Stratigraphic distribution of fossil chironomid taxa in the sediment

Fossil chironomid taxa in the sediment record of Crescent Island Crater (Lake Naivasha, Kenya) expressed in percent abundance of the full
chironomid assemblage; and biostratigraphic zonation of these assemblages using stratigraphically-constrained numerical clustering (Grimm,
E. CONISS: a FORTRAN 77 program for stratigraphically constrained cluster analysis by the method of incremental sum of squares.
Comput. Geosci. 13: 13–35 (1987)). Species labels include their salinity optima in reference lakes (Verschuren, D. Taxonomy and ecology
of fossil Chironomidae (Insecta, Diptera) from Rift Valley lakes in central Kenya. Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 107, 467–512 (1997)). Species
labeled with an asterisk were not used in the conductivity reconstruction shown in Fig. 1f of our Letter.