Diarrheel S

Sagiv Ben-Yakir DVM, MRCVS, BSc
The Academic College at Wingate Institute, ISRAEL
Netanya, ISRAEL
The young German physician, Dr. Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg, is just graduating from the
human medicine college at Bonn University. The year is 1928, for sure not an easy time in
Germany, economically as well as politically, but never the less he opens his own clinic in the
capital of the country, Berlin, but more than this, he begins practicing his own medical method
– Homotoxicology. He is making the following declaration:”I am writing and performing
something that is quite important to medicine. It will take a long time until it will be fully
recognized." He begun talking about the influence of environmental pollutants on his patients’
health, and keep it mind – the year is just 1928, long before the 60’s, when we begun our
environmental awareness. During the first years he was preparing (with his family) all the
remedies needed for his practice, but more and more German physicians begun using his
concept, so in order to stand for the increasing demands he established in 1935 a family
pharmaceutical company by the name “Heel” in order to supply the needs. (Heel is an
acronym of four Latin words: herba est ex luce or plants come from light). How such a young
physician (25 years old) facing an unstable period of his own country could find a peaceful
mind, the courage to establish his own medical concept, fully developing it in his own clinic
and at the center of the country, attracting so many admirers, and even to establish a
pharmaceutical company to support his own agenda. As it turned out, the young HansHeinrich Reckeweg was a son of a well-known family, all practicing different aspects of
conventional medicine. His own father suffered a serious kidney disease, and was cured by a
homeopath. The family now begun to study homeopathy and to practice it. In homeopathy
there is a great awareness for external influences as part of the daily routine of diagnostic
procedures. So no wonder that the young Reckeweg could think and develop his own thinking
about the influences of environmental pollutants on his patients, and enjoying his family’s
support for his ideas. As Reckeweg claimed, many human and animals diseases seemed to
be caused by exposure to toxins, both of external and internal nature (exogenous toxins as
viruses, bacteria, fungi, heat, cold, dampness, dryness, heavy metals, fumes etc or
endogenous toxins as emotions, different metabolites as free radicals, urea etc). He termed
this principle Homotoxicology, i.e., the study of toxins on humans. The presence of such
toxins was undeniable in view of the increasingly polluted environment and widespread
damaging lifestyle choices. Homotoxicolgy is a branch of medicine that seeks to identify the
toxins in the body, then aids the natural defense mechanisms in clearing the toxins out of the
body, thereby rendering the fluids, the matrix (connective tissue), and cells free of toxic
debris. Dr. Reckeweg’s theory says that “the organism is a flow-system attempting to maintain
the equilibrium of this flow.The biological flow can be disturbed by substances (toxins) that
tend to damage the organism.The organism attempts to defend itself against this threat: this
battle of the organism against toxins is the fundamental definition of a disease in
homtoxicolgy. Diseases are the expressions of the organism’s battle against toxins, its
attempt to counteract and expel them, or the expression of an organism’s efforts to
compensate for toxic damage which it has sustained”, and we might say Homotoxicosis =
In view of what I wrote so far we might ask: What are the objectives of homotoxicolgy
1) Avoid toxins (new & old ones; good old preventative medicine and a part of the new
therapeutic concept of ours).
2) Alleviate the clinical signs (without adding more new toxins).
3) If toxins are already present in us – “kick them out” of our systems.
4) Fix any damages done by the toxins.
5) Clean as deep as possible and remnants of old/residual toxins/re-toxins in us – to avoid recurrencies.
= five steps to be done in our therapeutic efforts
We can write it in another form:
1) Prevention of illness: toxins avoidance.
2) Symptoms management: alleviate clinical signs, reversion of symptoms, supporting forces
of spontaneous healing.
3) Detoxification: induction of toxins excretion, homotoxins elimination, excretory organs
activation (as liver, kidney, gastrointestinal, lymph system etc.
4) Regeneration: organic function strengthening, cellular function activation.
5) Immunomodulation: remove as deep as possible any remnants of old/residual toxins/retoxins in us – to avoid re-currencies.
As far as objective 1: Prevention of illness: toxins avoidance Take a good history including life style, check animal & its environment, consider different
tests (e.g. allergy tests), and accordingly begins to change things in animal life.
As far as objectives 2-5: we do not wish to add more toxins into the patient’s body…even in
a simple Aspirin tab/dose - 1,000 mg acetylsalicylic acid (mol wt 180.2) ~ 5.5 nmol or 10(20)
molecules,means that each of 10(14) patient cells are impacted by one million molecules of
an active ingredient = more toxins into the body…
We need to support the patient’s effort to be a disease-free animal (disease=loaded with
toxins = Homotoxicosis), to be an healthy animal free from toxins (health = a freedom from
homotoxins), and that without compounding its problems by adding more toxins to ones
already present in its body –So - Homotoxicology works with the weak stimuli that are
characteristic of homeopathic therapy = very small numbers of any molecules/toxins.
Drs. Rudolf Arndt & Hugo Schultz:” The strongest stimuli by a given drug in a too-largequantity (an over-dose) will suspend life’s functions, a strong stimuli might inhibit the biosystem, a moderately strong stimuli will accelerate life functions, but a weak stimuli will
stimulate life functions”.
Lets take a clinical case, a typical Parvo virus disease in a young dog:
In step 1 = Prevention of illness: toxins avoidance we need to take off from the animal
different materials that are on him (e.g. flee collar), wash him with clean warm water, put him
in a clean environment, stop feeding etc.
