
Chapter 28
Student: _________________________________________________________
1. The name monocot and dicot are derived from the differences in the formation of:
A. roots
B. seed leaves, cotyledons
C. seeds
D. none of the choices is correct
2. If there is only one egg in the ovule, why are two sperm needed for fertilization?
A. One fertilizes the egg and the other unites with the central cell to form endosperm.
B. Only one is needed; after one fertilizes the egg, the other disintegrates.
C. Both unite the central cell to form triploid endosperm.
D. Both unite with the egg, forming both a zygote and endosperm.
3. When a monocot such as corn germinates, the initial shoot is called the _____ while the initial root is called
the _______.
A. hypocotyle; primary root
B. hypocotyle; epicotyl
C. coleoptile; radicle
D. plumule; coleorhiza
4. Which of these may occur in both angiosperms and gymnosperms?
A. Seeds develop within a cone.
B. Seeds develop within a flower.
C. Seeds are surrounded by a fruit at maturity.
D. Pollen is carried by the wind for pollination.
E. Pollen is carried by animal pollinators.
5. Which statement is NOT true about the life cycle of flowering plants?
A. The sporophyte is diploid.
B. The sporophyte produces heterospores.
C. The female gametophyte is the seed.
D. The male gametophyte is the pollen grain.
E. The female gametophyte is retained within the body of the sporophyte parent generation.
6. Plants have two separate and dependent gametophytes because
A. this is normal for alternation of generations.
B. one can survive and fertilize without the need for external water.
C. the microgametophyte is haploid and the megagametophyte is diploid.
D. these two structures allow fertilization without the need for external water.
E. this is normal for all sexual organisms where sperm is produced by microgametophytes and eggs by
7. A moth-pollinated flower is likely to have
A. white flowers, no landing area, strong sweet perfume.
B. white flowers with short tubes, a wide landing area, no odor.
C. blue or yellow flowers, a wide landing area, not very much odor.
D. blue or yellow flowers, a wide landing area, no odor.
E. red flowers that open in daytime, a wide landing area, odor resembling dead meat.
8. If you have picked a bouquet of anther-less flowers, you have picked
A. male gametophytes retained within the body of sporophytes.
B. female gametophytes retained within the body of sporophytes.
C. sporophytes retained within the body of microgametophytes.
D. sporophytes retained within the body of megagametophytes.
E. microgametophytes retained within the body of megagametophytes.
9. The microspore develops into a
A. megasporocyte.
B. female gametophyte.
C. microsporocyte.
D. male gametophyte.
E. zygote.
10. The short stem tip to which a flower is attached is called a
A. pistil.
B. sepal.
C. receptacle.
D. petal.
E. stamen.
11. One of the parts in the outermost ring of floral structures, forming a bud cover, is a
A. pistil.
B. sepal.
C. receptacle.
D. petal.
E. stamen.
12. The site of formation of pollen grains is in the
A. pistil.
B. sepal.
C. receptacle.
D. petal.
E. stamen.
13. The stigma, style, and ovary are located in a carpel found in the
A. pistil.
B. sepal.
C. receptacle.
D. petal.
E. stamen.
14. The anther and filament are parts of the
A. pistil.
B. sepal.
C. receptacle.
D. petal.
E. stamen.
15. The structure that forms most of the flesh of an apple is the
A. pistil.
B. sepal.
C. receptacle.
D. petal.
E. stamen.
16. The Latin root word meaning "thread" is the basis for the term
A. pistil.
B. stamen.
C. cotyledon.
D. petal.
E. filament.
17. Monocots have their floral parts in ______, whereas dicots have their parts in _______, or multiples of those
A. threes; fours or fives
B. threes or fours; fives
C. fours; threes or fives
D. fours or fives; threes
E. fives; threes or fours
18. The Latin root word meaning "egg" is the basis for the term
A. anther.
B. pistil.
C. sepal.
D. ovule.
E. stamen.
19. Flower buds develop from
A. axillary buds only.
B. shoot apical meristem only.
C. the same buds as leaves only.
D. either axillary buds or apical buds.
20. The Greek root words meaning "one" and "home" are the basis for the term
A. megagametophyte.
B. microspore.
C. monofilament.
D. dioecious.
E. monoecious.
21. What flower mechanisms help prevent pollination by a foreign species?
A. A pollen tube grows in the style of its own species.
B. The stigma is sticky mainly to its own species of pollen.
C. The timing of flowering keeps pollinators moving among a limited number of species.
D. Flowers attract a small number of specialized pollinators, and therefore pollen is not spread equally to all
available species of flowers.
