Bottle Cap Collection Letter

Which Class Can Collect the
The only part of a plastic bottle that cannot be recycled in a facility is the cap.
I have an artistic idea for reusing plastic caps and would like to have classes create the projects next year.
But it will take HUNDREDS of caps of different colors and sizes for classes to complete the work.
The class that collects the most caps will be rewarded with an ICE CREAM PARTY!
Each class can begin saving plastic caps and bring them to art starting the week of May 10th.
Please have the class’ total number of collected caps for that week written on a piece of paper.
On Friday, June 11th, I will tally the total number of caps for each class and the winning group will have
an ice cream party during art the week of June 14th.
Acceptable plastic caps include those from drink bottles, laundry/cleaner products, milk/juice cartons,
sour cream/margarine containers, etc. PLEASE MAKE SURE THEY ARE CLEAN. 
We are looking for a variety of COLORS and SIZES! Get your family involved!
Thanks for your help! The Earth thanks you too!
Mrs. Donnelly 
Which Class Can Collect the
The only part of a plastic bottle that cannot be recycled in a facility is the cap.
I have an artistic idea for reusing plastic caps and would like to have classes create the projects next year.
But it will take HUNDREDS of caps of different colors and sizes for classes to complete the work.
The class that collects the most caps will be rewarded with an ICE CREAM PARTY!
Each class can begin saving plastic caps and bring them to art starting the week of May 10 th.
Please have the class’ total number of collected caps for that week written on a piece of paper.
On Friday, June 11th, I will tally the total number of caps for each class and the winning group will have
an ice cream party during art the week of June 14th.
Acceptable plastic caps include those from drink bottles, laundry/cleaner products, milk/juice cartons,
sour cream/margarine containers, etc. PLEASE MAKE SURE THEY ARE CLEAN. 
We are looking for a variety of COLORS and SIZES! Get your family involved!
Thanks for your help! The Earth thanks you too!
Mrs. Donnelly 