Sparta United Methodist Church
September 12, 2012
Ann Freeman Price called the September Church Council meeting to order. The following persons were in
attendance: Ann Freeman Price, Diane Koob, Muriel Godbersen, Kathy Scehovic, Pat Schutz, Pat Harvey, Steve
Magnotta, Laura Kempson, Susan Pironti, Tina Rosenkrans, Sherry Royce, Bud Larson, Jean LaFrance, James
Hix, Christina Kraemer, and Sandy Svenningsen.
To open the meeting, Diane offered the devotions that centered on the CROP Walk and poverty concerns.
Ann asked everyone to review the agenda quickly and indicate if there are any additions.
MINUTES: The minutes from the August meeting were reviewed. Ann noted that under the UMW section,
there will be no book signing on September 23rd as noted. Pat Harvey made the motion to approve the minutes as
amended; Diane seconded the motion, and approval of the minutes was unanimous.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Bud summed up the financial situation by noting that things look “okay,” but not
necessarily “good.” The year-to-date deficit is a little over $5000. This figure does not take into account the two
months of Thursday evening income from the Church Mouse. Laura also mentioned that we have not yet
received any money from the Mohawk House. Bud added that all committees are slightly under-spending. We
should be close to balancing the budget by the end of the year with all of these considerations, but there are
always unexpected possibilities.
FINANCE TASK FORCE: Ann mentioned that we need to find out if Linda Kristiansen sent out the
fundraising guidelines to all of the organizations affiliated with the church. Diane said that she would check with
Linda. We have received the first request to hold a fundraiser at our church since the guidelines were established.
The Council discussed the procedure to follow and concluded that the request should first be reviewed by the
Trustees and then be sent to the Council for approval, if the Trustees decide the proposal conforms to the
MEMBERSHIP: Members of the Council had volunteered at the last meeting to follow up with individuals on
the membership inactive lists. This information was given to Muriel, but there are still some people on the lists
who need to be contacted. Muriel suggested that we review the names periodically throughout the year, rather
than waiting until just before the annual church conference.
TRUSTEES: Laura reported that the trustees had built a wall to create more classrooms. There is water damage
downstairs that will cost approximately $1200 to clean up. Bob Schutz took a look at some of the drainage
issues. Flashing on the roof and holes in the parking lot are also being repaired. There had been some concerns
about the water bill. The high water bill may have been due to a hose being left on and toilets running. It is also
possible that the meter needs repair. The organ may need to be replaced in the near future. The Trustees are
considering ways to make better use of the church’s property. Some suggestions include creating a place for
family picnics; building a pavilion, playground, gardens, and/or labyrinth. The trustees will be examining all of
these ideas.
HOSPITALITY AND PASTORAL CARE: Pat Schutz expressed concern that we need helpers in the nursery.
These helpers would also need to be Safe Sanctuary certified. Pat suggested that the solution might be to hire
another babysitter.
SOCIAL EVENTS: Social events have been planned, including a square dance and potluck on Nov. 4th. We
need to talk with Eleanor Shumaker about them. Ann brought up the fact that coffee hour is still an issue. Diane
will ask Pastoral Care/Hospitality to examine it and come up with a plan.
STAFF PARISH: Kathy said that the committee has been very busy preparing for the Annual Church
Conference. Kathy also conducted a walk-through of the parsonage. She completed a church profile with
Diane’s help. After Diane had left the room, the Council discussed Diane’s salary. Kathy noted that the Staff
Parish committee was concerned because Diane had not received a raise for 2012. Therefore, the SPR committee
recommended that Diane receive a cost of living raise, which would amount to about $3000.00. Some members
of the Council expressed concern about granting a raise due to the fact that the church is still dealing with a
budget deficit. Members also noted the importance of acknowledging Diane’s service to the church. Muriel
made the motion that we defer making a decision until we have the 2013 budget complete. Although we would
like to grant an increase, it may not be fiscally feasible; we do not currently have all of the pertinent financial
information, particularly the results from the stewardship drive. Tina seconded the motion. The motion passed
with all in favor.
FAMILY FUN FEST: Pat noted that a leader is needed for the kids’ activities. The plan is to keep the kids
upstairs in the music room with a number of different activities. A movie will be shown downstairs for the kids.
