9-15 Board Minutes - Metropolitan Community Church of Greater

Metropolitan Community Church of Greater Saint Louis
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
September 15, 2015
Call To Order
a. Establish Quorum : Present: Tommy Lawless, Tim Moffitt, Bruce Wessler, Rev. Wes Mullins, Sandy
Smiljanich, Jenifer Elam-Harthcock, Gerry Humphreys, Brooke Holloway
Also present: Cheryl Stockton
b. Make adjustments to agenda
c. Adjustments to and approval of last month’s minutes
MOTION 15-0901
Bruce Wessler moved to approve August minutes
Jenifer Elam-Harthcock second
Unanimously approved
a. Sept 15 – Wes talked about being a non-solar Christian, meaning we can be able to appreciate darkness
for what it is. He equated coming in from the sunshine and our eyes adjusting to the darkness and then
being able to see. Just as when bad things happen we need to be able to appreciate it for what it is and
realize there is some good as we readjust to the situation. Rather than just being a “sunshine” Christian.
b. Oct 20 – Bruce
c. Nov 17 – Tim
d. Dec 15 - Brooke
e. Jan 19 – Gerry
f. Feb 16 – Tommy
g. Mar 15 – Sandy
h. Apr 19 – Jenifer
i. May 17 – new board member
III. New Business / Decision Items
a. Proposed SOPP change – Staff Expenditure Approvals Section 5.2 – Gerry stated we need to decide
whether to make some minor changes in language in the Expenditures for programming or to modify
the expenditure guidelines in the SOPP’s. The following changes were suggested:
5.2.2. Expenditures of $100 to $500 (previously $300) of …..
5.2.3. Expenditures of $501 - $1,500 (previously $1,000) ………Treasurer or (previously “and”),
5.2.4. Expenditures over $1,500 (previously $1,00)
MOTION 15 – 0902
Bruce Wessler moved to make these changes
Tim Moffitt second
Unanimously approved
b. Stipend for Brian Sieve, Student Clergy – Wes checked with EDP rules. Brian chose to take the stipend as
an hourly salaried employee rather than a lump sum per month for tax purpose. Brian’s stipend is in the
line items of the budget for the rest of the year. We are paying $117.50 per week x 4.
MOTION 15 – 0903
Bruce Wessler moved to approve a stipend for Brian Sieve.
Tommy Lawless second
Unanimously approved
IV. Continuing Business
a. Fall Informational Forum (9/20/15) – Bruce Wessler stated the Informational Forum will begin
immediately after church is ended. Start at 11:45 AM
b. Building maintenance – status of installation of hail guards – Tim Moffitt stated that all the parts are in
and they will be installed next week.
c. Building maintenance – South awning painting over 1919 – Tommy Lawless has asked several people to
help and is working on getting a crew to paint. Two weeks ago Tommy reordered bulbs from Metro
Lighting and they sent the wrong bulbs. The emergency lights reordered would be $30 if we could not
get the right bulbs.
V. New Discussion Items
a. Discussion - Church Emergency Plan – Bruce Wessler suggests that we revisit with Daniel Pattengail and
Frieda Smith the Emergency Plan that was begun previously. If there is a catastrophe like a tornado that
destroys everything Tommy said that the plan would have to be looked by a lawyer. All financials are
stored on the website as they are posted on line. Brooke said she would be glad to work on an
emergency plan, which included a Business interruption plan and an emergency backup plan.
b. Discussion – Outside Security Cameras –After discussion it was realized that the security sensor on the
outside door is disengaged due to a leaky door. The best way to fix the alarm problem is to fix the door.
VI. Clerk Reports – See Membership Report
Membership is at 267 at present with 38 outstanding members who have until the first week in
November to respond to an inactive member status letter they were mailed.
VII. Treasures Report – Gerry Humphreys
We were concerned that tithing would go down. But has stayed steady. Golf income is at $33,000. Profit
of $27 -28,000 profit. We are at a point where we will have to move some money from the restricted fund
to pay the mortgage for the month. We have $13,000 in the restricted at present. No major bills coming
up. We look like we are in good shape for the remainder of the year.
MOTION 15 – 0904
Bruce Wessler moved to accept the budget.
Tim Moffitt second
Unanimously approved
VIII. Other Reports
a. Pastor’s Report – Rev. Wes Mullins
b. Lay Delegates – Toni Smith, Cheryl Stockton, Carole Ward Cheryl passed out flyers for the Vicki Shaw
Event in November. She asked that we distribute them to our friends and family. Only 20 VIP tickets
c. Counting Team – Linda Mudd - We still need a few more members on the counting team.
d. Generous Expressions / Stewardship – Tommy Lawless
e. Business Maintenance Team – Tommy Lawless, Sandy Smiljanich , Tim Moffitt
f. Nominations – Jenifer Elam-Harthcock
MOTION 15 – 0905 Bruce approve reports
Tommy Seconded
Unanimously approved
Membership Report
The letter informing the congregation of the Informational Forum on September 20th is posted in the EBlast, the
website and is being announced at each Sunday Service. At present we are waiting for responses from 38 people
who have the opportunity to respond to the letter or phone call informing them of their inactive status. They have
until the end of October to respond. If they do not respond the board of directors has the choice to place them on
the “former member” list.
