enabling him to
carry out his Pastoral care much more efficiently.
We have established an e-mail contact with a young man acting for Rev
Moses and this is proving most rewarding.
Mary Owens
2014 saw the Parish magazine return to quarterly editions in line with the
seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. We continue to receive
quality articles from all the various village groups to ensure an informative
and appealing magazine is produced, and are always willing to welcome
new ideas. Since the Autumn 2014 edition, the Village Heritage Group
have been providing a four page centre spread with details of how Buriton
was involved in WW1. This contribution will run for four years to
commemorate the war 100 years on. An extra four pages have been
inserted over this period to allow for this. We have retained many of our
long standing advertisers as well as gaining several new ones, all of which
are a support to the magazine. Our team remains strong and supportive
with Steve and Kirsty at the helm, Cris Black undertaking all the high tech
graphics, creativity and generally getting the magazine printable, Andrew
and Amanda Harmel-Law holding the fort with the advertising aspect, Sian
Griffiths and Fay Lambert as an invaluable help with proof reading, editing
and layout, and last but certainly by no means least, the dedicated team of
magazine distributors headed by Barbara Muir, ensuring we all receive
issues direct to our door.
Steve and Kirsty Thomas
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The representatives at the PACT meetings are Andy Hall, Rev Judith Bee
and Vanessa Dowse. Isabel Chambers is the representative on the Social
Concerns Committee with Eileen Taylor organising the Food bank
collection for St Mary’s.
Christmas Dinner 2014 – Isabel Chambers is St Mary’s representative on
the committee responsible for the PACT Christmas Dinner. Isabel
organised and delivered on our behalf, cartons of apple juice, crackers and
two table decorations. Thank you to Isabel and Margaret Davis for so
kindly donating the table decorations. Offers were also made from St
Mary’s congregation to be volunteer drivers for the day, but were not
required, as they were inundated with volunteers. Isabel delivered our
contributions to the Methodist Church on Christmas Eve and reported that it
all ‘looked amazing’. The Christmas lunch was very successful with 63
people attending on Christmas Day. Thank you to Isabel for her drive and
enthusiasm for this event.
Food Bank The Food bank is well supported both locally and by St
Mary’s, and a huge thank you needs to go to Eileen Taylor who quietly and
efficiently organises, promotes and delivers St Mary’s donations to the
Food bank. Thank you to everyone who donates food and essentials. The e
pew sheet reminds us (via Eileen) of the current requirements of the Food
Bank. The PACT Food bank was founded by the Salvation Army and the
Food bank manager is Brian Edwards, who after 5 years will be standing
down as the manager in August 2015. He has asked us to advise that
volunteers to train and eventually to run the Food bank are urgently needed.
Anyone who is interested, please contact Brian (through the Salvation
Army or PACT). In 2014, 566 people (from the Petersfield area) were
helped through the Food bank.
King’s Arms. St Mary’s supports the work of The King’s Arms and
Vanessa Dowse is our representative who reports on their activities to the
PCC. PACT recommends the website for the impressive list of activities,
including support for young carers and autistic children and their families.
Holiday Club. The Holiday Club is attended by many children and
families in the weeks that it runs during the Summer Holidays; Judith
attends and is involved with the activities and events that are held.
PACT Chair. The next PACT Chair will be Reverend Will Hughes, elected
at the PACT AGM on 14th January. Website is www.pact.org.uk
Vanessa Dowse
Page 18
Safeguarding is there for all children, young people and for vulnerable
adults. As a PCC, and as a church, we have a responsibility to ensure the
safety of vulnerable persons within St Mary’s , as well as the safety of the
clergy and persons who work within and serve St Mary’s, in whatever
In accordance with the guidelines from the Portsmouth Diocese the DBS
(Disclosure and Barring Service) checks are all in place and are up to date
for St Mary’s church. All training has been undertaken as required and
review of the DBS and training checks are adhered to. The safeguarding
policy for St Mary’s is reviewed and approved by the PCC on a yearly
basis. The safeguarding policy is displayed on St Mary’s notice board. The
Safeguarding Guidelines are kept in St Mary’s in the Seward Room. Please
do not remove from the church, but do use for reference and guidance.
The Diocesan Safeguarding Team in the December 2014 issue
‘Safeguarding Matters’ has again highlighted that ‘safeguarding is not a
single issue that can be addressed and sorted, but rather something that is
integral to the ministry within the Church and therefore requires ongoing
commitment and support from all church leaders, staff and volunteers. ‘The
‘Safeguarding Matters’ December issue can be found in the Safeguarding
folder in the Seward Room, please read if you are interested in any training
courses or alternatively look on the website:
There is also a basic introduction to safeguarding which can be accessed
through e learning online. Safeguarding training is compulsory for all
Clergy, all Readers, Church Wardens and the Parish Safeguarding
The Portsmouth Diocese has particularly highlighted this year the
awareness of ‘safety of lone workers ‘( ie pastoral visits, those who work
alone within the church, etc) and that their safety is considered and that all
such provision for safety as can be provided, is provided.
