8-18-10 PNWCG SC Mtg final notes.20100818

Pacific Northwest Coordination Group Steering Committee (PNWCG SC)
18 August 2010 @ Northwest Coordination Center (NWCC)
Final meeting notes
Attendees: Carl Gossard, BLM-SORO; Paul Bell, ODF; Pam Ensley, USFWS; Mark Gray, Tod Johnson, NPS;
Cory Winnie, BIA; Gary Seidel, Oregon Fire Chiefs; Chuck Duffy, WA Fire Marshal; Dan Johnson, WA Fire
Marshal, Mariana Ruiz-Temple, OR Fire Marshal (representing Jim Walker); Pat Kelly-Executive
Director/Facilitator; Jan Mathis, BLM-SORO, notetaker; presenters: Dan O’Brien and Dave Quinn, NWCC.
Summary of decisions and taskings
1. Program of Work – Strategic Directions 3, 4 and 5 were reviewed and updated.
2. Ken will write a task order for the OWT to implement Strategic Direction 3, Strategy E, Tactic 1 – Task
the OWT to work with the TWT, IC’s and governing boards to develop an IMT workforce data base
and to initiate an interagency succession plan for IMT’s
3. Carl will write a task order to obtain the information regarding Strategic Direction 3, Strategy E,
Tactic 2 – Utilize the PNWCG web site to disseminate information on the nature of wildland
firefighting and employment opportunities.
4. Ken will advise on the validity of Strategic Direction 4, Strategy A, Tactic 5 – Schedule time to discuss
implications of USFS “Doctrine” at PNWCG.
5. Carl will check with Dan O’Brien on Strategic Direction 5, Strategy C, Tactic 1.
6. Pat will inventory NWCC employees assigned to NWCG subunits.
Meeting called to order 0900 hrs
Leader’s Intent
Carl Gossard
We should find out today if we’re going to have a fire season.
Finalize Agenda
Pat Kelly
(Handout #1 – PNWCG August 18, 2010, agenda v1, 1 p)
Finalize July meeting notes
Jan Mathis
(Handout #2 – July 21, 2010 PNWCG SC Meeting draft notes, 7 pp)
Program of Work (Strategies 3/4/5)
Pat Kelly
(Handout #3 – Program of Work, PNWCG, July 2010, 7 pp)
Strategic Direction #3
Strategy A: Remove Tactic 3 as it is listed under Strategic Direction #2, Strategy B, Tactic 1.
Strategy B: Change status to Ongoing
PNWCG SC Meeting August 18, 2010 pg 1
Strategy C: This tactic is completed by adding Alan McMahen from OR State Fire Marshal’s office to
Strategy D: The web site will be revised to provide a location for agency specific fire fighter liability
Strategy E:
Tactic 1: Task liaison of TWT (Ken) to write a TO.
Tactic 2: Task PNWCG web site liaison (Carl) to write a TO.
There was discussion to open it up to the outside. Readdress at next POW review.
Tactic 3:
Tactic 4: Complete Tactic 4 prior to Tactic 3. Continue to look at the National IMT model.
Tactic 4 is a subset of Tactic 1. Reorganize them at next review.
Strategic Direction #4
Tactic 1: Potential agenda item for September.
Tactic 3: November 2010-2011
Tactic 4: Change status to: Review at next Annual POW review, not for implementation at this
Tactic 5: Check with Ken on status.
Tactic 6: Change “revised interpretation” to “updated guidance”
Tactic 8: Change status to: Accomplished
Tactic 9: Change status to: November 2010
Tactic 10: Change status to: Ongoing
Strategic Direction #5
Strategy A: To be briefed in September
Strategy B: Agenda item for September
Strategy C:
Tactic 1: Carl will check with Dan O’Brien with Predictive Services on products and how they’re
Tactic 2: Change status to: Ongoing Annually
PNWCG SC Meeting August 18, 2010 pg 2
Subgeographic entities review
Carl Gossard
(Handout #4 – Subgeographic Fire Management entities, v1, Aug 10, 2010, 1 p)
This is a report for the initial tasking for Strategic Direction #2 – Strategy B – Tactic 1 in the POW.
