PowerPoint Project Checklist

PowerPoint Project Checklist:
Team Names: _______________________________________________
Topic: ______________________________________________________
 .Use your textbook, library books, and online resources to find interesting
information about your topic. Record your ten best bits of information.
 Share your findings and discuss what you think are the important ideas of your
chosen topic
 Decide on the facts to present. Your PowerPoint will have twelve slides; an
opening title slide, ten topic slides, and a closing credits slide.
 Use the Assignment Storyboard to create a rough draft of the slideshow.
 Each member should take responsibility for a relatively equal number of slides to
research. You are also responsible for selecting a picture, deciding what bullet
words should appear, and presenting your selected slides.
 Complete the rough draft storyboard worksheet.
 Show your completed worksheet to me for the green light to search online for
 Create one folder in My Documents to store your pictures. Label the folder with
your team name.
 Save all your images. Name each image so you can find it easily later.
 Follow the PowerPoint Directions to create your presentation.
 Have your presentation transferred to my laptop and rehearse at least once.
 Create five questions to ask the audience to check for understanding.