Shall I give I.V fluid? Yes, it is not a toxin (part of the normal homeostatic k-9 internal
We are going back at the end of Rx protocol to handle the issue of other toxins in the
animal’s body as antibiotics, anti-emetic, anti-diarrhea etc drugs that he had
In step 2 = Symptomatic remedy: alleviate clinical signs, reversion of symptoms, supporting
forces of spontaneous healing – need to open the veterinary index book and to look (as done
in homeopathy) for particulars – Bloody Diarrhea.
We look for remedies in bold letters:
Diarrheel S
Veratrum-Homaccord ad us. vet.
Other options under this section might be considered later as needed.
Diarrheel S in tabs – but Veratrum in drops or injection – much better for a dog with vomition
So – therapy for step 2 :
Veratrum-Homaccord 10 drops every 15 minutes for 2 hrs + 1 amp i.m s.i.d
Next - step 3:
Detoxification/toxins drainage: induction of toxins excretion, Homotoxins elimination, excretory
organs activation (as liver, kidney, intestines, lymph system, skin etc).
We need to say - the drainage remedies in homtoxicology are:
a) Tissue-specific de-tox/drainage remedies: for specific drainage of specific toxic tissue as
Hepar compositum for liver issues, or Discus comp’ for spine conditions, or Cutis comp’ for
skin problems, Solidago comp’ for urinary system, Zeel comp’ for joints etc.
b) Body system de-tox/drainages: as Engystol for viral diseases, or Echinacea comp’ for
bacterial malady etc.
c) Drainages for disease kinetics/stage: as Lymphomysot for per-acute/acute conditions,
Galium-Heel for sub-acute or sub-chronic conditions and Glyoxal comp’ for long lasting
For our specific case the options are:
1.Systemic drainage for viral infections - Engystol.
2.Specific tissue drainage as Mucosa comp’ for the GI.
3.Disease de-tox as Lymphomyosot for the acute situation.
Here you have to check the veterinary homotoxicology books again & you see that for Parvo
virus the recommendations are combination of 1+2 (see the dosage for the acute condition in
the book).
Therapy for step 4: Regeneration: organic function strengthening, cellular function activation.
So – we are asking:”What are the damaged tissues/organs in this specific animal look at the animal’s data again, and we see damages to intestines as well as liver.
In the book we find our option: Mucosa comp’, Hepar comp’, Colon suis-Injeel, Funiculus
umbilicalis suis-Injeel…and we do the proper dosing by injections and drops p.o.
Therapy for step 5: Immunomodulation – remove as deep as possible any remnants of
old/residual toxins/re-toxins to avoid re-currencies/complications etc.
Samuel Hahnemann wrote that we treat the easy-to-see causes of a disease, but we failed
to go deep down into the patient where there is also a fundamental cause for the disease.
If we are not going to treat the basic or fundamental cause - the disease will come back in
future time or cause other complications. He named this basic cause a Miasm(a),
a cloud or a fog in Greek.
He was talking a foggy cloud in each of us background. He wrote that there are 3 types of
It is our duty at the end of each case to look for them in the treated animal & finish up the
therapy by treating the deep down causes …and that’s what we named before –
“Immunomodulation – remove as deep as possible any remnants of old/residual toxins/retoxins to avoid re-currencies/complications etc.
The first miasma is Psora: psora count for ~ 85% of the conditions. The word is in the
Hebrew language and stands for scabies, leprosy & psoriasis. The condition, miasma, is
contracted by our ancestors, in uterus, or in early childhood. Psora stands for all the
exudative processes.
If we suppressed Psora expression (dermatitis on the skin by steroids), toxins and disease
will go from the skin into internal organs (e.g. from feline dermatitis into feline asthma) during
animal’s life, and this constitutional & structural tendency to suffer from specific diseases will
pass on to the next generations as well.
Drugs to be used for Psora are a few as Psorinum (a nosode of scabies) that called by Heel
Psorinoheel N, or sulphur etc.
The second miasm is Sycosis. Sykon in Greek is a fig, a proliferation of tissues from benign
to malignant one - e.g. as a skin wart, or osteophytes in hip dysplasia.
Therapy by Medorrhinum (a nosode from gonorrhea) named by Heel Medorrhinum-Injeel,
Thuja etc.
The third miasma – Syphilis. as the deterioration continues in the over-loaded body with
toxins, ulcerative tissue or tumoreous one will be produced.
Therapy is done Luesinum ( a nosode from a syphlitic ulcer), mercury etc.
In our specific case: therapy for step number 5 is:
Psorinoheel N
10 drops t.i.d for 3 days & one amp once a wk for 4 wks.
Just another short example to demonstrate the process:
K-9 Hip dysplasia 1) Prevention of illness: toxins avoidance - history, food, environment, bedding, tests etc.
2) Symptoms management: alleviate clinical signs, reversion of symptoms, supporting forces
of spontaneous healing – look in the books - Traumeel + Zeel
3) Detoxification: induction of toxins excretion, homotoxins elimination, excretory organs
activation - Galium-Heel or Glyoxal comp’ for long lasting conditions/the disease stage.
4) Regeneration: organic function strengthening, cellular function activation Discus comp‘, Cartilago suis-Injeel, Funiculus umbilicalis suis-Injeel
5) Immunomodulation: remove as deep as possible any remnants of old/residual toxins/retoxins in us – to avoid re-currencies - Medorrhinum-Injeel