Propose the formation of a new Task Group to come up with common subgeographic delineations.
Goal for now is to find the checkpoints first before we proceed. Have a bigger discussion whether we want to
continue down this path.
In agreement for Carl to proceed, he will craft bring back two items for September’s meeting:
A “Case for Change” document for SC members to review. (looking for ways to improve). An inventory back for
further discussion.
Agenda item for September’s meeting - SC hasn’t addressed the lack of a dispatch work group.
Followup on Subgeographic MAC guidelines
(Handout #5 – PNWCG Sub-Geo MAC, NW Geographic Area, 3 pp)
Intent was to get an initial reaction from the different agencies.
New NWCC facility
(Handout #6 – NWCC New Location, 8 pp)
Dan O’Brien
Found a new location for NWCC, the address is: 150 SW Harrison, Portland, Oregon
South end of the downtown area, just outside the core business area. Very accessible. Close to mass transit. Brisk
15 minute walk from Robert Duncan Plaza. There’s a parking garage right underneath the building, will have to
pay to park.
Expected occupancy date is April 2011.
Break for lunch at 1200 hrs, reconvened at 1245 hrs
Review NWCG Org Chart
(Handout #7 – NWCG Org Chart, 1 p)
Pat Kelly / Carl Gossard
Find out who is on NWCG from our geographic area. This info can help us look at where we would want to be
placed strategically. This would address Strategic Direction #2, Strategy E, Tactic 2.
Hot Topics
OR Interagency T2 letter
Letter went out for 72-hour review. Ken will issue the letter when he gets back in town.
Quick update NWCG IMT
Pam Ensley
Sue Husari will be making a presentation to NWCG tomorrow on the different models and alternatives on IMT
successional planning. After that, they’ll get the word out to the field and solicit input. The mechanism will come
from NWCG on how to do this. Responses will be due back at the end of September, this may have been extended.
Pam will verify the response date and let Pat know.
Future agenda item to discuss the question: Do we want to have a consolidated response from PNWCG? Do we
want to get responses separately, or do a combo of both?
PNWCG SC Meeting August 18, 2010 pg 3
Berger Letter
Paul Bell
Ken sent a letter in response to Mr. Berger. Jan sent the letter by mail on Aug 17, 2010. Expect to hear more on
this issue.
NWCG Response ICS 224
Pat Kelly
(Handout #8 – New Crew Evaluation Form 224 2010 edits DRAFT 5.doc, 3 pp)
Per OWT Chair Randy Johnson, this Task Order is closed.
Web Letter
(Handout #9 – PNWCG Web Site, 2 pp)
Pat Kelly
 Agreed that the due date be set for Nov 1, 2010 for teams to get the following material posted:
 Council charter
 Meeting dates
 Meeting notes
 Only final notes from PNWCG SC Meetings will be posted.
 On Dec 1, 2010 Pat will ask each liaison how it’s going.
Crew Contract
Paul Bell
Decision was made to extend the 2009 crew contract agreement thru Dec 2011. Announcement will be made
through the state procurement process tomorrow.
+Free Parking
+Didn’t bog down on POW
+Geo MAC
Adjourned at 1330 hrs.
Handout #1 – PNWCG August 18, 2010, agenda v1, 1 p
Handout #2 – July 21, 2010 PNWCG SC Meeting draft notes, 7 pp
Handout #3 – Program of Work, PNWCG, July 2010, 7 pp
Handout #4 – Subgeographic Fire Management entities, 1 p
Handout #5 – PNWCG Sub-Geo MAC, NW Geographic Area, 3 pp
Handout #6 – NWCC New Location, 8 pp
Handout #7 – NWCG Org Chart, 1 p
Handout #8 – New Crew Evaluation Form 224 2010 edits DRAFT 5.doc, 3 pp
Handout #9 – PNWCG Website letter, 2 pp
Handout #10 – Meeting dates for CY 2010, 1 p
PNWCG SC Meeting August 18, 2010 pg 4