Chapter 13-Guided Tour

Name ___________________________ Date ________________________ Hour ____
Chapter 13-Eureopean Middle Ages
Guided Tour
1. Page 352
How many days of work do peasants owe land owners for each week of farming their
2. Page 352
Whose permission did a peasant need in order to get married?
3. Page 354
Who wrote the illuminated manuscripts?
4. Page 355
In his book what type of balance did Benedict emphasize?
5. Page 355
When Scholastica died in 543 who was she buried with?
6. Page 357
Which 7th century leader is pictured here?
7. Page 359
According to the map which country did the Vikings originally sail from?
8. Page361
In which ways are the European and Japanese feudal system the same? How are they
9. Page 362
Where did the lord of the land, his family and servants live?
10. Page 362
What was the lord’s demesne?
11. Page 362
Where did field workers go to grind the grain they had harvested?
12. Page 362
Where did people living on the manor go for fuel? What was the main source?
13. Page 363
What are these 14th century men doing?
Name ___________________________ Date ________________________ Hour ____
14. Page 364
What were the iron spikes pictured on the page used for?
15. Page 365
What role does this painting represent the “spirit” of?
16. Page 366
What device did med-evil warriors use in order to crack castle walls or knock down
draw bridges?
17. Page 366
Which weapon was used in propelling objects over the castle walls? What were some
things they would throw?
18. Page 366
What did warriors use to shield themselves from falling arrows?
19. Page 367
What are some modern films based off of epic poems?
20. Page 368
What is the difference between how a peasant woman and a noble woman begins
their day?
21. Page 369
What are the women in the manuscript demonstrating?
22. Page 370
What does the pope’s tiara symbolize?
23. Page 371
According to the med-evil church what are two superstitions one must follow?
24. Page 372
Which dominant empire is show in purple?
25. Page 373
Who does this manuscript represent at the height of his power?