E. All of the choices would be reproductively isolating.
22. Ovules are contained within the
A. ovary.
B. stigma.
C. anther.
D. filament.
E. style.
23. A megasporocyte would be found in the
A. ovary.
B. stigma.
C. anther.
D. filament.
E. style.
24. A microspore mother cell would be located in the
A. ovary.
B. stigma.
C. anther.
D. filament.
E. style.
25. Pollen would land on the ______ during pollination.
A. ovary
B. stigma
C. anther
D. filament
E. style
26. Double fertilization in an angiosperm produces
A. a diploid zygote and a haploid polar nucleus.
B. a diploid zygote and a diploid endosperm.
C. a diploid embryo and a triploid zygote.
D. a triploid embryo and a diploid endosperm.
E. a diploid zygote and a triploid endosperm.
27. The function of endosperm is to
A. form the seedling.
B. develop into the fruit.
C. provide water to the embryo.
D. provide nutrients to the embryo.
E. provide a protective coating for the embryo.
28. The Greek root words meaning "within" and "seed" are the basis for the term
A. monoecious.
B. endosperm.
C. fertilization.
D. dieocious.
E. pollination.
29. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the germinated pollen grain?
A. Germination occurs on the surface of the stigma.
B. The pollen tube forms between cells of the style.
C. The pollen tube nucleus generates the pollen tube.
D. There are two sperm nuclei that move down the pollen tube to the micropyle.
E. Fertilization occurs when the pollen grain germinates.
30. The seed contains all of the following EXCEPT
A. an embryo sporophyte.
B. sufficient water for germination.
C. stored food.
D. integuments.
31. Which statement about fruits is NOT true?
A. A blackberry is an example of a simple fruit.
B. A fleshy fruit has a fleshy pericarp, as in a peach.
C. Most fruits are simple fruits, derived from a single ovary.
D. A dry fruit may split at maturity to release its seeds, as a pea or bean pod.
E. A multiple fruit such as a pineapple forms from many individual flowers on a stem.
32. When an ice cap moves south or arid conditions push across a continent, a plant species can "migrate,"
although not as fast as individual animals usually travel. Which of the following generally allows a plant
population to migrate the fastest?
A. pollination
B. fertilization
C. seed dispersal
D. germination
E. vegetative propagation
33. Which mechanism is NOT as likely to disperse seeds at a great distance from the parent plant?
A. Coconuts are carried by ocean currents.
B. Squirrels bury seeds and nuts for future use.
C. Seeds are dispersed as projectiles from the parent plant.
D. Hooks and spines attach the seed to animal fur or human clothing.
E. Seeds eaten with fruit by animals are dropped with the animals' feces.
34. In a 1977 article in Science, a botanist reported the strange case of the Tambalacoque tree (Calvaria major)
of the Mauritius Islands in the Indian Ocean. All of the trees appear to be hundreds of years old and date as
seedlings to before the dodo bird became extinct. The seeds of Calvaria are very hard and apparently needed to
pass through the digestive tract of the dodo bird before they would germinate. Therefore, when there were no
more dodo birds, no more young Calvaria trees germinated. Luckily, foresters can artificially scarify the seeds
and germinate new trees now that they know this. The relationship described is
A. micropropagation.
B. spontaneous dispersal.
C. coevolution.
D. genetic engineering.
E. vegetative propagation.
35. Just as the Calvaria tree seed coat is so exceptionally thick that it requires grinding in a bird crop before it
can germinate, other plant seeds are also extremely hard. Why?
