
Date: 11/26/14
EFFECTIVE DATE: 5 days from posted date or as per Supplier’s Contract
Submitter’s Name: Ed Williamson
TP: TP76400 Subject: Frame and Aisle Lighting – Light Emitting Diode (LED) Action: Add:
Section: 8
Subsection: 5
Subsection: (multiple)
Section Title: Cable Rack, Auxiliary Framing & Lighting Systems
Section Title: Frame and Aisle Lighting – Light Emitting Diode (LED)
Subsection Title: (multiple)
Prior to Change:
5.1.10 See TP76400 Section 6.8.2 for additional information on equipment lighting.
5.2.2 All equipment lighting apparatus including wire and electrical raceways shall be listed for its
purpose by a nationally recognized testing laboratory. Note: specific products are required by
organizations within AT&T. Follow specific fixture requirements as directed by the AT&T
Engineer. All fixtures shall be installed per the manufactures guidelines. (Note: indentation)
5.2.3 Conduits should be securely fastened at 5’0” intervals, and shall not exceed 6’0”.
5.2.7 See TP76400 Section 12 for approved conduit types.
5.2.16 Light fixtures in equipment areas shall be connected to PDSC lighting panels dedicated to
network lighting and supplied by essential AC Power (Note: addition of period)
5.2.17 Light fixtures in equipment areas shall be installed such that the lowest part of the fixture is at a
minimum height of 7’ 3” when installed in a line-up of 7’-0” equipment frames. When the
existing auxiliary framing height prevents achieving the 7’-3” requirement, the installer shall
insure that the fixture is secured directly to the bottom of the low level framing.
5.3.5 The minimum time delay setting on switches and sensors shall be 10 minutes..
5.3.6 The minimum time delay setting on sensors shall be 10 minutes.
5.3.7 Lighting fixtures controlled by Motion Sensors shall not also have switches. .
5.3.8 Emergency egress lighting shall not be controlled by Motion Sensors. .
Post Change:
5.1.10 See ATT-TP-76400, Section 6.8.2, for additional information on equipment lighting.
5.2.2 All equipment lighting apparatus including wire and electrical raceways shall be listed for its
purpose by a nationally recognized testing laboratory.
Note: specific products are required by organizations within AT&T. Follow specific fixture
requirements as directed by the AT&T Engineer. All fixtures shall be installed per the
manufactures guidelines.
5.2.3 Conduits should be securely fastened at 5’-0” intervals, and shall not exceed 6’-0”.
5.2.7 See ATT-TP-76400, Section 12, for approved conduit types.
5.2.16 Light fixtures in equipment areas shall be connected to PDSC lighting panels dedicated to
network lighting and supplied by essential AC Power.
5.2.17 Light fixtures in equipment areas shall be installed such that the lowest part of the fixture is at a
minimum height of 7’-3” when installed in a line-up of 7’-0” equipment frames. When the
existing auxiliary framing height prevents achieving the 7’-3” requirement, the installer shall
insure that the fixture is secured directly to the bottom of the low level framing.
5.3.5 The minimum time delay setting on switches and/or sensors shall be 10 minutes.
5.3.6 The minimum time delay setting on sensors shall be 10 minutes.
5.3.6 Lighting fixtures controlled by Motion Sensors shall not also have switches.
5.3.7 Emergency egress lighting shall not be controlled by Motion Sensors.
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Questions relative to this ERCN should be addressed to Serena Kwong at 510-796-1097
Serena Kwong
Associate Network Process and Quality Manager
Access the TP's on the Extranet Site -
Area Mgr Eng Network Quality
Implementation Eng & Common Systems
(Mike Cassidy)
Date: 11-24-14
Principal-Network Design Engineer (SME)
(Ed Williamson)
Date: 11-17-14
Release Approved
Associated Network Process & Quality Manager
(Serena Kwong)
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Date: 11-26-14