Dress Policy - Hephzibah Baptist Church


Dress Policy

Because we feel that we have been called to “set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity” (I Timothy 4:12) and because we are held accountable for causing others to stumble in anything we do (Romans 14), we ask that the students of Hephzibah Baptist

Church observe the following guidelines for dressing appropriately while participating in any church activity.


Philippians 1:27 says, “Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.” We feel this applies to how we dress as well as how we speak to each other. We ask that all men observe the following:

Please do not wear pants with holes above the knee.

Please wear shirts that have sleeves.

Keep your pants pulled up so no one has to look at your underwear.


I Timothy 2:9-10 speaks to how we should dress modestly: “And I want women to be modest in their appearance. They should wear decent and appropriate clothing and not draw attention to themselves by the way they fix their hair or by wearing gold or pearls or expensive clothes. For women who claim to be devoted to God should make themselves attractive by the good things they do.” We are asking you to let the inward beauty of who you are in Christ be the thing that turns heads and not the clothes you wear. We ask that all of our ladies observe the following:

Shirts must be appropriate and modest. Sleeves must cover the shoulder where no undergarments are visible. Open back or low-neck blouses or dresses are inappropriate.

Halter-tops, tube tops, camisoles, spaghetti strap tanks, and tight fitting shirts are inappropriate. Shirts that have to be continually adjusted should not be worn. Any blouse that leaves any part of the midriff bare is inappropriate. Skin must not be exposed when the arms are raised, or when the student is bending or sitting.

We ask that shorts come down at least an inch or two below the fingertips.

Skirts and dresses should go down to the top of the knees.

The first time a student fails to comply with this dress policy, they will be given a warning

(unless the clothes are extremely immodest). Upon the second offense, they will be given a large t-shirt and shorts to wear.


Bikinis, two-piece, and all other immodest or very brief swimsuits are not permitted for men or women.

Bikinis, two-piece, suits made of sheer material, and deep-cut suits (i.e., high-cut legs or low-cut backs and fronts) are not to be worn

Two-Piece (tankini style) suits are permitted if your torso is not visible at any time, either bending or stretching.

If a student fails to comply with this swimwear policy, they will be given a dark t-shirt to wear over their swimsuit.

Please understand that we are not trying to be the fashion police, but we are trying to make sure everyone can come to Bible Study with as few distractions as possible. Please make sure that you understand no guest to the church will ever be confronted about this issue but we do hold a standard of purity for those of us that are members of Hephzibah. Our youth workers are also expected to follow this dress policy as well.
