Sandra R

Sandra R. Cain
For Better Living
The Facts About Fiber
Fiber lowers risk of certain chronic diseases
With our grocery dollar shrinking more people are trying to be sure they're getting the most
nutrition for their money. One important nutritional guideline to remember is to include adequate
fiber in your diet to lower the risk of certain chronic diseases.
* Women younger than age 50 should aim for 25 grams per day and men need
38 grams.
* Once a person is over 50, the amount of fiber needed decreases because our
calorie needs decrease as we age. Women need 21 grams and men of the same
age need 30 grams.
Most Americans consume about half the recommended amount of fiber per day.
All fiber is not the same
Here's a rundown on the various kinds of fiber, their beneficial effects and sources:
* */Whole grain/* breads, cereals, fruits and vegetables have been
shown to lower the risk of diabetes and heart disease. Check the
ingredient label to be sure a whole grain is listed as the first
ingredient in packaged products. These foods are high in soluble
and insoluble fiber and also contribute to satiety which may help
with weight loss and weight maintenance.
* */Insoluble fiber/*, which is not broken down in the digestive
tract, is found in fruits and vegetables and in higher quantities
in whole grains. It can help prevent constipation and some studies
have shown insoluble fiber may decrease heart attacks by reducing
inflammation, blood pressure or reducing the risk of clots.
* */Soluble fiber/*, also in fruits, vegetables and whole grains, is
broken down during digestion. These gummy soluble fibers are
linked to lowering cholesterol.
"Isolated" vs. naturally occurring fiber”
Food manufacturers are adding fiber to foods that never had it before, such as yogurt, ice cream
and drink mixes. Consumers are led to believe these "isolated" fibers are equal to the fiber that
occurs naturally in food. There is no distinction on the nutrient facts label between naturally
occurring and isolated fiber.
* /Inulin, polydextrose and maltodextrin/ are soluble but they are
not viscous or gummy so they don't lower cholesterol or blood
sugar. Adding gummy fiber to just any food won't work either
because it could affect the texture by making the food gummy.
* /Polydextrose/ in amounts larger than 15 grams may cause a
laxative effect for some sensitive individuals.
*Load up your grocery cart with fruit, veggies and whole grains*
What's the best plan for a health conscious consumer? Eating foods with isolated fiber likely
won't hurt you but neither will they provide the benefits of consuming intact fiber either. Instead,
load up your grocery cart with fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Just don't replace naturally
occurring fiber with manufactured isolated fiber foods.
Consider replacing half of your refined grain foods like white bread and rolls, as recommended
by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, with naturally occurring high fiber grains. Experiment
in the kitchen and before you know it, healthful whole grains will become a dietary staple.
*Ideas to get more whole grain into your diet*
Here are some ideas to integrate more whole grain into your daily diet:
* Only 12 percent of Americans know that */popcorn/* is a whole
grain. Steer clear of buttery, highly salted microwave or movie
theater popcorn when choosing this quick-to-fix snack.
* An example of a new whole grain to look for is slightly */crunchy
quinoa/* which can be a great addition to the diet of those who
are wheat sensitive. As an added bonus, it's high in protein and
cooks quickly. Rinse the grain first to remove the bitter coating.
* Other whole grains which may be new to you include */spelt, teff,
kasha/* and */amaranth/*.
* Add */dry whole grains/* to boiling water in the proportions
specified in the directions and simmer until the liquid is
absorbed. To speed up cooking time consider pre-soaking whole
grains for a few hours before cooking
Source: Colorado Cooperative Extension
Hearty Beef Barley Soup
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper, divided
1 pound lean, boneless beef sirloin steak, cut into ½ inch cubes
1 tablespoon canola oil
2 cups sliced fresh mushrooms
2 cans reduced-sodium beef broth
2 medium carrots, sliced
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon dried thyme
1/2 cup quick-cooking barley
In a large resealable plastic bag, combine th flour, salt and 1/8 teaspoon pepper. Add beef and
shake to coat. In a Dutch oven, brown beef in oil over medium heat. Remove beef and set aside.
In the same pan, saute mushrooms until tender. Add the broth, carrots, garlic powder, thyme and
remaining pepper. Bring to a boil. Add barley and beef. Reduce heat. Cover and simmer over
low heat for 20 – 25 minutes until the meat, vegetables and barley are tender. Yield: 4 servings