A. That is how tree seeds are.
B. This is a defense against insects.
C. This is just to allow them to survive the grinding in a bird gizzard.
D. This is necessary protection to protect the embryo against cold temperatures.
E. This is one of several strategies that keeps seeds from germinating right away while under a parent tree.
36. The Latin root word meaning "feather" is the basis for the term
A. monoecious.
B. hypocotyl.
C. cotyledon.
D. dieocious.
E. plumule.
37. The Latin root words meaning "all" and "powerful" are the basis for the term
A. monoecious.
B. endosperm.
C. totipotent.
D. dieocious.
E. protoplast.
38. The Greek root words meaning "first" and "formed or molded" are the basis for the term
A. monoecious.
B. endosperm.
C. totipotent.
D. dieocious.
E. protoplast.
39. When protoplasts are used to clone plants, embryo-like structures called _____ form.
A. protoplasts
B. particle guns
C. suckers
D. phytochromes
E. somatic embryos
40. The Latin root word meaning "mongrel" is the basis for the term
A. monoecious.
B. hybrid.
C. totipotent.
D. dieocious.
E. protoplast.
41. A microspore
A. develops into a male gametophyte.
B. after mitosis becomes a pollen grain.
C. is distributed by wind, animals or humans.
D. All of the choices are true regarding microspores.
42. A flower
A. is the sexual reproductive organ of the seed plant.
B. is composed of whorls of modified leaves.
C. serves to attract animal pollinators.
D. All of the choices characterize flowers.
43. Bee pollinated flowers
A. are red.
B. are predominately blue or yellow.
C. have little odor.
D. All of the choices apply.
44. Red flowers, with a slender floral tube and copious nectar and little odor are most often pollinated by
A. moths.
B. butterflies.
C. birds and bats.
D. All of the choices apply.
45. Which of the following is NOT a simple fruit?
A. peach
B. pea
C. rice
D. pineapple
46. An accessory fruit
A. has as an example an apple.
B. has the bulk of the fruit from the receptacle.
C. has its center or core derived from the ovary.
D. All of the choices are true of accessory fruits.
47. Which of the following is NOT an aggregate fruit?
A. pineapple
B. strawberry
C. blackberry
D. raspberry
48. Seeds require _____________ for germination to occur.
A. oxygen for increased metabolism
B. adequate temperature
C. adequate water
D. All of the choices are required.
49. Single plant cells can be stimulated to become a callus and then further stimulated to become a new entire
True False
50. It is possible to engineer plants that can produce human hormones and antibodies.
True False
51. In flowering plants, there is a requirement for outside water to allow fertilization to occur.
True False
52. A compound pistil contains multiple carpels and ovaries in the female part of the flower.
True False
53. In double fertilization, one sperm nucleus fuses with the egg nucleus, and the other sperm nucleus fuses
with two haploid polar nuclei.
True False
54. The megaspore mother cell divides by meiosis to form four functional egg nuclei.
True False
55. Double fertilization is found only in angiosperms.
True False
56. The fruit is composed of the ovary and sometimes other floral parts such as the receptacle.
True False
57. The pericarp is composed of the thickened ovary wall surrounding the seed(s).
True False
58. A grain such as corn does not have a fruit surrounding it.
True False
59. Dormancy is a period during which a seed cannot germinate, even if conditions seem suitable for
germination, because some condition of cold or water availability has not been met.
True False
60. A bean seed is a monocot, with a single seed leaf.
True False
61. Plants that reproduce asexually by growth of a new plant from stems or roots show vegetative propagation.
True False
62. That no free water is required to fertilize angiosperms is a land plant adaptation.
True False
63. Staminate flowers and pistillate flowers in one plant produce a monoecious plant.
True False
64. Describe the alternation of generations in flowering plants.
65. Describe the structure of a monocot flower and tell how it would differ from a dicot flower.
66. Describe the events from the time of pollination to the time of fertilization.
67. Name and describe several mechanisms by which seeds are dispersed.
68. Contrast the structures of a bean seed and a corn seed.
69. Describe several mechanisms of asexual reproduction in plants.
70. In mammals, an egg fertilized by one sperm divides repeatedly (1-2-4-8-16-32-64, etc.). At the 64-cell
stage, only three cells go on to become the embryo while 61 grow to become the fetal side of the placenta. In
plants, fertilization likewise results in the development of an embryo and nourishing endosperm. However, how
does this process differ from the mammal embryo and placenta?
71. In species of plants that are wind pollinated, describe at least two strategies that plants use to minimize or
prevent self-pollination.
72. In species of plants that carry perfect flowers for insect pollinators, describe at least two strategies that these
plants use to minimize or prevent self-pollination.
73. If pollination by insects and other pollinators was always better than casting pollen to the wind, we could
expect that all plants today would be pollinated by pollinators. They are not. If we note that pine trees as a
group are still wind pollinated, why have they not evolved to utilize pollinators?
74. Some flowering plants have small green flowers that do not attract any insects. Instead, these plants utilize
wind pollination. Remembering that it does take plant energy to form petals, etc., under what conditions would
it be disadvantageous for a flowering plant to use pollinators?
75. How does cell suspension culture differ from regular tissue culture?
Chapter 28 KEY
1. B
2. A
3. C
4. D
5. C
6. D
7. A
8. B
9. D
10. C
11. B
12. E
13. A
14. E
15. C
16. E
17. A
18. D
19. D
20. E
21. E
22. A
23. A
24. C
25. B
26. E
27. D
28. B
29. E
30. B
31. A
32. C
33. C
34. C
35. E
36. E
37. C
38. E
39. E
40. B
41. D
42. D
43. B
44. C
45. D
46. D
47. A
48. D
49. TRUE
50. TRUE
52. TRUE
53. TRUE
55. TRUE
56. TRUE
57. TRUE
59. TRUE
61. TRUE
62. TRUE
63. TRUE
64. Answers will vary.
65. Answers will vary.
66. Answers will vary.
67. Answers will vary.
68. Answers will vary.
69. Answers will vary.
70. Answers will vary.
71. Answers will vary.
72. Answers will vary.
73. Answers will vary.
74. Answers will vary.
75. Answers will vary.