Someone is needed to help set up the kids’ activities the night before, and someone is needed to be in charge of
the kids’ activities on the day of the Fair. A cheap source for pumpkins is also needed, as well as donations of
quart size canning jars. James offered to be in charge of the kids’ activities for at least part of the day and
suggested splitting the responsibility into two shifts.
WORSHIP AND MUSIC: Pat Harvey reported that there will be a meeting on September 22nd. White
paraments have been donated by Charlie Pendergast.
EDUCATION: Christina Kraemer reported that the church school orientation went well. This Sunday is the first
teaching Sunday. September 30th is Children’s Sabbath. Christina noted that all involved are pleased with the
progress of the education program so far. Yvonne Roux wants to do a junior handbell choir. Steve noted that 13
kids attended the introductory session of the junior handbell choir. Edwin, our new music director, indicated that
he would also like to introduce a children’s choir. Laura talked with Edwin about the Christmas Pageant on
December 16th. We need to pay Ian, the accompanist, for his time at rehearsals. Christina suggested that $170
might be taken from the Education funds this year, but we should budget for the accompanist’s rehearsal time in
the future.
YOUTH: James reported that the youth have been busy, including three mini golf outings and a trip to Ocean
City. The junior high group will be participating in the Bread for Life ministries. The youth are also looking
forward to the CROP Walk and corn maze. Will indicated that there will be sign-ups this coming Sunday in the
narthex for the CROP Walk.
STEWARDSHIP: Steve announced that the kickoff for the stewardship campaign will be on October 23rd. He
has the sign ready to put up. Steve asked for volunteers to speak during the worship service about why the church
is important to them. He is still looking to form small group settings in circles and asked for volunteers who may
be interested in helping him organize this. He will organize a task force to look into this idea and develop it.
ADULT CHRISTIAN EDUCATION: Bud noted that he and Jim Sodt have been putting together material to
use during the Sunday morning adult education classes. Gerry Koob is conducting an adult session on Monday
evenings that focuses on the discussion of specific books. The Sunday morning group continues to view DVDs
and hold discussions. Bud indicated that the groups are very dynamic and focus on compelling issues.
MISSIONS: Laura informed the Council that we need to draw up guidelines about how to address homeless
families who approach us asking for temporary housing. There will be a meeting to develop ideas, and Laura will
bring these ideas back to the Church Council. A policy needs to be drafted.
UMW: On September 23rd, Ann will be holding a concert, the proceeds to benefit the UMW World Thanks
Offering. Ann encouraged everyone to attend. The head of the national UMW will also be attending.
CHURCH AND SOCIETY: Lesléa Newman will be presenting a program on October 14th. Ms. Newman is the
author of several children’s books. Her latest book is a volume of poetry for adult audiences, October Mourning,
which deals with the hate crime against Matthew Shepard that resulted in his death. Again, Ann encouraged
everyone to attend.
COMMUNICATIONS: Allison Sidoli and Diane met with Tom Ossa, our new tech support person who will be
developing the church’s website. He charges a start-up fee of $499. The costs are then $25 a year, plus $20 per
month. On September 20th, he will be available at the church to meet with all members of committees who are
interested in being included on the church’s website.
CHURCH MOUSE: Sherry reported that the bag sale made $755 on Wednesday, the first day of the sale.
Summer hours are over; those extra hours on Thursday evenings made $2700 to help defray the church’s budget
deficit. Sherry noted that one of the executive committee members would like to be involved in the website for
the Mouse. Sherry also sought permissions to contact the Sparta police to get advice on how to handle possible
security issues in the Mouse. The Council agreed unanimously that Sherry and the executive committee could
pursue this idea.
WORLD MISSION SHOP: Ann announced that the World Mission Shop is now open on Sundays after the
worship service. Volunteers are needed to work in the shop.
NOMINATIONS: Sandy Svenningsen will be the new chair of the Church Council; Muriel Godbersen, the
Church Council secretary; Ann Freeman Price, Lay Leader. Diane indicated that she is still making phone calls in
order to fill positions. She noted that we need a speaker for Laity Sunday. She is also hoping to have new
member classes in the month of October.
Before the meeting closed, the Council decided to participate in opening and closing prayers in future meetings,
but to eliminate devotions.
Diane closed the meeting with a prayer.