2011 racial harrassment - Front Street Primary School

Front Street Community Primary School
Racial Harassment Policy 2011
This policy is designed to prevent racial harassment of children, staff, parents/carers, governors and any
other person who uses or visits the premises. Everyone has the right to feel safe, comfortable and valued. It
is our duty to promote equality of opportunity and eliminate racial harassment and unlawful discrimination.
This document should be read in conjunction with the school’s race equality policy statement and policy on
equality of opportunity.
At Front Street Community Primary School, we are committed to providing an inclusive school where all
children have the opportunity to maximise their potential.
Staff should respond appropriately to children’s diverse needs and be aware of the needs of children
with differing: genders, special educational needs, disabilities and cultural ethnic and social
Teachers are aware of the need to overcome potential barriers to learning and the importance of
behaviour management as an aspect of this.
We are committed to the principle of equality of opportunity and this will be reflected in the conduct of
staff and pupils and how any incidents of racial harassment are managed within the school.
What is racial harassment?
Racial harassment is defined as any words or actions towards an individual or group which makes a person
feel frightened, humiliated, ridiculed and/or undermined in self-confidence and self-esteem because of their
colour, ethnic group, religion, nationality or cultural background.
Racial harassment can take many forms:
Name calling
Insults and slurs
Persistent teasing
Taking/ abusing belongings
Threats of violence
Exclusion from the group
Spreading rumours
Insulting graffiti
An incident of harassment is racially motivated if:
 It is perceived to be racist by the victim or any other person.
 The incident includes the use of racist language, comments or insults.
 The incident happened as a result of the victim’s race, colour, nationality, cultural or
ethnic background.
To understand what racial harassment is.
To provide clear guidance for dealing with racial harassment.
To make everyone associated with the school policy on racial harassment.
To provide a clear unambiguous procedure for dealing with incidents of racial harassment.
Supporting children or adults who believe they are being racially harassed.
Take all concerns seriously by:
 Listening carefully to complaints.
 Reinforcing the school’s rejection of racial harassment.
 Recording details of the incident.
 Reassure complainants that firm action will be taken against anyone who is racially
harassing them.
 Explaining that an investigation will take place and they will be informed of the outcome.
 Ensuring that actions, agreed as a result of the investigation, are carried out.
 Dealing with any health and safety issues immediately as necessary.
Always take all incidents, allegations or information seriously.
Report an incident immediately to the Head Teacher or Deputy Head Teacher and an
investigation should be initiated as soon as possible.
Fill in an online incident report form.
Provide advice and support to the complainant, including health and safety issues.
Contact the Civic Centre for appropriate advice.
Interview the alleged aggressor.
Offer advice and support to the aggressor.
Inform all parties of the outcome.
In the case of proven racial harassment take necessary disciplinary action informing both
sets of parents/carers as necessary.
Agree a review date and monitor aggressor’s behaviour in school.
Sanctions to be taken against racial harassers
Parent/carer, governor, other
Member of staff
In accordance with school’s behaviour policy
relating to serious incidents
In accordance with the school’s complaints
In accordance with LA’s disciplinary
Role of the Governing Body
Governors determine, support and review school policies. They support the aims of the policy by
making resources available wherever possible. Governors receive termly reports, which they use for
monitoring purposes.
Evaluation and Review
Next review: Spring 2012