Academic Integrity - Worldview Centre for Intercultural Studies

Academic Integrity
revised Oct 2011
Worldview Centre for Intercultural Studies affirms that as a community the centre is able
to flourish when its members and stakeholders are committed to the five fundamental
values mentioned below. Integrity is built upon continuous conversations about how
these values are, or are not, embodied in institutional life. As these conversations
connect with mission statements and everyday policies and practices, a climate of
integrity is sustained and nurtured.
Statement of Commitment
Worldview is committed, even in the face of adversity, to these five fundamental values –
honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility. From these values flow principles of
behaviour that enable academic communities to translate ideas into action.
Academic Core Values
Worldview is committed to the quest for truth and knowledge by requiring intellectual and
personal honesty in learning, teaching, research, and service.
Worldview is committed to fostering a climate of mutual trust, encouraging the free
exchange of ideas, and enabling all to reach their highest potential.
Worldview is committed to establishing clear standards, practices, and procedures and
expects fairness in the interactions of students, faculty, and administrators.
Worldview is committed to recognising the participatory nature of the learning process
and honours and respects intellectual freedom and intellectual property.
Worldview is committed to upholding personal responsibility and to taking action in the
face of wrongdoing.
Implementation of Values
Worldview is committed to  Having clear academic integrity statements, policies, and procedures that are
consistently implemented.
 Informing and educating the entire community regarding academic integrity
policies and procedures.
 Promulgating and rigorously practicing these policies and procedures from the
top down, and providing support to those who faithfully follow and uphold them.
 Having a clear, accessible, and equitable system to adjudicate suspected
violations of policy.
 Developing programs to promote academic integrity among all segments of
Worldview’s community. These programs should go beyond repudiation of
academic dishonesty and include discussions about the importance of academic
integrity and its connection to broader ethical issues and concerns.
 Being alert to trends in higher education and technology affecting academic
integrity at Worldview.
 Regularly assessing the effectiveness of its policies and procedures and taking
steps to improve and rejuvenate them.