Specimens for HCV genotyping will be sent to

Lab Alert
Discontinuation of the HCV Genotype Test In-House
Effective May 4, 2009, the OUMC Virology Laboratory will no longer perform the HCV genotype
The company that produces the reagents for the genotype test is discontinuing the HCV genotype assay.
The Virology Laboratory is unable to validate another method at this time.
Referral Testing:
Specimens for HCV genotyping will be sent to LabCorp. LabCorp employs the Bayer Diagnostics and
Innogenetics, Versant HCV Genotype 2.0 Assay (LiPA). The results will reflect the HCV genotype and
The mnemonic for the HCV viral load plus genotyping will remain the same: VPHCVQG.
For additional information contact Sarah Jonas, Virology Supervisor or Dr. Waner, Director of the OUMC
Virology Laboratory, in the Virology Laboratory at 271-3586 (Joseph-Waner@ouhsc.edu).
For information on HCV genotype results call Laboratory Referral Processing at 271-6161.