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Self Contained Neighbourhoods
Local opportunities
What is it?
What can you do about it?
If you are thinking about moving,
consider which locations would best
support your needs and reduce your car
Get to know your local neighbourhood
and its resources, including your local
shops, parks and other facilities.
If you are establishing a business,
consider how this may make your local
neighbourhood more self-sufficient.
Self contained neighbourhoods allow people to
work, live and play within the same area.
Self containment is facilitated by residential
growth in and around town centres where
access to employment, essential services and
facilities is high, through mixed land uses and
reducing private vehicle dependence.
Why do we need it?
A dispersed settlement pattern is not
sustainable. It creates a large environmental
footprint, inefficient delivery of infrastructure
and high car dependency.
Self contained neighbourhoods support an
efficient use of resources. They promote the
infrastructure, which in turn allows for
improvements. A compact urban form reduces
car dependency and facilitate inclusive, vibrant
and affordable places to live.
Did you know?
By participating in community engagement activities
you can have your say and contribute to making
your local area a more pleasant place to live!
Information on current engagement activities is
available through Council’s website.
What is Council doing about it?
Council is working towards a higher level of self
containment across the Sunshine Coast.
Council is facilitating growth around existing
services and community infrastructure by
supporting mixed uses in activity centres
through the planning scheme. In identified
Greenfield areas the planning scheme
provisions are based on principles of self
Self contained neighbourhoods are supported
by a range of Council strategies such as the
Economic Development Strategy, Sustainable
Transport Strategy, Open Space Strategy and
Social Infrastructure Strategy.
For further information:
Council’s capital works program annually funds
the delivery and upgrade of major infrastructure
projects to increase self containment and the
vibrancy and vitality of our town centres.
Affordable Living – fact sheet 3: Self Contained Neighbourhods. Current as at April 2012