As of July 1, eighteen people were removed from membership and placed on the former member list. I am working
closely with Christine updating membership taking into account new members, associate members and inactive
members who will be moved to the former member list. We are double-checking to make sure it is accurate. I will
have the membership number by the board meeting.
Treasurer’s report (See Financials)
September Senior Pastor Report
The last month held two major events: Golf and the Fall Programming Launch. With both now behind us, our focus is
turning to the Fall and Winter programs.
Brian Sieve’s work for us will begin on the day of this meeting, September 15.
We just began our new series on “The Faith We Sing,” which will feature a partnership between the music ministry
and me. This will be an annual series focusing on different types of music. This year we are looking at church music,
and next year we will look at music from Disney films.
Worship Attendance
Thankfully, the worship numbers have rebounded a bit as the summer has come to a close. We will continue
watching them in the coming weeks to see if things remain stable through the beginning of the Fall.
Events & Programming
Our Fall Programming is off and running. We didn’t have as many sign-ups this Fall as we had hoped, but
registrations continue to come in slowly. We have cancelled my Intensive on the Old Testament as only one person
signed up for it. I will be using the time I would have been teaching to get ahead on a number of projects including
the Seeds to Branches Vision components and an online church store (to sell the growing number of extra
programming items we are collecting).
The Tournament was a great success! The only snag was a bit of a timing issue with folks getting off the course that
led to us running later into the evening than planned. We already have some ideas about how to avoid that next
year. The exact total is still shaking out as some final dollars come in, but we have met or exceeded the amount
listed in the budget for this year so that is good news!
Seeds to Branches
No updates at this time.
On the Horizon
Initial planning meetings have been held for Transgender Day of Remembrance and World AIDS Day. Both important
days will offer meaningful services led by our pastoral staff and lay leaders.
Upcoming Time Away
Saturday, October 3-Sunday, October 4: Exodus MCC Anniversary, Abilene, TX
I have been invited back to my original MCC congregation for their 35th Anniversary and the 10th Anniversary of my
ordination. I will speak at their anniversary event and during worship on Sunday. Obviously, this will cause me to
miss worship here at MCCGSL that day.
Tuesday, October 13-Monday, October 19: Vacation
Kevin and I will be taking a trip back to my hometown in the Smokey Mountains to see the Fall foliage. I will miss one
Sunday during this vacation.
Respectfully Submitted in Service to MCCGSL,
Lay Delegates
No report submitted.
Counting Team
We need some counters and alternates since we lost a couple of folks.
Stewardship / Generous Expressions Ministry
No report submitted.
Building Maintenance Team
Sandy spoke with David Lingle and the middle of October he is going to cap the wiring on the two outside posts by
the south entrance. Once this has been completed the two poles and globe lights will be removed. He plans on
doing it in a manner that if we decide to install two smaller lights the wiring will be intact.
 Nominations Panel Report
We are just about finished with brochure and we and application. Frieda Smith and Deb Busch are on the committee.
The timeline process for the candidates is:
November 29, 2015
December 6, 2015
January 3, 2016
January 24, 2016
February 21, 2016
Deadline for Applications
Candidate Interviews
Candidate Biography Due
Congregational Q & A
Congregational Voting Meeting
Open prior action items
IX. Review Action Items from this meeting
a. Pat Yates is looking at exit lights
b. Brooke is working with Tommy, Jenifer, Sandy on a Business Interruption Plan
c. Tommy and Sandy will be working on getting the awning painted
d. Bruce is going to contact Frieda Smith concerning the Emergency Action Plan
e. The next board workday is scheduled for Saturday, January 9.
f. Tommy is going check with Katie Hotze-Wilton on the leaky door
X. Prayer Requests and Closing Prayer
XI. Adjourn
MOTION 15 – 0905
Jenifer Elam-Harthcock moved to adjourn
Tommy Lawless second
Unanimously approved
XII. FYI ONLY: List of Ongoing Board Assignments
a. Building Maintenance Team – Tommy Lawless, Tim Moffitt, Sandy Smiljanich, Gerry Humphreys
b. Clerk/Record Keeping and logistics – Sandy Smiljanich
c. Counting Team Manager – Linda Mudd
Finance Committee Liaison – Gerry Humphreys
Moderator – Rev. Wes Mullins
Nominating Committee Liaison – Jenifer Elam-Harthcock
Stewardship and Giving Team Liaison – Tommy Lawless
Treasurer/Financial Oversight – Gerry Humphreys
Vice Moderator – Bruce Wessler
XIII. Upcoming important dates:
 September 20th: Informational Forum
 January 17th: Programming Magazine Released
 January 24th: Candidate Forum
 January 31st: Program Launch (Fat Sunday Brunch)
 February 14th: Informational Forum
 February 28th: Congregational Meeting