Item 12 - Waveney District Council

Normanston Park
Normanston Drive
NR32 2QB
4 May 2009
Deemed Council Development
Waveney District Council – Chris Ames
To install a concrete landscaped Skate/BMX park
Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s
Stationery Office © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may
lead to prosecution or civil proceedings.
This application is for a combined skatepark and BMX track within Normanston Park at the north
east corner of the park close to the roundabout with Peto Way. The various apparatus will be
manufactured from a solid concrete type material. There is police and youth organisation support
for the project.
Approval is recommended
The site is open parkland on sloping land running down from the roundabout at the junction of
Normanston Drive and Peto Way, and the lakeside. There are a number of small trees close to
the development site.
Construct a non-illuminated skatepark with solid concrete base.
Neighbour consultation/representations
Letters of support from 75 Normanston Park, 157 Normanston Drive and 12 Princes Walk
There are 15 email letters of support from skateboarders and individuals from further afield
Only one adverse comment has been received at the time of writing, however, the 21 day
consultation period has yet to expire. Any further objections will be reported to Members at the
Committee Meeting.
The objection currently received from 79 Normanston Drive, states that while proper use by
skateboarders is not objectionable, the skate-park is not located in the right place. Lighting from
the streetlights will permit use late into the night, with accompanying noise. The park use will
distract drivers on the nearby road leading to accidents.
The developer of the new bungalows to the west of the proposed application site does not object,
but is “pleased there will be no lighting planned”.
WDC - Parks (OS And Play Areas) were consulted on the 16 March 2009.
At the time of writing no reply has been received although the consultation period has yet to
expire, any reply will be reported to members at the committee meeting.
Environmental Health - Environmental Protection were consulted on the 16 March 2009.
A document outlining noise levels from this particular type of surfaced path was also supplied and
forwarded to Environmental Health. At the time of writing no reply has been received although the
consultation period has yet to expire, any reply will be reported to members at the committee
Environment Agency - Drainage wrote in response to a pre-application consultation on 31st
October 2009 having no objection to the proposal but suggesting that a sustainable drainage
system should be considered.
Suffolk Wildlife Trust
The Wildlife Trust responded to a pre-application consultation on 10th October 2008 to say that
there was no record of Biodiversity Action Plan protected species being likely to be affected by the
proposal or of a sensitive habitat being affected.
Natural England were consulted on the 16 March 2009.
At the time of writing no reply has been received although the consultation period has yet to
expire, any reply will be reported to members at the committee meeting.
WDC - Landscape Adviser were consulted on the 16 March 2009.
I met with applicant’s representative and others with regard to this application on 5th March 2009 I have no objection to this proposal in this location. However, this will mean the loss of 3 young
Horse Chestnut trees of relatively poor quality. I understand that Paul McDowell - Veitch - parks
tree officer - has also looked at this site and agreed these trees can be removed from the park.
The parks Department have offered to replant with Tulip trees and Raywood Ash. I also suggest
Liquid Amber, Cut leaf beech and Zelkova.
We shall be looking for 2 trees for every one removed so this will be six specimens in total and
sizes to be 85 litre pots.
There will also be smaller native planting to ' beef up ' the area from the roundabout and top /
sides of the park.
It will be necessary to agree to screen and soften the skate park from different angles and the
importance of screening from the new bungalows.
WDC - Asset Management were consulted on the 16 March 2009.
At the time of writing no reply has been received although the consultation period has yet to
expire, any reply will be reported to members at the committee meeting.
Police – Safer Neighbourhood team made a pre-application response on 23rd July 2008 saying
that much work had been done with young people leading to enable this development and to date
all consultations were positive with a strong commitment of all parties to work together. The police
fully support the proposal and will monitor the facility to ensure that any problems will be swiftly
The application has been the subject of the following press advertisement:
Potential Public
Beccles and Bungay
Potential Public
Lowestoft Journal
The following site notices have been displayed (in three locations on site:
WDC General Site Notice
Reason for site notice: Potential Public Interest, Date posted
20.03.2009 Expiry date 09.04.2009
Reference No
DC/09/0224/RG3 To install a concrete landscaped
Skate/BMX park
Planning Policy Guidance 17: Planning for Open Space, Sport and Recreation (2002)
The Waveney Play Strategy August 2008
CS02 High Quality Design (Adopted Core Strategy, January 2009)
CS04 Infrastructure (Adopted Core Strategy, January 2009)
CS06 Community Based Regeneration (Adopted Core Strategy, January 2009)
DC1 Neighbour amenity (Waveney Interim Local Plan, May 2004)
DC3 Community safety (Waveney Interim Local Plan, May 2004)
DC7 Landscaping scheme with new developments (Waveney Interim Local Plan, May 2004)
OS6 Recreation facilities (Waveney Local Plan, Adopted November 1996)
Policy and Strategy:
The Waveney Open Space Needs Assessment, by the MORI Social Research Institute in 2001,
highlighted that adults ranked ‘activities for young people’ as the single most requested
improvement in local services and informed the Waveney Play Strategy August 2008
Older children share their parents’ concern about anti-social behaviour and are discouraged from
using some locations by the presence of aggressive or threatening young people. Older young
people raise concerns about lack of recreational opportunity, and want a much better range of
provision for their recreational needs; the skate park in Halesworth is popular not just for exercise,
but also for "hanging out" even for non-skaters, and the children themselves say the skatepark
"keeps them out of trouble".