If you have any queries regarding safeguarding the Portsmouth Diocese
web site is available with all updates or please ask Vanessa or Judith
regarding the legal requirements, e.g. for holding events other than
services, etc.
Vanessa Dowse
Safeguarding Representative for St Mary’s Buriton
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Minutes of the Vestry Meeting held on 6th April 2014
Present: Revd. Will Hughes (Rector, Chairman), Revd. Judith Bee, Lynne
Ashcroft, Gordon Bray, Ian Johnston (Hon. Treasurer) and 21 members of the
1. Apologies
Mike, Alison & Julia Stevens, Nick & Pat Tolliday, Simon & Helena Oecken,
Moya Cozens, Sarah Marks, Sue & Dave Williams, Malcolm Ashcroft and
Maggie Johnston.
Approval of minutes from the meeting of 21 st April 2013
The Minutes were approved by the meeting and signed by Revd Will Hughes.
Matters arising
4. Election of Churchwardens
Nominations had been received for Lynne Ashcroft (proposed by Richard
Marks/Vanessa Dowse) and Gordon Bray (proposed by Tom Cooper/Moya
All were in favour and they were elected with gratitude and enthusiasm.
Minutes of the Annual Parochial Church Meeting held on 6 th April 2014
Present: Revd. Will Hughes (Rector, Chairman), Revd. Judith Bee, Lynne
Ashcroft, Gordon Bray, Ian Johnston (Hon. Treasurer) and 21 members of the
congregation (including Revd David Pain, an habitual worshipper).
Approval of minutes from the meeting of 21 st April 2013
The Minutes were approved by the meeting and signed by Revd Will Hughes.
Matters arising
Election of Deanery Synod members and Deanery Pastoral Committee
Ian Johnston and Mary Owens were elected as our Deanery Synod members
for the next three years (all in favour).
The Deanery Pastoral Committee meets three or four times a year and is
responsible for the resources of the fourteen parishes in the Deanery including
clergy distribution, training and Readers. Our clergy and David Bee are
already on this committee. Richard Robinson and Ian Johnston were
proposed as lay members by Lynne Ashcroft and Charmian Reeves (all in
Page 27
Election of the PCC
Ex-officio members of the PCC are our clergy, our Reader, our
Churchwardens and our Deanery Synod representatives. If, for any reason, Ian
Johnston stopped being an ex-officio member, he could be co-opted onto the
PCC. However, Mary Owens (Deanery Synod) wished to become an elected
PCC member. Also standing were Nick Tolliday, Andy Hall, Vanessa Dowse,
AnnPat Keane, Richard Marks, Simon Oecken and Alison Stevens. As there
are 78 on the electoral roll, there are nine vacancies on the PCC. These eight
people had been nominated and seconded and were duly elected (all in favour).
Appointment of Sidespeople
Sidespeople appointed were John & Barbara Morley, Peter & Eileen Taylor,
Nick & Pat Tolliday, David & Win Normington, Andy Hall and Jo O’Leary
(all in favour).
We already have seven Chalice Assistants, which is a licenced ministry.
Richard Robinson volunteered to be on the Duty rota (getting the church
ready before the service, clearing up afterwards and counting the collection).
Electoral roll report
There are 78 names on the revised roll.
Presentation of the annual accounts
The 2013 accounts were proposed by Ian Johnston, seconded by Richard
Robinson and accepted by the meeting (all in favour). Revd Will Hughes
commented on how accessible and complete they are.
Appointment of an Independent Examiner for the Annual Accounts
Revd. Roger Williamson, being willing, was proposed by Ian Johnston
and appointed by meeting (all in favour).
Report of the proceedings of the PCC – Rector
Revd Will Hughes commented on the good balance of people, with a
wide spread of skills, that there is on the PCC. They take the role of
leadership seriously, speak their minds and sometimes disagree, but
graciously accept a collective decision.
10. Reports in APCM booklet
Rector’s Report: The slight drop in the ASA (Average Sunday
Attendance) was discussed. This figure is not the same as the numbers
measured in October on which Parish Share is based. Richard Robinson
asked that both figures be included on future reports.
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Parish Priest’s Report: Revd Judith Bee said that attendance started
going up last Advent Sunday and has stayed up. The Lighting project in
2013 was the last major project for a generation, and so in the coming
year the PCC can consider Ministry and Mission in a serious way. She
would like to see transformed lives in the workplace and beyond, and
for us to make our mark as God’s people.
Revd Will Hughes said that long-term steady growth can be expected
after three years of Judith’s presence and ethos. Monica Ditmas said
that people are coming to St Mary’s because of the wonderful feeling of
warm fellowship here.
Churchwardens’ Report: Gordon Bray gave a brief history of his
family’s involvement at St Mary’s and passed round a photo of the
inside of the church taken before 1870.
Ian Johnston thanked Lynne Ashcroft for her stupendous work with
wedding couples, and thanked Judith for asking for donations from
Revd Judith Bee thanked Lynne and Gordon for continuing as
Churchwardens and commented on the way they complement each
The Church of England has an instruction (which can only be overridden for a good reason) that Churchwardens only serve for six
successive years. We need to think about training new people for when
Lynne and Gordon stop.
