Year 9: Global Warming/Acid Rain Enquiry (Level Marked)

Year 9: Global Warming/Acid Rain Enquiry (Level Marked)
Your aim is to investigate either global warming or acid rain. The following
questions and key words will help you focus your research.
Global Warming
Global warming is caused by the greenhouse effect (the way the Earth is able to
trap heat within its atmosphere).
What is the greenhouse effect?
Key words: solar energy, shortwave and longwave radiation, atmospheric gases.
What are the causes of global warming?
Key words: fossil fuels, deforestation, ranching.
What are the consequences of global warming?
Key words: global temperatures, polar ice caps, flooding, droughts.
How can we slow down global warming?
Key words: Agenda 21, Earth Summit, tree planting.
Acid Rain
Acid rain is the fall-out from the atmosphere of acidic compounds within rain.
What is acid rain?
Key words: pH, carbonic acid.
Which areas are affected by acid rain?
Key words: industrialised countries, Scandinavia, Canada, USA.
What are the causes of acid rain?
Key words: power stations, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, vehicles, rainfall.
What are the consequences of acid rain?
Key words: leaching of nutrients, dying forests and animals, pine needles,
contaminated water, chemical weathering of limestone.
How can acid rain be reduced?
Key words: filters, lime, emissions reduced, countries blaming each other for their
output of pollution.