THU 20 MARCH 2014
Dr James Oliver
Mr Neil Stevens
Miss Jennifer Nias
Mr Mike Bolton
Mrs Diane Dyckhoff
Chairman GP Partner
Secretary Group Practice Manager
PPG member
PPG member
PPG Member
Dr Simon Giles
PPG Member
1. Welcome The Practice manager opened the meeting at the Mullion Health Centre at
6.35 pm, and welcomed Diane Dyckhoff to the group.
2. Previous meeting minutes The Practice Manager reviewed the minutes from the last
meeting held at the Constantine Surgery on Tue 09 January 2014, points of note were:
Despite sending formal invitations to the carers group & the Friends of
Constantine, neither group were represented at the meeting tonight.
The practice was now using Liquid Nitrogen for the benefit of patients; this
equipment was funded by the Friends of Constantine surgery.
3. PPG membership NS advised the group that other surgeries used their PPG members
as practice ambassadors, to develop and monitor practice activity, or coordinate patient
surveys, this area would be reviewed at the next meeting.
4. Community services JO updated the meeting on the Bururtzorg model for community
services provision. There had been a lot of interest from various group in developing
this model of services in the locality including the Medical Director from Peninsula
Community Health. The challenge of financial support for developing a pilot service in
the locality was a concern. Jo advised the group that the new organisation would be a
not for profit CIC, with any profits re invested into developing the service. JN advised
on several organisations that may be able to provide financial support.DD supported the
model for integrated more localised care, and advised that smaller organisations were
being forced out of care provision.
5. Community & Commissioning update JO & NS advised the meeting on the
framework of the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and it`s roles &
responsibilities. The CCG were currently looking at several areas of health care
provision, namely unplanned care, emergency admissions, as well as community
services, the group felt that X ray facilities in Helston would benefit patient`s locally.
6. Patient Survey PPG review The PPG discussed the patient survey conducted in
January 2014, of which a copy is on the practice website or available on request from
the Practice Manager. Areas which were discussed in more detail were :-
Patient waiting time, JO explained that due to some patients requiring more
than the 10 minutes allocated it was difficult to always run to time, individual
GP`s manage their time differently, but it was emphasised the importance of
patient`s having time to discuss their concerns, and as a consequence this caused
some appointments to be seen later than their scheduled time, reception staff
will advise patients when the GP is running late, also the patient touch screen
also informs patients if the GP is running late.
GP of choice NS advised the group that there has been 4 GP partner
retirements in the last 3 years, as well as one GP partner being on maternity
leave, therefore the practice appointed two Salaried GP`s to provide patient
continuity of care. In addition as a two site GP training practice there was the
turnover of GP registrar`s at either 6 or 12 months, this was unavoidable but
both sites aimed to keep patients informed of these changes via the quarterly
patient newsletter.
Online services The group discussed in detail the practice online services (
repeat prescriptions. & appointments ) The booking of appointments online was
currently limited to Dr`s & the Nurse practitioner with 1/3 being available on
line, some of the group queried if it should be more, NS advised that this would
be reviewed in 6 months.
Extended hours Service Better awareness for the extended hour’s service
provided for patients at The Mullion & Constantine Surgeries. NS agreed to
promote these clinics more via the website & reception staff, they were also
available to book on line.
The PPG agreed the above points and subsequent actions or changes.
7. Practice developments
 Retirements JO advised the group that he was retiring as a partner with the practice
but would be continuing to cover clinical work as a locum in the practice. NS also
advised that Dr Rob Edgerley would also be retiring as a partner at the practice; Dr
Sara Rogers will be a partner in April working mainly from the Constantine
surgery. Bradley Medlock will be taking over as a partner in August he was
currently working part time with the practice, but would cover Ruan Minor &
Mullion Health Centre from August.
Friends Of Mullion NS advised the meeting that although there was currently not a
“Friends of Mullion” organisation there was an equipment fund which received
income from donations from patients, which was spent on equipment for patient
benefit when not available via normal NHS income.
Named GP aged over 75 This was a national initiative which was hoped would
provide better patient continuity & health outcome.
Community Matron This was felt to be a valuable service for patients with chronic
health conditions, and enabling patients to receive continuing NHS care, currently
there was no provision for cover when a community matron was absent The
practice CM has been on sick leave since January.
Quality Outcomes Framework (QOF ) NS advised that due to a number of
performance markers being adjusted this year has allowed the practice to look at
managing patient care better in the practice.
8. AOB
Next meeting would be held at The Constantine Surgery on Thursday 19th June
2014 commencing at 6.30 pm
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.30 pm.