Open Minutes March 2009

Members present:
Edna Robinson (chair)
Denis Small (secretary)
Margaret Kell
Sharon Lutton
Emily Roulston
Sylvia Kennedy
Ruth Billimore
Mary Martin-McMahon
Godfrey Madill
Welcome- Edna Robinson welcomed all present, and said how glad she was that we have
two new members. Edna gave a special welcome to Mary Martin-McMahon, and
Godfrey Madill.
Apologies- Esther Dowling, Marlene Gilmore, Celia Gourley.
Minutes- The minutes of the last meeting were accepted on the proposal of Sharon
Lutton, and seconded by Edna Robinson.
Matters arising- 1) There was a discussion about the reply Barbara had received from
Brian McClure, Rating Policy Division, regarding rate relief for handicapped people. It
would seem that very few people will now be eligible for this relief.
2) Further to our discussion at the last meeting about membership, it is
good to have two new members joining us this month, and there is a possibility of one
more joining soon. This would bring our numbers up to the required number.
Information Leaflet- No further details available. Refer to the second meeting.
Physiotherapy- It was confirmed that a physiotherapist dedicated to the amputee service
is essential. It would be helpful if some instruction were given on a) how to get into and
out of a car; b) walking on uneven surfaces; c) a backup physio. service.
Regional Meeting- Edna reported 1) There was a shortfall of approximately £140k for the
year, but just two hours before the meeting started they were advised there would be a
£500k non-recurring payment. The shortfall will be covered by this payment. Geraldine
& Gavin have to put together a case for the balance – and have only one working day to
produce this information ! 2) The shortage of technicians was highlighted . Some of the
new limbs take longer to fit, and this has to be achieved without affecting existing
patients. 3) Trials on i-limbs & c-legs, and evaluating mio-electric limbs are ongoing. 4)
Silicone clinics are being held, the last in August was attended by seven people.
Airport Security- There was a general discussion about security checks at airports, and
specifically Belfast International. The attitude of security staff seemed to be the main
cause for concern. A number of problems encountered by amputees was highlighted.
Following our article in “Step Forward” we had received two communications from
people who are not members of the forum. One person who goes through security checks
at airports all over the world sites the attitude of staff at Belfast International as the worst
he has experienced. By contrast most members found Belfast City airport treated
amputees much more sympathetically. Everyone agreed that in no way did they want
security compromised, all that is required is a more understanding approach to
handicapped people. Members wondered if security staff at the International airport were
trained to deal with amputee passengers and understood their problems. The secretary to
write to Belfast International to point out our concerns.
Correspondence- Letter received from Limbless Association giving information about
their new web site. This served to remind us that sometime ago we had discussed having
our own web site, and this is to be explored again. The Limbless Association would like
us to be able to link into their site.
Any other business- 1) Edna & Denis have been chairperson & secretary respectively for
three years, and both indicated that they intend to stand down at the next meeting,
2) Godfrey Madill stated that there were problems experienced by
upper limb amputees and repairs were taking too long.
3) The meeting was advised that Terry Crowe will be returning to
the centre part-time, having been off work through illness. Opcare is bringing Stephen
back two days per week. This news was welcomed.
4) Are record notes kept on patients, and can these be turned up
when required ?
5) Mary told us about the success of a group of amputees who took
part in last year’s games at Stoke Mandeville. They won a number of medals, and Mary
thought they could have had more publicity. They are entering again this year, and Mary
is forming a committee to arrange funding & to look after the participants.
6) Concern was expressed about the Forum notice board, and an
effort should be made to tidy it up.
There being no further business the first meeting was adjourned.