File - St. Michael the Archangel

St. Michael the Archangel Parish Pastoral Council
Constitution and By-laws
Preamble: Per directive of Diocese of Lafayette in the Parish Pastoral Council Handbook, this
constitution follows all regulations set forth by Diocesan Policy, and adheres to all policies in
aforementioned handbook. The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) will not deviate from any policies
set forth by the Diocesan Ordinary, and policies set forth by the Diocese of Lafayette.
Name of the Council: St. Michael the Archangel Parish Pastoral Council.
Purpose and Objective: In light of the Gospel message of Jesus Christ, the PPC serves as an
advisory board for the Pastor of St. Michael the Archangel Church Parish in Crowley, LA. With
prayerful consideration of the pastoral and temporal needs of the community of St. Michael the
Arhcangel, the PPC serves as a sign and symbol of the unity of the Church for the spiritual
progress and growth of the people entrusted to the church parish. As a consultative body for the
Pastor, and as representatives of the people of God, the PPC will serve to advise the pastor so
that he may lead the people in ways that are filled with peace and joy in the many facets that
involve parish life, as we journey towards God’s Kingdom of Heaven.
Membership: The PPC will consist of seven (7) members, to serve terms of three (3) years).
Four (4) members will be elected by the community, and three (3) members will be appointed by
the pastor.
 Any parishioner who resides in the geographical boundaries of the parish, or is a
registered member of the community, and in good standing with the Roman
Catholic Church, is eligible to run for election, subject to the approval of the
pastor. This same standard holds for appointed members. Members must be
Confirmed members of the Catholic faith, and remain in full communion with the
Catholic Church during their term.
 Each elected member will serve for a three year term, and may be re-elected for a
consecutive three year term. Elected members shall serve a maximum of two
consecutive terms.
 Each appointed member will serve for a three year term, and may be re-appointed
for a consecutive three year term. Appointed members shall serve a maximum of
two consecutive terms.
 Nominations will take place every three years in the Spring (March or April),
elections will be held in the month of May (ballots will be counted by a select
committee of the PPC, which will be overseen by the pastor and the chairperson
of the PPC), and members will begin their terms in July. A person may be
nominated by a parishioner, or a parishioner may choose to nominate themselves.
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 During the course of a fiscal year (July to June), if a member has two (2) absences
from regular council meetings, the tenure of the member will be determined by
the Executive Committee with the pastor. 
 If a member is dismissed from any two (2) meetings by the pastor or the
chairperson, that member’s position on the PPC will be deemed vacant. 
 Should a member resign from the PPC, or be dismissed for any reason, the pastor
shall appoint a parishioner to complete their term.
 The Parish Trustees and the St. Michael School Principal serve as ex-officio
members of the PPC.
Officers: The pastor is the facilitator of the PPC.
 At the first meeting of every year, the PPC will elect a chairperson to oversee the
meetings, and a secretary to record the minutes of the meetings. In the absence of
the chairperson, the pastor will act as chair of the meeting. The PPC chair will
adhere to meeting guidelines in “Robert’s Rules of Order.” 
 The chairperson and the secretary will serve one (1) year terms as officers, and
may serve a maximum of two consecutive terms as officers.
 The executive committee members will be established at the first meeting of the
year, and they will consist of the pastor, chairperson, and the two trustees. 
 Executive committee meetings are closed meetings, not opened to the public.
Meetings: Meetings shall take place on a regular basis in the conference room of the office
building of St. Michael Church, and will meet, at minimum, quarterly. Meetings shall not last
longer than two (2) hours.
 Guidelines of the meetings will follow standard procedures of “Robert’s Rules of
Order” (a copy of which will be furnished to the chairperson of the PPC). 
 Any person who interrupts a meeting, or is deemed out of order by the chair or the
pastor, will be dismissed from the meeting. 
 If a member of the PPC wishes to address a particular issue, he/she must submit
that request in writing to the pastor or the chairperson prior to the meeting so that
it may be placed on the agenda. Meetings will adhere to the agenda, and nonagenda issues will not be considered.
 Meetings are open to the public for observation only, and every meeting will enter
into a closed session if a vote for recommendation is needed.
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 Meetings will follow the following format: call to order, prayer, review and
approval of minutes, discussion of agenda items, committee/commission reports,
new business, and closing prayer.
 Special meetings, other than regularly scheduled quarterly meetings, may be
called by the Pastor and Chairperson of the PPC. No meeting may be called or
held in the absence of the pastor.
Commissions and committees: All commissions and committees will be formed or disbanded
according to the needs of the parish, and on the advice of the PPC.
 As needed committees shall be established by referring a particular need
to the chairperson and pastor, who will then appoint a committee with the
advice of the PPC.
 Long-term commissions shall be established by the pastor as dictated by
needs that are expressed to the pastor and PPC by parishioners and council
Amendments: This constitution stands in accord with the policies set forth by the Diocese, and
any amendments to this document must adhere to all Diocesan Policies.
 Amendments to the constitution must be made in writing by a current member of
the PPC, and submitted to the Chairperson and the Pastor prior to the meeting in
which it is to be introduced. 
 Amendments will be adopted by a majority vote of the PPC, provided that a
quorum (two-thirds of the voting members) of the PPC is in attendance at the
meeting. Members must be present to vote on all amendments, and cannot make
an absentee vote for any reason. 
 Amendments are ratified once they are approved by the pastor, voted on and
passed by the PPC, and ratified by the Bishop of the Diocese, and shall be
effective as of the date of said ratification by the Bishop.
Ratifications: Any motions made to the PPC must be submitted for the agenda.
 A motion and/or recommendation for the pastor may be made by any voting
member of the PPC, and seconded by another voting member. Once the motion is
seconded, it may be voted on by the members of the PPC. A motion is passed by
a majority vote of members in attendance of the meeting in which the motion has
been made.
 A quorum (two-thirds of the voting members) of the PPC must be present in order
for a motion to be presented and put to vote. 
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 Because the pastor is the authority in the parish by virtue of his appointment by
the Bishop, all motions approved and passed by the PPC are subject to approval
by the pastor.
 No motion will be established as policy for the parish without written and signed
approval of the pastor.
As recommended by the Pastor of St. Michael the Archangel Roman Catholic Church, Crowley,
Rev. Mikel A. Polson, Pastor
Approved by the Bishop of Lafayette:
Most Rev. Michael Jarrell, D.D.
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