Treasurer’s Report: Ian Johnston said that he had been concerned that
fundraising for the Lighting Fund would have a negative impact on
Unrestricted income. The adjusted amount allocated to Tithe Giving
meant that Unrestricted receipts and payments broke even. Some
money not needed in the short-term was invested, giving a good return.
The fundraising for the Lighting Fund has been fantastic, as it is a major
project; any surplus from a generous individual donor will be put into an
endowment fund. Although we are slightly behind on this year’s breakeven budget, this is not a cause for concern. The increase in the cost of
insurance last year was caused by the Quinquennial report, but has
decreased this year. We have joined a Central Church of England
Buying Scheme to reduce rapidly increasing energy prices.
Richard Robinson thanked Ian for keeping the accounts in such good
condition. He also encouraged the PCC to write to the congregation
about the benefit to the church of using Standing Orders. The
Resources Group will consider this. Revd Judith Bee said that there are
tokens to be put symbolically into the collection bags during the
offertory hymn.
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Fabric Report: Richard Marks thanked everyone for their support in
fundraising. There was some discussion about the proposed automatic
clock winding mechanism, which the Diocesan Clock Advisor does not
consider necessary. The PCC will reconsider this at their next meeting.
There are quite a few remaining priority 1 items, but they are relatively
small. Richard Marks was thanked for the vast amount of work he has
done this year.
Music and Worship: Mary Owens thanked Verity Steele for her piano
Resources: The group will meet to discuss encouraging the use of
Standing Orders.
Outward Giving: Mary Owens said that this group was formed from
two previous committees (Home and Overseas). The initials IDRB
stand for International Development Relief Board, a charity supporting
David Bee’s work in Djbouti and other projects.
Deanery Synod: For those who use computers, the website is
www.petersfielddeanery.org.uk .
Bell Ringers: David Hughes said that the pulleys and cables need to be
replaced. We still have no ringers from Buriton itself. We need to
remember to raise the flag on significant days.
Christian Aid: Revd Judith Bee thanked Maggie Burton-Page for her
work, including arranging a recent Christian Aid speaker. Andy Hall
will contact volunteers this year.
Church Flowers: (See written report)
Fundraising: Andy Hall explained that fundraising is for individual
projects, such as the Lighting project. David Bee mentioned how much
fun this had been for the congregation.
Ian Johnston said that the 100 Club is a solid performer and
congratulated those involved.
Grant Applications: This is very hard work. Applications may be
considered more favourably if there is a heritage element involved.
Revd Judith Bee said we are grateful to the Parish Council for their
donation given as a result of a good presentation by Ian Johnston.
Page 30
IDWAL: Mary Owens spoke to Comfort on the phone on Sunday 6 th
April. Letters and emails combine Village-to-Village news with
IDWAL information – Mary will display relevant parts on the church
Parish magazine: Enormous thanks to Steve and Kirsty Thomas and
others involved.
The Rock is now a combined publication of Petersfield and Buriton and
needs contributors.
PACT: Vanessa Dowse is our advocate for the Kings Arms which
needs new premises.
Safeguarding: The PCC is utterly committed to keeping children and
vulnerable adults safe.
The Policy is displayed on the noticeboard and will be reviewed again
in May.
11. Open forum (when any item can be raised and suggestions made to
the PCC)
a. Bob Wright was thanked for all he does in the church building and
Seward Room. He said that it is “always a privilege and usually a
b. Ian Johnston thanked Sarah Marks for her work on Gift Aid and Bob
Wright for handling the cash as part of his role of Deputy Treasurer.
c. Gordon Bray thanked Elaine Bray for doing the epewsheet and
Naomi Gordon-Smith for being PCC Secretary. (Naomi would
welcome a replacement.)
d. AnnPat Keane said how lovely the recent Evensong had been and
asked for more services with traditional chants.
e. The organ needs more attention than its twice yearly tuning, and this
is in hand. St Peter’s have had their organ rebuilt, whereas Liss have
invested in an electronic instrument.
12. Closing prayer
Revd. Will Hughes closed the meeting in prayer at 12.45pm.
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The Annual Vestry Meeting for the election of Churchwardens will
take place at St. Mary's Church on Sunday 19th April 2015 at about
11.15am, after the 10am Eucharist. It will be followed directly
afterwards by the Annual Parish Meeting.
Annual Vestry Meeting
Apologies for absence
Minutes of the last meeting
Matters arising
4. Resolution that the "Disqualification after six periods of
office" section of the Churchwardens Measure 2001 shall not
apply in relation to the parish of St Mary's Buriton
Election of Churchwardens
Annual Parish Meeting
Minutes of the last meeting
Matters arising
Election of the PCC
Appointment of Sidespeople and
Deanery Pastoral Committee members
Electoral roll report
Presentation of annual accounts
Appointment of an Independent Examiner for
the Annual Accounts
Report of the proceedings of the PCC - Rector
Reports in APCM booklet
Open forum (when any item can be raised and
suggestions made to the PCC)
Closing prayer
Please come having read prayerfully the reports and accounts
and considered how you could be involved in the life of St.
Mary's. Any apologies to pccsec@stmarysburiton.co.uk.
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