
Ch 22.3: Rocks Worksheet
1. Which choices are true about an intrusive igneous rock. (Pick 2)
a. It formed from magma that cooled on Earth’s surface.
b. It formed from magma that cooled underneath Earth’s surface.
c. It formed from magma that cooled rapidly.
d. It formed from magma that cooled over millions of years.
2. Which type of rock could have fossils in it?
a. Igneous
b. Metamorphic
c. Sedimentary
3. Sedimentary rocks form…
a. On the surface
b. Deep within Earth
c. Inside a volcano
4. Gabbro, a rock formed when molten magma is trapped beneath the Earth's surface
and cools into a solid mass. That would make Gabbro a/an: ______________ igneous
a. intrusive
b. extrusive
5. Sandstone is a rock made from layers of sand that have been cemented together. This
type of rock is classified as a/an ___________ rock.
a. Clastic
b. Chemical
c. Organic
6. Limestone is made of layers of shells from marine organisms that build up over
time. This makes limestone a/an _____________ sedimentary rock.
a. Clastic
b. Chemical
c. Organic
7. Slate forms when shale is subjected to high pressures and temperatures. This makes
slate a/an ____________ rock.
a. igneous
b. sedimentary
c. metamorphic
8. GNEISS has a banded pattern of minerals. This is known as foliation. Gneiss is
probably a/an ________________ rock.
a. igneous
b. sedimentary
c. metamorphic
9. Scorcia is a red rock with lots of air bubbles trapped in it. It lacks crystals and has no
fossils. Scorcia is probably a __________________ rock.
a. igneous
b. sedimentary
c. metamorphic
10. Granite is a rock formed when magma cools and hardens inside of Earth. Which
choice is probably true about granite.
a. It probably contains fossils.
b. It probably has lots of crystals
c. It probably has lots of air bubbles in it.
d. It probably has foliation.
11. Metamorphic rocks form …
a. near Earth’s surface as a result of erosion.
b. deep in the crust, usually near a plate boundary.
c. at volcanic vents and fissures.
12. If a metamorphic rock melts, and then cools and solidifies, it will become a
___________ rock.
a. igneous
b. sedimentary
c. It will remain a metamorphic rock.
13. Which choice best demonstrates how an igneous rock like obsidian, could become a
sedimentary rock?
a. Obsidian is remelted and then cools and solidifies.
b. Obsidian is weathered and eroded into fragments and then compacted and
cemented into new layers.
c. Obsidian is exposed to high heat and pressure deep in the earth.
d. More than once choice is true.