Crime and the fear of Crime
Policy CS02 of the Core Strategy calls for safe, healthy and accessible environments. DC3 of the
Interim plan calls for design that prevents crime and reduces the fear of crime.
The police Safer Neighbourhood Officer cites the success of the Blundeston skate-park in
providing activities for young people from a wide geographic area. A meeting with year 10 pupils
at Denes High school produced an "overwhelming" request for a skate-park, and the police
characterised the attitude as to use and maintain such a park as "admirable". It is considered
therefore that the facility offers a structured activity that will be respected by its users.
Additional planting agreed informally with the Landscape Officer will need to be of species and
locations to prevent any loss of surveillance of the park. The location of the facility has been
specifically chosen by the applicant to maximise casual “natural surveillance”, thereby preventing
Pre-application consultation
CS04 of Core Strategy recommends Community involvement in Infrastructure projects such as
Community facilities
A comprehensive pre-application consultation was undertaken. During the public consultation
events on 7th, 10th and 11th of February, attending members of the community were asked to
complete a survey to show either their support or opposition for the project along with some
relevant questions on future usage of the facility and its impact.
One hundred and three members of the community completed the survey, all supported the
project and are residents of Lowestoft and the surrounding area with ages ranging from 4 to 62.
Main interests in the project varied from Skateboarders, BMX riders, In-line skaters, Parents and
Residents to Sports Club Members.
Location for travel by non-car modes
The park is well connected to the cycle and footway networks, and good levels of car parking are
Impact on existing flora
Policy DC7 Landscaping scheme with new developments (Waveney Interim Local Plan, May
2004) requires appropriate Landscape Design with schemes. The Landscape Officer has
informally agreed specific replanting of a two for one basis, together with screen planting between
the new bungalow and the park, though the nearest residential property is over 50m away.
It is considered that this level of planting will represent an improvement in the flora within the park.
A condition regarding the written submission of details of planting to be finalised before works
commence is considered necessary and will enable input from the police in ensuring that planting
does not serve to screen anti-social behaviour.
Impact on existing fauna
The Wildlife Trust wrote on 10th October 2008 to say that there was no record of Biodiversity
Action Plan protected species being likely to be affected by the proposal or of a sensitive habitat
being affected.
Constitution and organisation of Skateboard club:
For the good functioning in the long term of the skate-park it is considered appropriate that there is
a formal users group: EAST (Extreme Adrenaline Sports Together) is a constituted group resulting
from the pro-active involvement of the local skate and BMX community in this project. The chair
(Nigel Pinnick-Smith) is a teacher at Benjamin Britten High School who is a long time skater.
The committee is of 6 to 8 members and 20 general members. There are two events officers
within EAST's committee who will be responsible for assisting with the opening event and future
fundraising activities. Ash Lever is one of these. Ash owns and runs the local Skate Board shop in
Beccles and is well known by the local skate community. Ash has lots of contacts as regards to
skate/BMX companies and sponsors and is ideal for the position.
Ongoing maintenance: While not strictly a planning concern, is considered to be minimal in nature
because of the solid form of construction used.
Response to objection
The play co-ordinator considers that the level of “over-spill lighting” from streetlights is not
sufficient to enable the park’s use after dark.
It was agreed by the strategic project management group however, that if 'spill lighting' is deemed
to be at objectionable levels from the Peto Way street lights, then the team will liaise with SCC
highways to put up shields onto the luminaires to block the light from the park. A condition to
require liaison with the County Council’s Lighting engineer before the construction of the park is
commenced is suggested.
It is considered that the proposed activity in the park does not increase the possibility of driver
distraction over and above existing activities within the park
Approve with a condition to submit details of new compensating planting and cycle parking to the
Local Planning Authority in writing prior to the commencement of works and for analysis and
remediation of light spillage levels from existing streetlights be made and submitted in writing and
be approved by the Local Planning Authority in writing prior to the commencement of works
Case File DC/09/0224/RG3 held in Planning Office, Mariners
Street, Lowestoft.
Chris Green, Area Planning Officer (Lowestoft), , 01502 523022